public String getPresentableName() { if (myJdk != null) { return "< " + myJdk.getName() + " >"; } else { return "< " + getJdkName() + " >"; } }
private static void fillSdks(List<GlobalLibrary> globals) { for (Sdk sdk : ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks()) { final String name = sdk.getName(); final String homePath = sdk.getHomePath(); if (homePath == null) { continue; } final SdkAdditionalData data = sdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); final String additionalDataXml; final SdkType sdkType = (SdkType) sdk.getSdkType(); if (data == null) { additionalDataXml = null; } else { final Element element = new Element("additional"); sdkType.saveAdditionalData(data, element); additionalDataXml = JDOMUtil.writeElement(element, "\n"); } final List<String> paths = convertToLocalPaths(sdk.getRootProvider().getFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES)); String versionString = sdk.getVersionString(); if (versionString != null && sdkType instanceof JavaSdk) { final JavaSdkVersion version = ((JavaSdk) sdkType).getVersion(versionString); if (version != null) { versionString = version.getDescription(); } } globals.add( new SdkLibrary( name, sdkType.getName(), versionString, homePath, paths, additionalDataXml)); } }
private void addCreatedSdk(@Nullable final Sdk sdk, boolean newVirtualEnv) { if (sdk != null) { final PySdkService sdkService = PySdkService.getInstance(); sdkService.restoreSdk(sdk); boolean isVirtualEnv = PythonSdkType.isVirtualEnv(sdk); if (isVirtualEnv && !newVirtualEnv) { AddVEnvOptionsDialog dialog = new AddVEnvOptionsDialog(myMainPanel);; if (dialog.getExitCode() != DialogWrapper.OK_EXIT_CODE) { return; } SdkModificator modificator = myModificators.get(sdk); setSdkAssociated(modificator, !dialog.makeAvailableToAll()); myModifiedModificators.add(modificator); } final Sdk oldSdk = myProjectSdksModel.findSdk(sdk); if (oldSdk == null) { myProjectSdksModel.addSdk(sdk); } refreshSdkList(); mySdkList.setSelectedValue(myProjectSdksModel.findSdk(sdk.getName()), true); mySdkListChanged = true; } }
public void jdkAdded(Sdk jdk) { if (myJdk == null && getJdkName().equals(jdk.getName())) { myJdk = jdk; setJdkName(null); setJdkType(null); updateFromRootProviderAndSubscribe(getRootProvider()); } }
public void rebuildSdksListAndSelectSdk(final Sdk selectedSdk) { final List<Sdk> sdks = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getSdksOfType(AndroidSdkType.getInstance()); final JComboBox sdksComboBox = getComboBox(); sdksComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(sdks.toArray())); if (selectedSdk != null) { for (Sdk candidateSdk : sdks) { if (candidateSdk != null && candidateSdk.getName().equals(selectedSdk.getName())) { sdksComboBox.setSelectedItem(candidateSdk); return; } } } sdksComboBox.setSelectedItem(null); }
public void jdkNameChanged(Sdk jdk, String previousName) { if (myJdk == null && getJdkName().equals(jdk.getName())) { myJdk = jdk; setJdkName(null); setJdkType(null); updateFromRootProviderAndSubscribe(getRootProvider()); } }
public void jdkRemoved(Sdk jdk) { if (jdk == myJdk) { setJdkName(myJdk.getName()); setJdkType(myJdk.getSdkType().getName()); myJdk = null; updateFromRootProviderAndSubscribe(getRootProvider()); } }
public String getJdkName() { if (myJdkName != null) return myJdkName; Sdk jdk = getJdk(); if (jdk != null) { return jdk.getName(); } return null; }
public boolean isModified() { Sdk projectSdk = getSdk(); if (projectSdk != null) { projectSdk = myProjectSdksModel.findSdk(projectSdk.getName()); } return getSelectedSdk() != projectSdk || mySdkListChanged || myProjectSdksModel.isModified() || !myModifiedModificators.isEmpty(); }
@NotNull private static Sdk getJdk( @Nullable Project project, MavenRunnerSettings runnerSettings, boolean isGlobalRunnerSettings) throws ExecutionException { String name = runnerSettings.getJreName(); if (name.equals(MavenRunnerSettings.USE_INTERNAL_JAVA)) { return JavaAwareProjectJdkTableImpl.getInstanceEx().getInternalJdk(); } if (name.equals(MavenRunnerSettings.USE_PROJECT_JDK)) { if (project != null) { Sdk res = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); if (res != null) { return res; } } if (project == null) { Sdk recent = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().findMostRecentSdkOfType(JavaSdk.getInstance()); if (recent != null) return recent; return JavaAwareProjectJdkTableImpl.getInstanceEx().getInternalJdk(); } throw new ProjectJdkSettingsOpenerExecutionException( "Project JDK is not specified. <a href='#'>Configure</a>", project); } if (name.equals(MavenRunnerSettings.USE_JAVA_HOME)) { final String javaHome = System.getenv(JAVA_HOME); if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(javaHome)) { throw new ExecutionException(RunnerBundle.message("")); } final Sdk jdk = JavaSdk.getInstance().createJdk("", javaHome); if (jdk == null) { throw new ExecutionException(RunnerBundle.message("", javaHome)); } return jdk; } for (Sdk projectJdk : ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks()) { if (projectJdk.getName().equals(name)) { return projectJdk; } } if (isGlobalRunnerSettings) { throw new ExecutionException( RunnerBundle.message("", name)); } else { throw new ExecutionException(RunnerBundle.message("", name)); } }
@Override public void consume(@Nullable AbstractProjectSettingsStep settingsStep) { if (myRunnable != null) {; } if (settingsStep == null) return; Sdk sdk = settingsStep.getSdk(); final Project project = ProjectManager.getInstance().getDefaultProject(); final ProjectSdksModel model = PyConfigurableInterpreterList.getInstance(project).getModel(); if (sdk instanceof PyDetectedSdk) { final String name = sdk.getName(); VirtualFile sdkHome = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( new Computable<VirtualFile>() { @Override public VirtualFile compute() { return LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(name); } }); PySdkService.getInstance().solidifySdk(sdk); sdk = SdkConfigurationUtil.setupSdk( ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks(), sdkHome, PythonSdkType.getInstance(), true, null, null); model.addSdk(sdk); settingsStep.setSdk(sdk); try { model.apply(); } catch (ConfigurationException exception) { LOG.error("Error adding detected python interpreter " + exception.getMessage()); } } Project newProject = generateProject(project, settingsStep); if (newProject != null) { SdkConfigurationUtil.setDirectoryProjectSdk(newProject, sdk); final List<Sdk> sdks = PythonSdkType.getAllSdks(); for (Sdk s : sdks) { final SdkAdditionalData additionalData = s.getSdkAdditionalData(); if (additionalData instanceof PythonSdkAdditionalData) { ((PythonSdkAdditionalData) additionalData).reassociateWithCreatedProject(newProject); } } } }
public void updateJdks(Sdk sdk, String previousName) { final Sdk[] sdks = _sdkModel.getSdks(); for (Sdk currentSdk : sdks) { if (currentSdk.getSdkType().equals(GosuSdkType.getInstance())) { final GosuSdkAdditionalData data = (GosuSdkAdditionalData) currentSdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); final Sdk internalJava = data != null ? data.getJavaSdk() : null; if (internalJava != null && Comparing.equal(internalJava.getName(), previousName)) { data.setJavaSdk(sdk); } } } updateJdks(); }
@NotNull public static String createUniqueSdkName( @NotNull String suggestedName, @NotNull Collection<Sdk> sdks) { final Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); for (Sdk jdk : sdks) { names.add(jdk.getName()); } String newSdkName = suggestedName; int i = 0; while (names.contains(newSdkName)) { newSdkName = suggestedName + " (" + (++i) + ")"; } return newSdkName; }
private void refreshSdkList() { final List<Sdk> pythonSdks = myInterpreterList.getAllPythonSdks(myProject); Sdk projectSdk = getSdk(); if (!myShowOtherProjectVirtualenvs) { VirtualEnvProjectFilter.removeNotMatching(myProject, pythonSdks); } //noinspection unchecked mySdkList.setModel(new CollectionListModel<Sdk>(pythonSdks)); mySdkListChanged = false; if (projectSdk != null) { projectSdk = myProjectSdksModel.findSdk(projectSdk.getName()); mySdkList.clearSelection(); mySdkList.setSelectedValue(projectSdk, true); mySdkList.updateUI(); } }
private boolean isDuplicateSdkName(String s, Sdk sdk) { for (Sdk existingSdk : myProjectSdksModel.getSdks()) { if (existingSdk == sdk) { continue; } String existingName; if (myModificators.containsKey(existingSdk)) { existingName = myModificators.get(existingSdk).getName(); } else { existingName = existingSdk.getName(); } if (existingName.equals(s)) { return true; } } return false; }
public boolean isModified() { Sdk sdk = myCompilationServerSdk.getSelectedJdk(); String sdkName = sdk == null ? null : sdk.getName(); if (showTypeInfoOnCheckBox.isSelected() != mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_ON_MOUSE_HOVER) return true; if (!delaySpinner.getValue().equals(mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_DELAY)) return true; return !(myEnableCompileServer.isSelected() == mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_ENABLED && myCompilationServerPort.getText().equals(mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_PORT) && ComparatorUtil.equalsNullable(sdkName, mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_SDK) && myCompilationServerMaximumHeapSize .getText() .equals(mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE) && myCompilationServerJvmParameters .getText() .equals(mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_JVM_PARAMETERS) && myIncrementalTypeCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem().equals(mySettings.INCREMENTAL_TYPE) && myCompileOrderCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem().equals(mySettings.COMPILE_ORDER)); }
@Override public void customize(JList list, Object item, int index, boolean selected, boolean hasFocus) { if (item instanceof Sdk) { Sdk sdk = (Sdk) item; final PythonSdkFlavor flavor = PythonSdkFlavor.getPlatformIndependentFlavor(sdk.getHomePath()); final Icon icon = flavor != null ? flavor.getIcon() : ((SdkType) sdk.getSdkType()).getIcon(); String name; if (mySdkModifiers != null && mySdkModifiers.containsKey(sdk)) { name = mySdkModifiers.get(sdk).getName(); } else { name = sdk.getName(); } if (name.startsWith("Remote")) { final String trimmedRemote = StringUtil.trim(name.substring("Remote".length())); if (!trimmedRemote.isEmpty()) name = trimmedRemote; } final String flavorName = flavor == null ? "Python" : flavor.getName(); if (name.startsWith(flavorName)) name = StringUtil.trim(name.substring(flavorName.length())); if (isShortVersion) { name = shortenName(name); } if (PythonSdkType.isInvalid(sdk)) { setText("[invalid] " + name); setIcon(wrapIconWithWarningDecorator(icon)); } else if (PythonSdkType.isIncompleteRemote(sdk)) { setText("[incomplete] " + name); setIcon(wrapIconWithWarningDecorator(icon)); } else if (sdk instanceof PyDetectedSdk) { setText(name); setIcon(IconLoader.getTransparentIcon(icon)); } else { setText(name); setIcon(icon); } } else if (SEPARATOR.equals(item)) setSeparator(); else if (item == null) setText(myNullText); }
@Override protected void doCustomize( final JList list, final Sdk sdk, final int index, final boolean selected, final boolean hasFocus) { if (sdk != null) { // icon setIcon(getSdkIcon(sdk)); // text append(sdk.getName()); if (myShowHomePath) { append( " (" + FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(sdk.getHomePath()) + ")", selected ? SimpleTextAttributes.REGULAR_ATTRIBUTES : SimpleTextAttributes.GRAYED_ATTRIBUTES); } } else { append(myNullText); } }
public void apply() throws ConfigurationException { mySettings.INCREMENTAL_TYPE = (String) myIncrementalTypeCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem(); mySettings.COMPILE_ORDER = (String) myCompileOrderCmb.getModel().getSelectedItem(); mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_ENABLED = myEnableCompileServer.isSelected(); mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_PORT = myCompilationServerPort.getText(); Sdk sdk = myCompilationServerSdk.getSelectedJdk(); mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_SDK = sdk == null ? null : sdk.getName(); mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE = myCompilationServerMaximumHeapSize.getText(); mySettings.COMPILE_SERVER_JVM_PARAMETERS = myCompilationServerJvmParameters.getText(); mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_ON_MOUSE_HOVER = showTypeInfoOnCheckBox.isSelected(); mySettings.SHOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP_DELAY = (Integer) delaySpinner.getValue(); // TODO // boolean externalCompiler = // CompilerWorkspaceConfiguration.getInstance(myProject).USE_COMPILE_SERVER; // // if (!externalCompiler || !myEnableCompileServer.isSelected()) { // myProject.getComponent(CompileServerLauncher.class).stop(); // } // myProject.getComponent(CompileServerManager.class).configureWidget(); }
@Override public void projectOpened() { for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(myProject).getModules()) { MPSFacet moduleMPSFacet = FacetManager.getInstance(module).getFacetByType(MPSFacetType.ID); if (moduleMPSFacet == null) continue; final Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk(); if (sdk == null) continue; // HACK temporary if (sdk.getName().equals("1.6")) continue; if (mySdkSolutions.get(sdk) == null) { ModelAccess.instance() .runWriteAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Solution solution = addSolution(sdk); mySdkSolutions.put(sdk, solution); } }); } } }
public void init(@NotNull Sdk jdk, @Nullable Sdk androidSdk) { updateJdks(); // if (androidSdk != null) { // for (int i = 0; i < myJdksModel.getSize(); i++) { // if (Comparing.strEqual(((Sdk) myJdksModel.getElementAt(i)).getName(), jdk.getName())) // { // myInternalJdkComboBox.setSelectedIndex(i); // break; // } // } // } String strSdkLocation = androidSdk != null ? androidSdk.getHomePath() : null; this._sdk = jdk; _editCurrentJdk.setText(jdk.getName() + " (" + jdk.getHomePath() + ")"); SdkAdditionalData sdkAdditionalData = androidSdk == null ? null : androidSdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); if (sdkAdditionalData instanceof GosuSdkAdditionalData) { GosuSdkAdditionalData gosuSdkData = (GosuSdkAdditionalData) sdkAdditionalData; GosuVersion version = gosuSdkData.getGosuVersion(); _fieldGosuVersion.setText(version != null ? version.toString() : ""); } // updateBuildTargets(androidSdkObject); // if (buildTarget != null) { // for (int i = 0; i < myBuildTargetsModel.getSize(); i++) { // IGosuTarget target = (IGosuTarget) myBuildTargetsModel.getElementAt(i); // if (buildTarget.hashString().equals(target.hashString())) { // myBuildTargetComboBox.setSelectedIndex(i); // break; // } // } // } }
@Override public boolean setupSdkPaths(@NotNull Sdk sdk, @NotNull SdkModel sdkModel) { final List<String> javaSdks = Lists.newArrayList(); final Sdk[] sdks = sdkModel.getSdks(); for (Sdk jdk : sdks) { if (Jdks.isApplicableJdk(jdk)) { javaSdks.add(jdk.getName()); } } if (javaSdks.isEmpty()) { Messages.showErrorDialog( AndroidBundle.message(""), "No Java SDK Found"); return false; } MessageBuildingSdkLog log = new MessageBuildingSdkLog(); AndroidSdkData sdkData = getSdkData(sdk); if (sdkData == null) { String errorMessage = !log.getErrorMessage().isEmpty() ? log.getErrorMessage() : AndroidBundle.message("cannot.parse.sdk.error"); Messages.showErrorDialog(errorMessage, "SDK Parsing Error"); return false; } IAndroidTarget[] targets = sdkData.getTargets(); if (targets.length == 0) { if (Messages.showOkCancelDialog( AndroidBundle.message(""), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle(), "Open SDK Manager", Messages.CANCEL_BUTTON, Messages.getErrorIcon()) == Messages.OK) { RunAndroidSdkManagerAction.runSpecificSdkManager(null, sdkData.getLocation()); } return false; } String[] targetNames = new String[targets.length]; String newestPlatform = null; AndroidVersion version = null; for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { IAndroidTarget target = targets[i]; String targetName = getTargetPresentableName(target); targetNames[i] = targetName; if (target.isPlatform() && (version == null || target.getVersion().compareTo(version) > 0)) { newestPlatform = targetName; version = target.getVersion(); } } AndroidNewSdkDialog dialog = new AndroidNewSdkDialog( null, javaSdks, javaSdks.get(0), Arrays.asList(targetNames), newestPlatform != null ? newestPlatform : targetNames[0]); if (!dialog.showAndGet()) { return false; } String name = javaSdks.get(dialog.getSelectedJavaSdkIndex()); Sdk jdk = sdkModel.findSdk(name); IAndroidTarget target = targets[dialog.getSelectedTargetIndex()]; String sdkName = chooseNameForNewLibrary(target); setUpSdk(sdk, sdkName, sdks, target, jdk, true); return true; }
public String getName() { return myDelegate.getName(); }
@Override public boolean setupSdkPaths(Sdk sdk, SdkModel sdkModel) { final List<String> javaSdks = new ArrayList<String>(); final Sdk[] sdks = sdkModel.getSdks(); for (Sdk jdk : sdks) { if (AndroidSdkUtils.isApplicableJdk(jdk)) { javaSdks.add(jdk.getName()); } } if (javaSdks.isEmpty()) { Messages.showErrorDialog( AndroidBundle.message(""), "No Java SDK Found"); return false; } int choice = Messages.showChooseDialog( "Please select Java SDK", "Select Internal Java Platform", ArrayUtil.toStringArray(javaSdks), javaSdks.get(0), Messages.getQuestionIcon()); if (choice == -1) { return false; } final String name = javaSdks.get(choice); final Sdk jdk = sdkModel.findSdk(name); MessageBuildingSdkLog log = new MessageBuildingSdkLog(); AndroidSdkData sdkData = AndroidSdkData.parse(sdk.getHomePath(), log); if (sdkData == null) { String errorMessage = log.getErrorMessage().length() > 0 ? log.getErrorMessage() : AndroidBundle.message("cannot.parse.sdk.error"); Messages.showErrorDialog(errorMessage, "SDK Parsing Error"); return false; } IAndroidTarget[] targets = sdkData.getTargets(); if (targets.length == 0) { Messages.showErrorDialog( AndroidBundle.message(""), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle()); return false; } String[] targetNames = new String[targets.length]; String newestPlatform = null; AndroidVersion version = null; for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { IAndroidTarget target = targets[i]; String targetName = AndroidSdkUtils.getTargetPresentableName(target); targetNames[i] = targetName; if (target.isPlatform() && (version == null || target.getVersion().compareTo(version) > 0)) { newestPlatform = targetName; version = target.getVersion(); } } choice = Messages.showChooseDialog( "Select build target", "Create New Android SDK", targetNames, newestPlatform != null ? newestPlatform : targetNames[0], Messages.getQuestionIcon()); if (choice == -1) { return false; } AndroidSdkUtils.setUpSdk(sdk, jdk, sdks, targets[choice], true); return true; }
public ActionCallback select(@NotNull Sdk sdk, final boolean requestFocus) { Place place = createPlaceFor(myJdkListConfig); place.putPath(BaseStructureConfigurable.TREE_NAME, sdk.getName()); return navigateTo(place, requestFocus); }
@NotNull @Override protected ProcessOutput getPythonProcessOutput( @NotNull String helperPath, @NotNull List<String> args, boolean askForSudo, boolean showProgress, @Nullable final String workingDir) throws ExecutionException { final Sdk sdk = getSdk(); final String homePath = sdk.getHomePath(); if (homePath == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Cannot find Python interpreter for SDK " + sdk.getName()); } final SdkAdditionalData sdkData = sdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); if (sdkData instanceof PyRemoteSdkAdditionalDataBase) { // remote interpreter final PythonRemoteInterpreterManager manager = PythonRemoteInterpreterManager.getInstance(); RemoteSdkCredentials remoteSdkCredentials; if (CaseCollector.useRemoteCredentials((PyRemoteSdkAdditionalDataBase) sdkData)) { try { remoteSdkCredentials = ((RemoteSdkAdditionalData) sdkData).getRemoteSdkCredentials(false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e); remoteSdkCredentials = null; } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw analyzeException(e, helperPath, args); } if (manager != null && remoteSdkCredentials != null) { if (askForSudo) { askForSudo = !manager.ensureCanWrite( null, remoteSdkCredentials, remoteSdkCredentials.getInterpreterPath()); } } else { throw new PyExecutionException( PythonRemoteInterpreterManager.WEB_DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN_IS_DISABLED, helperPath, args); } } if (manager != null) { final List<String> cmdline = new ArrayList<String>(); cmdline.add(homePath); cmdline.add(RemoteFile.detectSystemByPath(homePath).createRemoteFile(helperPath).getPath()); cmdline.addAll( Collections2.transform( args, new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable String input) { return quoteIfNeeded(input); } })); ProcessOutput processOutput; do { final PyRemoteSdkAdditionalDataBase remoteSdkAdditionalData = (PyRemoteSdkAdditionalDataBase) sdkData; final PyRemotePathMapper pathMapper = manager.setupMappings(null, remoteSdkAdditionalData, null); try { processOutput = PyRemoteProcessStarterManagerUtil.getManager(remoteSdkAdditionalData) .executeRemoteProcess( null, ArrayUtil.toStringArray(cmdline), workingDir, manager, remoteSdkAdditionalData, pathMapper, askForSudo, true); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new ExecutionException(e); } if (askForSudo && processOutput.getStderr().contains("sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts")) { continue; } break; } while (true); return processOutput; } else { throw new PyExecutionException( PythonRemoteInterpreterManager.WEB_DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN_IS_DISABLED, helperPath, args); } } else { throw new PyExecutionException("Invalid remote SDK", helperPath, args); } }
public static CantRunException jdkMisconfigured( @NotNull final Sdk jdk, @NotNull final Module module) { return new CantRunException( ExecutionBundle.message("", jdk.getName())); }
@Override public void initComponent() { ProjectJdkTable jdkTable = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance(); List<Sdk> sdkList = new ArrayList<Sdk>(); sdkList.addAll(GoSdkUtil.getSdkOfType(GoSdkType.getInstance(), jdkTable)); for (Sdk sdk : sdkList) { GoSdkData sdkData = (GoSdkData) sdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); boolean needsUpgrade = sdkData == null; try { if (!needsUpgrade) { sdkData.checkValid(); } } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { needsUpgrade = true; } if (!needsUpgrade) continue; needsUpgrade = false; GoSdkData data = GoSdkUtil.testGoogleGoSdk(sdk.getHomePath()); if (data == null) needsUpgrade = true; try { if (data != null) { data.checkValid(); } } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { needsUpgrade = true; } if (needsUpgrade) { Notifications.Bus.notify( new Notification( "Go SDK validator", "Corrupt Go SDK", getContent("Go", sdk.getName()), NotificationType.WARNING), myProject); } SdkModificator sdkModificator = sdk.getSdkModificator(); sdkModificator.setSdkAdditionalData(data); sdkModificator.commitChanges(); } sdkList.clear(); sdkList.addAll(GoSdkUtil.getSdkOfType(GoAppEngineSdkType.getInstance(), jdkTable)); Boolean hasGAESdk = sdkList.size() > 0; for (Sdk sdk : sdkList) { GoAppEngineSdkData sdkData = (GoAppEngineSdkData) sdk.getSdkAdditionalData(); if (sdkData == null || sdkData.TARGET_ARCH == null || sdkData.TARGET_OS == null) { Notifications.Bus.notify( new Notification( "Go AppEngine SDK validator", "Corrupt Go App Engine SDK", getContent("Go App Engine", sdk.getName()), NotificationType.WARNING), myProject); continue; } boolean needsUpgrade = false; try { sdkData.checkValid(); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { needsUpgrade = true; } if (!needsUpgrade) continue; needsUpgrade = false; GoAppEngineSdkData data = GoSdkUtil.testGoAppEngineSdk(sdk.getHomePath()); if (data == null) needsUpgrade = true; try { if (data != null) { data.checkValid(); } } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { needsUpgrade = true; } // GAE SDK auto-update needs a bit more love if (data != null && !(new File(data.GOAPP_BIN_PATH)).exists()) { needsUpgrade = true; } if (needsUpgrade) { Notifications.Bus.notify( new Notification( "Go AppEngine SDK validator", "Corrupt Go App Engine SDK", getContent("Go AppEngine", sdk.getName()), NotificationType.WARNING), myProject); } SdkModificator sdkModificator = sdk.getSdkModificator(); sdkModificator.setSdkAdditionalData(data); sdkModificator.commitChanges(); } if (hasGAESdk) { String sysAppEngineDevServerPath = GoSdkUtil.getAppEngineDevServer(); if (sysAppEngineDevServerPath.isEmpty()) Notifications.Bus.notify( new Notification( "Go AppEngine SDK validator", "Problem with env variables", getInvalidAPPENGINE_DEV_APPSERVEREnvMessage(), NotificationType.WARNING, NotificationListener.URL_OPENING_LISTENER), myProject); } PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = PluginManager.getPlugin(PluginId.getId("")); if (pluginDescriptor != null) { String version = ((IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl) pluginDescriptor).getVersion(); if (version.endsWith("-dev") && !System.getProperty("", "false").equals("true")) { Notifications.Bus.notify( new Notification( "Go plugin notice", "Development version detected", getDevVersionMessage(), NotificationType.WARNING, null), myProject); } } super.initComponent(); }
private Process launchBuildProcess(Project project, final int port, final UUID sessionId) throws ExecutionException { // choosing sdk with which the build process should be run final Sdk internalJdk = JavaAwareProjectJdkTableImpl.getInstanceEx().getInternalJdk(); Sdk projectJdk = internalJdk; final String versionString = projectJdk.getVersionString(); JavaSdkVersion sdkVersion = versionString != null ? ((JavaSdk) projectJdk.getSdkType()).getVersion(versionString) : null; if (sdkVersion != null) { final Set<Sdk> candidates = new HashSet<Sdk>(); for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).getModules()) { final Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk(); if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdk) { candidates.add(sdk); } } // now select the latest version from the sdks that are used in the project, but not older // than the internal sdk version for (Sdk candidate : candidates) { final String vs = candidate.getVersionString(); if (vs != null) { final JavaSdkVersion candidateVersion = ((JavaSdk) candidate.getSdkType()).getVersion(vs); if (candidateVersion != null) { if (candidateVersion.compareTo(sdkVersion) > 0) { sdkVersion = candidateVersion; projectJdk = candidate; } } } } } // validate tools.jar presence final File compilerPath; if (projectJdk.equals(internalJdk)) { final JavaCompiler systemCompiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); if (systemCompiler == null) { throw new ExecutionException( "No system java compiler is provided by the JRE. Make sure tools.jar is present in IntelliJ IDEA classpath."); } compilerPath = ClasspathBootstrap.getResourcePath(systemCompiler.getClass()); } else { final String path = ((JavaSdk) projectJdk.getSdkType()).getToolsPath(projectJdk); if (path == null) { throw new ExecutionException( "Cannot determine path to 'tools.jar' library for " + projectJdk.getName() + " (" + projectJdk.getHomePath() + ")"); } compilerPath = new File(path); } final GeneralCommandLine cmdLine = new GeneralCommandLine(); final String vmExecutablePath = ((JavaSdkType) projectJdk.getSdkType()).getVMExecutablePath(projectJdk); cmdLine.setExePath(vmExecutablePath); cmdLine.addParameter("-XX:MaxPermSize=150m"); cmdLine.addParameter("-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m"); final int heapSize = Registry.intValue("compiler.process.heap.size"); final int xms = heapSize / 2; if (xms > 32) { cmdLine.addParameter("-Xms" + xms + "m"); } cmdLine.addParameter("-Xmx" + heapSize + "m"); if (SystemInfo.isMac && sdkVersion != null && JavaSdkVersion.JDK_1_6.equals(sdkVersion) &&"compiler.process.32bit.vm.on.mac")) { // unfortunately -d32 is supported on jdk 1.6 only cmdLine.addParameter("-d32"); } cmdLine.addParameter("-Djava.awt.headless=true"); final String shouldGenerateIndex = System.getProperty(GlobalOptions.GENERATE_CLASSPATH_INDEX_OPTION); if (shouldGenerateIndex != null) { cmdLine.addParameter( "-D" + GlobalOptions.GENERATE_CLASSPATH_INDEX_OPTION + "=" + shouldGenerateIndex); } final String additionalOptions = Registry.stringValue("compiler.process.vm.options"); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(additionalOptions)) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(additionalOptions, " ", false); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { cmdLine.addParameter(tokenizer.nextToken()); } } // debugging final int debugPort = Registry.intValue("compiler.process.debug.port"); if (debugPort > 0) { cmdLine.addParameter("-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"); cmdLine.addParameter( "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=" + debugPort); } if ("compiler.process.use.memory.temp.cache")) { cmdLine.addParameter("-D" + GlobalOptions.USE_MEMORY_TEMP_CACHE_OPTION); } if ("compiler.process.use.external.javac")) { cmdLine.addParameter("-D" + GlobalOptions.USE_EXTERNAL_JAVAC_OPTION); } final String host = NetUtils.getLocalHostString(); cmdLine.addParameter("-D" + GlobalOptions.HOSTNAME_OPTION + "=" + host); // javac's VM should use the same default locale that IDEA uses in order for javac to print // messages in 'correct' language final String lang = System.getProperty("user.language"); if (lang != null) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral cmdLine.addParameter("-Duser.language=" + lang); } final String country = System.getProperty(""); if (country != null) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral cmdLine.addParameter("" + country); } //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral final String region = System.getProperty("user.region"); if (region != null) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral cmdLine.addParameter("-Duser.region=" + region); } cmdLine.addParameter("-classpath"); final List<File> cp = ClasspathBootstrap.getBuildProcessApplicationClasspath(); cp.add(compilerPath); cp.addAll(myClasspathManager.getCompileServerPluginsClasspath()); cmdLine.addParameter(classpathToString(cp)); cmdLine.addParameter(BuildMain.class.getName()); cmdLine.addParameter(host); cmdLine.addParameter(Integer.toString(port)); cmdLine.addParameter(sessionId.toString()); final File workDirectory = new File(mySystemDirectory, SYSTEM_ROOT); workDirectory.mkdirs(); ensureLogConfigExists(workDirectory); cmdLine.addParameter(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(workDirectory.getPath())); cmdLine.setWorkDirectory(workDirectory); return cmdLine.createProcess(); }