/** * Get the plot from a string. * * @param player Provides a context for what world to search in. Prefixing the term with * 'world_name;' will override this context. * @param arg The search term * @param message If a message should be sent to the player if a plot cannot be found * @return The plot if only 1 result is found, or null */ public static Plot getPlotFromString(PlotPlayer player, String arg, boolean message) { if (arg == null) { if (player == null) { if (message) { PS.log(C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD); } return null; } return player.getCurrentPlot(); } PlotArea area; if (player != null) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(arg); if (area == null) { area = player.getApplicablePlotArea(); } } else { area = ConsolePlayer.getConsole().getApplicablePlotArea(); } String[] split = arg.split(";|,"); PlotId id; if (split.length == 4) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(split[0] + ';' + split[1]); id = PlotId.fromString(split[2] + ';' + split[3]); } else if (split.length == 3) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(split[0]); id = PlotId.fromString(split[1] + ';' + split[2]); } else if (split.length == 2) { id = PlotId.fromString(arg); } else { Collection<Plot> plots = area == null ? PS.get().getPlots() : area.getPlots(); for (Plot p : plots) { String name = p.getAlias(); if (!name.isEmpty() && StringMan.isEqualIgnoreCase(name, arg)) { return p; } } if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); } return null; } if (id == null) { if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); } return null; } if (area == null) { if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD); } return null; } return area.getPlotAbs(id); }
public void init() { if (engine != null) { return; } engine = (new ScriptEngineManager(null)).getEngineByName("nashorn"); if (engine == null) { engine = (new ScriptEngineManager(null)).getEngineByName("JavaScript"); } final ScriptContext context = new SimpleScriptContext(); scope = context.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); // stuff scope.put("MainUtil", new MainUtil()); scope.put("Settings", new Settings()); scope.put("StringMan", new StringMan()); scope.put("MathMan", new MathMan()); scope.put("FlagManager", new FlagManager()); // Classes scope.put("Location", Location.class); scope.put("PlotBlock", PlotBlock.class); scope.put("Plot", Plot.class); scope.put("PlotId", PlotId.class); scope.put("Runnable", Runnable.class); scope.put("RunnableVal", RunnableVal.class); // Instances scope.put("PS", PS.get()); scope.put("TaskManager", PS.get().TASK); scope.put("TitleManager", AbstractTitle.TITLE_CLASS); scope.put("ConsolePlayer", ConsolePlayer.getConsole()); scope.put("SchematicHandler", SchematicHandler.manager); scope.put("ChunkManager", ChunkManager.manager); scope.put("BlockManager", BlockManager.manager); scope.put("SetupUtils", SetupUtils.manager); scope.put("EventUtil", EventUtil.manager); scope.put("EconHandler", EconHandler.manager); scope.put("UUIDHandler", UUIDHandler.implementation); scope.put("DBFunc", DBFunc.dbManager); scope.put("HybridUtils", HybridUtils.manager); scope.put("IMP", PS.get().IMP); scope.put("MainCommand", MainCommand.getInstance()); // enums for (final Enum<?> value : C.values()) { scope.put("C_" + value.name(), value); } }
public DebugExec() { try { final File file = new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory(), "scripts" + File.separator + "start.js"); if (file.exists()) { init(); final String script = StringMan.join( Files.readLines( new File( new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "scripts"), "start.js"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), System.getProperty("line.separator")); scope.put("THIS", this); scope.put("PlotPlayer", ConsolePlayer.getConsole()); engine.eval(script, scope); } } catch (final Exception e) { } }
@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer player, final String... args) { final List<String> allowed_params = Arrays.asList( "calibrate-analysis", "remove-flag", "stop-expire", "start-expire", "show-expired", "update-expired", "seen", "trim-check"); if (args.length > 0) { final String arg = args[0].toLowerCase(); String script; boolean async = false; switch (arg) { case "analyze": { final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlotAbs(player.getLocation()); if (plot == null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); return false; } final PlotAnalysis analysis = plot.getComplexity(); if (analysis != null) { final int complexity = analysis.getComplexity(); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Changes/column: " + (analysis.changes / 1.0)); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Complexity: " + complexity); return true; } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "$1Starting task..."); HybridUtils.manager.analyzePlot( plot, new RunnableVal<PlotAnalysis>() { @Override public void run() { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1Done: $2use $3/plot debugexec analyze$2 for more information"); } }); return true; } case "calibrate-analysis": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot debugexec analyze <threshold>"); MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1<threshold> $2= $1The percentage of plots you want to clear (100 clears 100% of plots so no point calibrating it)"); return false; } double threshold; try { threshold = Integer.parseInt(args[1]) / 100d; } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "$2Invalid threshold: " + args[1]); MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1<threshold> $2= $1The percentage of plots you want to clear as a number between 0 - 100"); return false; } PlotAnalysis.calcOptimalModifiers( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1Thank you for calibrating PlotSquared plot expiry"); } }, threshold); return true; } case "stop-expire": { if (ExpireManager.task != -1) { PS.get().TASK.cancelTask(ExpireManager.task); } else { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Task already halted"); } ExpireManager.task = -1; return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Cancelled task."); } case "remove-flag": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot debugexec remove-flag <flag>"); return false; } final String flag = args[1]; for (final Plot plot : PS.get().getPlots()) { if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, flag) != null) { FlagManager.removePlotFlag(plot, flag); } } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Cleared flag: " + flag); } case "start-rgar": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&cInvalid syntax: /plot debugexec start-rgar <world>"); return false; } boolean result; if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(args[1])) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD, args[1]); return false; } if (HybridUtils.regions != null) { result = ((BukkitHybridUtils) (HybridUtils.manager)) .scheduleRoadUpdate(args[1], HybridUtils.regions, 0); } else { result = HybridUtils.manager.scheduleRoadUpdate(args[1], 0); } if (!result) { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "&cCannot schedule mass schematic update! (Is one already in progress?)"); return false; } return true; } case "stop-rgar": { if (!HybridUtils.UPDATE) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&cTASK NOT RUNNING!"); return false; } HybridUtils.UPDATE = false; MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&cCancelling task... (please wait)"); return true; } case "start-expire": { if (ExpireManager.task == -1) { ExpireManager.runTask(); } else { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Plot expiry task already started"); } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Started plot expiry task"); } case "update-expired": { if (args.length > 1) { final String world = args[1]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world)) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Invalid world: " + args[1]); } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Updating expired plot list"); ExpireManager.updateExpired(args[1]); return true; } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec update-expired <world>"); } case "show-expired": { if (args.length > 1) { final String world = args[1]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world)) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Invalid world: " + args[1]); } if (!ExpireManager.expiredPlots.containsKey(args[1])) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "No task for world: " + args[1]); } MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "Expired plots (" + ExpireManager.expiredPlots.get(args[1]).size() + "):"); for (final Plot plot : ExpireManager.expiredPlots.get(args[1])) { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, " - " + plot.world + ";" + plot.id.x + ";" + plot.id.y + ";" + UUIDHandler.getName(plot.owner) + " : " + ExpireManager.dates.get(plot.owner)); } return true; } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec show-expired <world>"); } case "seen": { if (args.length != 2) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec seen <player>"); } final UUID uuid = UUIDHandler.getUUID(args[1], null); if (uuid == null) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "player not found: " + args[1]); } final OfflinePlotPlayer op = UUIDHandler.getUUIDWrapper().getOfflinePlayer(uuid); if ((op == null) || (op.getLastPlayed() == 0)) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "player hasn't connected before: " + args[1]); } final Timestamp stamp = new Timestamp(op.getLastPlayed()); final Date date = new Date(stamp.getTime()); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "PLAYER: " + args[1]); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "UUID: " + uuid); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Object: " + date.toGMTString()); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "GMT: " + date.toGMTString()); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Local: " + date.toLocaleString()); return true; } case "trim-check": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec trim-check <world>"); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&7 - Generates a list of regions to trim"); return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&7 - Run after plot expiry has run"); } final String world = args[1]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world) || !PS.get().isPlotWorld(args[1])) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Invalid world: " + args[1]); } final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> empty = new ArrayList<>(); final boolean result = Trim.getTrimRegions( empty, world, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Trim.sendMessage( "Processing is complete! Here's how many chunks would be deleted:"); Trim.sendMessage(" - MCA #: " + empty.size()); Trim.sendMessage(" - CHUNKS: " + (empty.size() * 1024) + " (max)"); Trim.sendMessage("Exporting log for manual approval..."); final File file = new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "trim.txt"); PrintWriter writer; try { writer = new PrintWriter(file); for (final ChunkLoc loc : empty) { writer.println(world + "/region/r." + loc.x + "." + loc.z + ".mca"); } writer.close(); Trim.sendMessage("File saved to 'plugins/PlotSquared/trim.txt'"); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Trim.sendMessage("File failed to save! :("); } Trim.sendMessage("How to get the chunk coords from a region file:"); Trim.sendMessage( " - Locate the x,z values for the region file (the two numbers which are separated by a dot)"); Trim.sendMessage( " - Multiply each number by 32; this gives you the starting position"); Trim.sendMessage(" - Add 31 to each number to get the end position"); } }); if (!result) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Trim task already started!"); } return result; } case "h": case "he": case "?": case "help": { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "Possible sub commands: /plot debugexec <" + StringMan.join(allowed_params, "|") + ">"); return false; } case "addcmd": { try { final String cmd = StringMan.join( Files.readLines( new File( new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "scripts"), args[1]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), System.getProperty("line.separator")); final Command<PlotPlayer> subcommand = new Command<PlotPlayer>(args[1].split("\\.")[0]) { @Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String[] args) { try { scope.put("PlotPlayer", plr); scope.put("args", args); engine.eval(cmd, scope); return true; } catch (final ScriptException e) { e.printStackTrace(); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_WENT_WRONG); return false; } } }; MainCommand.getInstance().addCommand(subcommand); return true; } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot debugexec addcmd <file>"); return false; } } case "runasync": { async = true; } case "run": { try { script = StringMan.join( Files.readLines( new File( new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "scripts"), args[1]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), System.getProperty("line.separator")); if (args.length > 2) { final HashMap<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { replacements.put("%s" + (i - 2), args[i]); } script = StringMan.replaceFromMap(script, replacements); } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } break; } default: { script = StringMan.join(args, " "); } } if (!ConsolePlayer.isConsole(player)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_CONSOLE); return false; } init(); scope.put("PlotPlayer", player); PS.debug("> " + script); try { if (async) { final String toExec = script; TaskManager.runTaskAsync( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object result = null; try { result = engine.eval(toExec, scope); } catch (final ScriptException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } PS.log("> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms -> " + result); } }); } else { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object result = engine.eval(script, scope); PS.log("> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms -> " + result); } return true; } catch (final ScriptException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return false; }