/** Returns a new instance that is the result of doing <code>this / other</code>. */ public Unit<T> dividedBy(Unit<T> other) { if (other == null) return newInstance(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); final double result_raw = this.getRawValue() / other.getRawValue(); return newInstance(result_raw); }
/** Returns a new instance that is the result of doing <code>this * other</code>. */ public Unit<T> times(Unit<T> other) { if (other == null) return newInstance(0.0); final double result_raw = this.getRawValue() * other.getRawValue(); return newInstance(result_raw); }
/** Returns a new instance that is the result of doing <code>this + other</code>. */ public Unit<T> plus(Unit<T> other) { if (other == null) return this; final double result_raw = this.getRawValue() + other.getRawValue(); return newInstance(result_raw); }
/** "greater than or equal" comparison. */ public boolean gte(final Unit<T> otherUnit) { return this.getRawValue() >= otherUnit.getRawValue(); }
/** "less than" comparison. */ public boolean lt(final Unit<T> otherUnit) { return this.getRawValue() < otherUnit.getRawValue(); }