public void eventDispatched(final AWTEvent event) { if (event.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED) { if (myCancelOnWindow && myPopup != null && !myPopup.isPopupWindow(((WindowEvent) event).getWindow())) { cancel(); } } else if (event.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED) { if (withinPopup(event)) { myEverEntered = true; } } else if (event.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED) { if (myCancelOnMouseOutCallback != null && myEverEntered && !withinPopup(event)) { if (myCancelOnMouseOutCallback.check((MouseEvent) event)) { cancel(); } } } }
@Override protected void focusedComponentChanged(final Component component, final AWTEvent cause) { EditorWindow newWindow = null; if (component != null) { newWindow = findWindowWith(component); } else if (cause instanceof ContainerEvent && cause.getID() == ContainerEvent.COMPONENT_REMOVED) { // do not change current window in case of child removal as in JTable.removeEditor // otherwise Escape in a toolwindow will not focus editor with JTable content return; } setCurrentWindow(newWindow); setCurrentWindow(newWindow, false); }