public static void setEnabled(boolean value) { final PowerSaveMode instance = ServiceManager.getService(PowerSaveMode.class); if (instance.myEnabled != value) { instance.myEnabled = value; instance.myBus.syncPublisher(TOPIC).powerSaveStateChanged(); PropertiesComponent.getInstance().setValue(POWER_SAVE_MODE, String.valueOf(value), "false"); } }
@NotNull private Icon getIcon(@NotNull DaemonCodeAnalyzerStatus status) { updatePanel(status, getProject()); Icon icon = this.icon; if (PowerSaveMode.isEnabled() || status.reasonWhySuspended != null || status.reasonWhyDisabled != null || status.errorAnalyzingFinished) { return icon; } return AllIcons.General.InspectionsEye; }
// return true if panel needs to be rebuilt boolean updatePanel(@NotNull DaemonCodeAnalyzerStatus status, Project project) { progressBarsEnabled = false; progressBarsCompleted = null; statistics = ""; passStatusesVisible = false; statusLabel = null; statusExtraLine = null; boolean result = false; if (!status.passStati.equals(new ArrayList<>(passes.keySet()))) { // passes set has changed rebuildPassesMap(status); result = true; } if (PowerSaveMode.isEnabled()) { statusLabel = "Code analysis is disabled in power save mode"; status.errorAnalyzingFinished = true; icon = AllIcons.General.SafeMode; return result; } if (status.reasonWhyDisabled != null) { statusLabel = "No analysis has been performed"; statusExtraLine = "(" + status.reasonWhyDisabled + ")"; passStatusesVisible = true; progressBarsCompleted = Boolean.FALSE; icon = AllIcons.General.InspectionsTrafficOff; return result; } if (status.reasonWhySuspended != null) { statusLabel = "Code analysis has been suspended"; statusExtraLine = "(" + status.reasonWhySuspended + ")"; passStatusesVisible = true; progressBarsCompleted = Boolean.FALSE; icon = AllIcons.General.InspectionsPause; return result; } Icon icon = AllIcons.General.InspectionsOK; for (int i = status.errorCount.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (status.errorCount[i] != 0) { icon = SeverityRegistrar.getSeverityRegistrar(project).getRendererIconByIndex(i); break; } } if (status.errorAnalyzingFinished) { boolean isDumb = project != null && DumbService.isDumb(project); if (isDumb) { statusLabel = "Shallow analysis completed"; statusExtraLine = "Complete results will be available after indexing"; } else { statusLabel = DaemonBundle.message("analysis.completed"); } progressBarsCompleted = Boolean.TRUE; } else { statusLabel = DaemonBundle.message("performing.code.analysis"); passStatusesVisible = true; progressBarsEnabled = true; progressBarsCompleted = null; } int currentSeverityErrors = 0; @org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language("HTML") String text = ""; for (int i = status.errorCount.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (status.errorCount[i] > 0) { final HighlightSeverity severity = SeverityRegistrar.getSeverityRegistrar(project).getSeverityByIndex(i); String name = status.errorCount[i] > 1 ? StringUtil.pluralize(severity.getName().toLowerCase()) : severity.getName().toLowerCase(); text += status.errorAnalyzingFinished ? DaemonBundle.message("errors.found", status.errorCount[i], name) : DaemonBundle.message("", status.errorCount[i], name); text += "<br>"; currentSeverityErrors += status.errorCount[i]; } } if (currentSeverityErrors == 0) { text += status.errorAnalyzingFinished ? DaemonBundle.message("no.errors.or.warnings.found") : DaemonBundle.message("") + "<br>"; } statistics = XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(text); this.icon = icon; return result; }
public void setPowerSaveMode(boolean powerSaveMode) { // TODO: add PowerSaveModeNotifier.notifyOnPowerSaveMode(e.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT)); PowerSaveMode.setEnabled(powerSaveMode); }
public boolean isPowerSaveMode() { return PowerSaveMode.isEnabled(); }