public UpdateOrStatusOptionsDialog(Project project, Map<Configurable, AbstractVcs> confs) {
   myProject = project;
   if (confs.size() == 1) {
     myMainPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
     final Configurable configurable = confs.keySet().iterator().next();
     addComponent(confs.get(configurable), configurable, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     myMainPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(10), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
   } else {
     myMainPanel = new JBTabbedPane();
     final ArrayList<AbstractVcs> vcses = new ArrayList<>(confs.values());
         new Comparator<AbstractVcs>() {
           public int compare(final AbstractVcs o1, final AbstractVcs o2) {
             return o1.getDisplayName().compareTo(o2.getDisplayName());
     Map<AbstractVcs, Configurable> vcsToConfigurable = revertMap(confs);
     for (AbstractVcs vcs : vcses) {
       addComponent(vcs, vcsToConfigurable.get(vcs), vcs.getDisplayName());
Example #2
  private static VirtualFile guessRootForVcs(
      @NotNull Project project, @Nullable AbstractVcs vcs, @Nullable String defaultRootPathValue) {
    if (project.isDisposed()) return null;
    LOG.debug("Guessing vcs root...");
    ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(project);
    if (vcs == null) {
      LOG.debug("Vcs not found.");
      return null;
    String vcsName = vcs.getDisplayName();
    VirtualFile[] vcsRoots = vcsManager.getRootsUnderVcs(vcs);
    if (vcsRoots.length == 0) {
      LOG.debug("No " + vcsName + " roots in the project.");
      return null;

    if (vcsRoots.length == 1) {
      VirtualFile onlyRoot = vcsRoots[0];
      LOG.debug("Only one " + vcsName + " root in the project, returning: " + onlyRoot);
      return onlyRoot;

    // get remembered last visited repository root
    if (defaultRootPathValue != null) {
      VirtualFile recentRoot = VcsUtil.getVirtualFile(defaultRootPathValue);
      if (recentRoot != null) {
        LOG.debug("Returning the recent root: " + recentRoot);
        return recentRoot;

    // otherwise return the root of the project dir or the root containing the project dir, if there
    // is such
    VirtualFile projectBaseDir = project.getBaseDir();
    if (projectBaseDir == null) {
      VirtualFile firstRoot = vcsRoots[0];
      LOG.debug("Project base dir is null, returning the first root: " + firstRoot);
      return firstRoot;
    VirtualFile rootCandidate;
    for (VirtualFile root : vcsRoots) {
      if (root.equals(projectBaseDir) || VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(root, projectBaseDir, true)) {
        LOG.debug("The best candidate: " + root);
        return root;
    rootCandidate = vcsRoots[0];
    LOG.debug("Returning the best candidate: " + rootCandidate);
    return rootCandidate;