public static void removeDuplicatingClasses( final Module module, @NotNull final String packageName, @NotNull String className, @Nullable File classFile, String sourceRootPath) { if (sourceRootPath == null) { return; } VirtualFile sourceRoot = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().findFileByPath(sourceRootPath); if (sourceRoot == null) { return; } final Project project = module.getProject(); final JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project); final String interfaceQualifiedName = packageName + '.' + className; PsiClass[] classes = facade.findClasses(interfaceQualifiedName, GlobalSearchScope.moduleScope(module)); final ProjectFileIndex projectFileIndex = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex(); for (PsiClass c : classes) { PsiFile psiFile = c.getContainingFile(); if (className.equals(FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(psiFile.getName()))) { VirtualFile virtualFile = psiFile.getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile != null && projectFileIndex.getSourceRootForFile(virtualFile) == sourceRoot) { final String path = virtualFile.getPath(); File f = new File(path); try { f = f.getCanonicalFile(); classFile = classFile != null ? classFile.getCanonicalFile() : null; if (f != null && !f.equals(classFile) && f.exists()) { if (f.delete()) { virtualFile.refresh(true, false); } else { ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { Messages.showErrorDialog( project, "Can't delete file " + path, CommonBundle.getErrorTitle()); } }, project.getDisposed()); } } } catch (IOException e) {; } } } } }
private void compileFinished(int exitValue, final ModuleChunk chunk, final String outputDir) { if (exitValue != 0 && !myCompileContext.getProgressIndicator().isCanceled() && myCompileContext.getMessageCount(CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR) == 0) { myCompileContext.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, CompilerBundle.message("error.compiler.internal.error", exitValue), null, -1, -1); } myCompiler.compileFinished(); final List<File> toRefresh = new ArrayList<File>(); final Map<String, Collection<TranslatingCompiler.OutputItem>> results = new HashMap<String, Collection<TranslatingCompiler.OutputItem>>(); try { final FileTypeManager typeManager = FileTypeManager.getInstance(); final String outputDirPath = outputDir.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); try { for (final Module module : chunk.getModules()) { for (final VirtualFile root : chunk.getSourceRoots(module)) { final String packagePrefix = myProjectFileIndex.getPackageNameByDirectory(root); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( "Building output items for " + root.getPresentableUrl() + "; output dir = " + outputDirPath + "; packagePrefix = \"" + packagePrefix + "\""); } buildOutputItemsList( outputDirPath, module, root, typeManager, root, packagePrefix, toRefresh, results); } } } catch (CacheCorruptedException e) { myCompileContext.requestRebuildNextTime( CompilerBundle.message("error.compiler.caches.corrupted")); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(e); } } } finally { CompilerUtil.refreshIOFiles(toRefresh); for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Collection<TranslatingCompiler.OutputItem>>> it = results.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<String, Collection<TranslatingCompiler.OutputItem>> entry =; mySink.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), VirtualFile.EMPTY_ARRAY); it.remove(); // to free memory } } myFileNameToSourceMap.clear(); // clear the map before the next use }