public List<String> getCategoriesByURI(String URI, IWContext iwc) { List<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); BuilderService bservice = null; String property = null; try { bservice = BuilderServiceFactory.getBuilderService(iwc); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String pageKey = bservice.getExistingPageKeyByURI(CoreConstants.SLASH + URI); List<String> moduleId = bservice.getModuleId(pageKey, ArticleListViewer.class.getName()); if (moduleId != null) { for (int i = 0; i < moduleId.size(); i++) { property = bservice.getProperty(pageKey, moduleId.get(i), "categories"); if (property != null) { if (property.indexOf(",") != -1) { Collection<String> strings = ListUtil.convertCommaSeparatedStringToList(property); for (String string : strings) { categories.add(string); } } else { categories.add(property); } } else { // Article list viewer without property - displaying all pages categories = null; } } } return categories; }
private boolean addAttachment(CommentsViewerProperties properties, Comment comment) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(properties.getUploadedFiles())) { return true; } try { ICFileHome fileHome = getFileHome(); for (String uploadedFile : properties.getUploadedFiles()) { if (!uploadedFile.startsWith(CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI)) { uploadedFile = new StringBuilder(CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI).append(uploadedFile).toString(); } ICFile file = fileHome.create(); file.setName( URLEncoder.encode( uploadedFile.substring(uploadedFile.lastIndexOf(CoreConstants.SLASH) + 1), CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8)); file.setFileUri(URLEncoder.encode(uploadedFile, CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8));; comment.addAttachment(file); }; return true; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to add attachments: " + properties.getUploadedFiles(), e); } return false; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getFeedContent(Feed feed) { if (feed == null) { LOGGER.warning("Feed is unknown!"); return null; } Date updated = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); feed.setUpdated(updated); List<Module> modules = feed.getModules(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(modules)) { for (Module module : modules) { if (module instanceof DCModule) { ((DCModule) module).setDate(updated); } } } try { return wfo.outputString(feed); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while outputing feed to string: " + feed, e); return null; } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") String removeUselessSessions() { if (!isManagementOfSessionsTurnedOn()) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } if (sessions.isEmpty() || sessions.size() <= 0) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } Set<String> keysSet = sessions.keySet(); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(keysSet)) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY; } List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(keysSet); List<String> sessionsToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String key : keys) { HttpSession session = sessions.get(key); if (session == null) { continue; } long idleTime = currentTime - session.getLastAccessedTime(); if (idleTime >= 600000) { // Session "was" idle for 10 minutes or more Object chibaManager = session.getAttribute("chiba.session.manager"); if (chibaManager != null) { continue; } Object principal = session.getValue("org.apache.slide.webdav.method.principal"); // Checking if session was created by Slide's root user if (principal instanceof String && "root".equals(principal)) { sessionsToRemove.add(session.getId()); } } } for (String sessionId : sessionsToRemove) { removeSession(sessionId); } return ListUtil.isEmpty(sessionsToRemove) ? CoreConstants.EMPTY : sessionsToRemove.toString(); }
@Override public void handleRSSRequest(RSSRequest rssRequest) throws IOException { String feedParentFolder = null; String feedFile = null; String category = getCategory(rssRequest.getExtraUri()); String extraURI = rssRequest.getExtraUri(); if (extraURI == null) { extraURI = CoreConstants.EMPTY; } if ((!extraURI.endsWith(CoreConstants.SLASH)) && (extraURI.length() != 0)) { extraURI = extraURI.concat(CoreConstants.SLASH); } List<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> articles = new ArrayList<String>(); if (category != null) categories.add(category); IWContext iwc = getIWContext(rssRequest); String language = iwc.getLocale().getLanguage(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(extraURI)) { feedParentFolder = ARTICLE_RSS; feedFile = "all_".concat(language).concat(".xml"); } else if (category != null) { feedParentFolder = ARTICLE_RSS.concat("category/").concat(category).concat(CoreConstants.SLASH); feedFile = "feed_.".concat(language).concat(".xml"); } else { // Have page URI feedParentFolder = ARTICLE_RSS.concat("page/").concat(extraURI); feedFile = "feed_".concat(language).concat(".xml"); categories = getCategoriesByURI(extraURI, iwc); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(categories)) { articles = getArticlesByURI(extraURI, iwc); } } String realURI = CoreConstants.WEBDAV_SERVLET_URI + feedParentFolder + feedFile; if (rssFileURIsCacheList.contains(feedFile)) { try { this.dispatch(realURI, rssRequest); } catch (ServletException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error dispatching: " + realURI, e); } } else { // Generate RSS and store and the dispatch to it and add a listener to that directory try { // todo code the 3 different cases (see description) searchForArticles(rssRequest, feedParentFolder, feedFile, categories, articles, extraURI); rssFileURIsCacheList.add(feedFile); this.dispatch(realURI, rssRequest); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while searching or dispatching: " + realURI, e); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } }
public void getSelectedAndNotSelectedCategories(IWContext iwc) { this.selectedCategories = new ArrayList<ContentCategory>(); this.notSelectedCategories = new ArrayList<ContentCategory>(); Locale locale = getLocale(iwc); Collection<String> selectedCategories = null; try { selectedCategories = getSetCategoriesList(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(selectedCategories)) { ContentCategory category = null; for (Iterator<String> selectedIter = selectedCategories.iterator(); selectedIter.hasNext(); ) { String categoryKey =; category = CategoryBean.getInstance().getCategory(categoryKey); if (category != null) { if (category.getName(locale.toString()) != null && !category.isDisabled()) { // Category exists for current locale and it's not disabled this.selectedCategories.add(category); } } } } List<String> providedCategoriesKeys = getProvidedCategoriesKeys(); Collection<ContentCategory> categories = CategoryBean.getInstance().getCategories(locale); if (categories == null) { localizedCategories = 0; } else { localizedCategories = categories.size(); for (ContentCategory category : categories) { if (!category.isDisabled() && (selectedCategories == null || !selectedCategories.contains(category.getId()))) { if (providedCategoriesKeys != null && providedCategoriesKeys.contains(category.getId())) { this.selectedCategories.add(category); } else { this.notSelectedCategories.add(category); } } } } if (this.selectedCategories.size() == 0 && this.notSelectedCategories.size() == 0) { needDisplayCategoriesSelection = false; } else if (setCategories != null && this.selectedCategories.size() == 1) { needDisplayCategoriesSelection = false; // If is set only one category, not showing categories editor } else { needDisplayCategoriesSelection = true; // Showing categories to user } areCategoriesFetched = true; }
protected List<User> getUsersHavingHandlerRole() { String roleKey = getHandlerRoleKey(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(roleKey)) { return null; } IWApplicationContext iwac = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWApplicationContext(); AccessController accessControler = IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getAccessController(); Collection<Group> groupsWithRole = accessControler.getAllGroupsForRoleKey(roleKey, iwac); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(groupsWithRole)) { return null; } UserBusiness userBusiness = getUserBusiness(); if (userBusiness == null) { return null; } List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); for (Group group : groupsWithRole) { if (group instanceof User) { User user = (User) group; if (!users.contains(user)) { users.add(user); } } else { Collection<User> usersInGroup = null; try { usersInGroup = userBusiness.getUsersInGroup(group); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting users in group: " + group, e); } if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(usersInGroup)) { for (User user : usersInGroup) { if (!users.contains(user)) { users.add(user); } } } } } return users; }
private List<ContentCategory> getSortedCategories( List<ContentCategory> categories, Locale locale) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(categories)) { return categories; } Collections.sort(categories, new ContentCategoryComparator(locale)); return categories; }
private RemoteScriptingResults handleShirtSizeUpdate( IWContext iwc, String sourceName, String distanceIdString) { IWResourceBundle iwrb = getResourceBundle(iwc); if (distanceIdString != null) { Integer distanceID = Integer.valueOf(distanceIdString); RunBusiness runBiz = getRunBiz(iwc); try { Vector ids = new Vector(); Vector names = new Vector(); String shirtSizeMetadata = null; if (distanceID.intValue() != -1) { Group runDistance = runBiz.getRunGroupByGroupId(distanceID); shirtSizeMetadata = runDistance.getMetaData(PARAMETER_SHIRT_SIZES_PER_RUN); } List shirtSizes = null; if (shirtSizeMetadata != null) { shirtSizes = ListUtil.convertCommaSeparatedStringToList(shirtSizeMetadata); Iterator shirtIt = shirtSizes.iterator(); // ShirtSizeHome shirtSizeHome = (ShirtSizeHome) IDOLookup.getHome(ShirtSize.class); if (shirtIt.hasNext()) { ids.add("-1"); names.add( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "run_distance_dd.select_shirt_size", "Select shirt size...")); } while (shirtIt.hasNext()) { String shirtSizeKey = (String); // ShirtSize shirtSize = shirtSizeHome.findByPrimaryKey(shirtSizeKey); // String s = iwrb.getLocalizedString(shirtSize.getName(),shirtSize.getName()); ids.add(shirtSizeKey); names.add(iwrb.getLocalizedString("shirt_size." + shirtSizeKey, shirtSizeKey)); } if (shirtSizes.isEmpty()) { ids.add("-1"); names.add(iwrb.getLocalizedString("unavailable", "Unavailable")); } } else { ids.add("-1"); names.add(iwrb.getLocalizedString("unavailable", "Unavailable")); } RemoteScriptingResults rsr = new RemoteScriptingResults(RemoteScriptHandler.getLayerName(sourceName, "id"), ids); rsr.addLayer(RemoteScriptHandler.getLayerName(sourceName, "name"), names); return rsr; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
public Map<String, String> getUriToDocument( FileDownloadNotificationProperties properties, String identifier, List<User> users) { if (properties == null || ListUtil.isEmpty(users)) { return null; } Map<String, String> uris = new HashMap<String, String>(users.size()); for (User user : users) { uris.put(user.getId(), properties.getUrl()); } return uris; }
public Collection<Email> getEmails() { IWContext iwc = getIwc(); if (!iwc.isLoggedOn()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Email> emails = user.getEmails(); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(emails)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return emails; }
public Collection<Phone> getPhones() { IWContext iwc = getIwc(); if (!iwc.isLoggedOn()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Phone> phones = user.getPhones(); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(phones)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return phones; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public Collection<Group> findGroups(Collection<String> groupIDs) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(groupIDs)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } try { return findGroups(ArrayUtil.convertListToArray(groupIDs)); } catch (FinderException e) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()) .warning( "Failed to get " + getEntityInterfaceClass().getSimpleName() + " by id's: '" + groupIDs + "'"); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
protected List<String> getEmails(Collection<User> users) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(users)) { return null; } UserBusiness userBusiness = getUserBusiness(); if (userBusiness == null) { return null; } List<String> emails = new ArrayList<String>(users.size()); for (User user : users) { Email email = getEmail(user); String emailAddress = email == null ? null : email.getEmailAddress(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(emailAddress) && !emails.contains(emailAddress)) { emails.add(emailAddress); } } return emails; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void searchForArticles( RSSRequest rssRequest, String feedParentPath, String feedFileName, List<String> categories, List<String> articles, String extraURI) { IWContext iwc = getIWContext(rssRequest); boolean getAllArticles = false; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(extraURI)) { getAllArticles = true; } String serverName = iwc.getServerURL(); serverName = serverName.substring(0, serverName.length() - 1); Collection<SearchResult> results = getArticleSearchResults(PATH, categories, iwc); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(results)) { LOGGER.warning("No results found in: " + PATH + " by the categories: " + categories); return; } List<String> urisToArticles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SearchResult result : results) { urisToArticles.add(result.getSearchResultURI()); } if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(articles)) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(categories)) { urisToArticles = articles; } else { urisToArticles.addAll(articles); } } if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(articles) && ListUtil.isEmpty(categories)) urisToArticles = articles; RSSBusiness rss = null; SyndFeed articleFeed = null; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { rss = IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, RSSBusiness.class); } catch (IBOLookupException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting " + RSSBusiness.class, e); } String description = CoreConstants.EMPTY; String title = CoreConstants.EMPTY; if (ListUtil.isEmpty(results) && !getAllArticles) { description = "No articles found. Empty feed"; } else { description = "Article feed generated by IdegaWeb ePlatform, Idega Software,"; BuilderService bservice = null; String pageKey = null; try { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(extraURI)) { bservice = BuilderServiceFactory.getBuilderService(iwc); pageKey = bservice.getExistingPageKeyByURI(CoreConstants.SLASH + extraURI); ICPage icpage = bservice.getICPage(pageKey); title = icpage.getName(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting page name from: " + extraURI, e); } String lang = iwc.getCurrentLocale().getLanguage(); SyndFeed allArticles = rss.createNewFeed(title, serverName, description, "atom_1.0", lang, new Timestamp(time)); List<SyndEntry> allEntries = new ArrayList<SyndEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < urisToArticles.size(); i++) { String articleURL = serverName .concat(urisToArticles.get(i)) .concat(CoreConstants.SLASH) .concat(lang) .concat(".xml"); articleFeed = rss.getFeed(articleURL); if (articleFeed != null) allEntries.addAll(articleFeed.getEntries()); } allArticles.setEntries(allEntries); String allArticlesContent = null; try { allArticlesContent = rss.convertFeedToAtomXMLString(allArticles); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error converting to Atom from: " + allArticles, e); } try { IWSlideService service = this.getIWSlideService(rssRequest); service.uploadFileAndCreateFoldersFromStringAsRoot( feedParentPath, feedFileName, allArticlesContent, RSSAbstractProducer.RSS_CONTENT_TYPE, true); } catch (RemoteException e) { LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Error uploading to: " + feedParentPath + feedFileName + " file: " + allArticlesContent, e); } } }
/** * Creates {@link org.w3.dom.Document} with structure * <\tableRow><\ColumName>Value<\/ColumName><\/tableRow>. ColumnName's are parsed from {@link * com.idega.util.text.TableRecord#getItems()}. * * @param list {@link Collection} of {@link com.idega.util.text.TableRecord}. * @return {@link org.w3.dom.Document} or null if error happen. */ public static Document createTableDocument(Collection<TableRecord> list) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(list)) { return null; } DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = null; try { documentBuilder = XmlUtil.getDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to create table document.", e); return null; } if (documentBuilder == null) { return null; } Document document = documentBuilder.newDocument(); if (document == null) { return null; } Element localeElement = document.createElement(items); if (localeElement == null) { return null; } for (TableRecord tableRecord : list) { Element itemElem = document.createElement(tableRow); if (itemElem == null) { continue; } Map<String, String> data = tableRecord.getItems(); if (MapUtil.isEmpty(data)) { continue; } for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = data.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry =; if (entry == null) { continue; } String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(key) || StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) { continue; } Element itemValueElem = document.createElement(key); if (itemValueElem == null) { continue; } itemValueElem.setTextContent(value); itemElem.appendChild(itemValueElem); } Document documentOfItemNode = localeElement.getOwnerDocument(); if (documentOfItemNode == null) { continue; } Node itemNode = documentOfItemNode.importNode(itemElem, true); if (itemNode == null) { continue; } localeElement.appendChild(itemNode); } document.appendChild(localeElement); return document; }
private Table2 getRaceParticipantListForEvent( IWContext iwc, List eventParticipants, RaceEvent raceEvent) throws RemoteException { Table2 table = new Table2(); table.setStyleClass("raceParticipantTable"); table.setStyleClass("ruler"); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); TableRowGroup group = table.createHeaderRowGroup(); TableRow row = group.createRow(); TableCell2 cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("firstColumn"); cell.setStyleClass("raceNumber"); cell.add( new Text(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_number", "#"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("name"); cell.add( new Text(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Name"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicle"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_vehicle", "Race vehicle"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicleSubtype"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_vehicle_subtype", "Subtype"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngineCC"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_engine_CC", "Engine CC"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngine"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_engine", "Engine"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceTeam"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_team", "Team"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceSponsor"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_sponsor", "Sponsor"))); group = table.createBodyRowGroup(); int iRow = 1; if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(eventParticipants)) { Iterator iter = eventParticipants.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Participant participant = (Participant); if (participant == null) { getLogger().warning("Participant is unknown for race event: " + raceEvent); continue; } row = group.createRow(); User user = null; RaceUserSettings settings = null; try { user = participant.getUser(); settings = this.getRaceBusiness(iwc).getRaceUserSettings(user); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger() .log( Level.WARNING, "Error getting settings for participant " + participant + ", user: "******"" : "(ID: " + user.getId() + ")") + ". Race event: " + raceEvent, e); } if (user == null) { getLogger() .warning( "User can not be found for participant " + participant + ", race event: " + raceEvent); } if (settings == null) { getLogger() .warning( "Settings can not be found for participant " + participant + ", race event: " + raceEvent); } if (iRow == 1) { row.setStyleClass("firstRow"); } else if (!iter.hasNext()) { row.setStyleClass("lastRow"); } cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("firstColumn"); cell.setStyleClass("raceNumber"); cell.add(new Text(participant.getRaceNumber() != null ? participant.getRaceNumber() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("name"); cell.add(new Text(user != null ? user.getName() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicle"); String raceVehicleString = ""; if (settings != null && settings.getVehicleType() != null) { raceVehicleString = getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString( settings.getVehicleType().getLocalizationKey(), settings.getVehicleType().getLocalizationKey()); } cell.add(new Text(raceVehicleString)); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicleSubtype"); String raceVehicleSubtypeString = ""; if (settings != null && settings.getVehicleSubType() != null) { raceVehicleSubtypeString = getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString( settings.getVehicleSubType().getLocalizationKey(), settings.getVehicleSubType().getLocalizationKey()); } cell.add(new Text(raceVehicleSubtypeString)); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngineCC"); cell.add( new Text( settings == null ? "" : settings.getEngineCC() != null ? settings.getEngineCC() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngine"); cell.add( new Text( settings == null ? "" : settings.getEngine() != null ? settings.getEngine() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceTeam"); cell.add( new Text(settings == null ? "" : settings.getTeam() != null ? settings.getTeam() : "")); StringBuffer sponsorString = new StringBuffer(""); if (settings != null && settings.getSponsor() != null) { if (settings.getSponsor().length() > 30) { sponsorString.append(settings.getSponsor().substring(0, 30)); } else { sponsorString.append(settings.getSponsor()); } } cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceSponsor"); cell.add(new Text(sponsorString.toString())); if (iRow % 2 == 0) { row.setStyleClass("evenRow"); } else { row.setStyleClass("oddRow"); } iRow++; } } else { getLogger().warning("Participants not provided"); } return table; }
/** * Creates a table with checkboxes for all the available categories * * @param resourcePath * @return table */ private Table getCategoriesTable(IWContext iwc, boolean submitted) { if (!areCategoriesFetched) { getSelectedAndNotSelectedCategories(iwc); } Table categoriesTable = new Table(); int categoriesCount = 0; Locale locale = getLocale(iwc); List<ContentCategory> allCategories = new ArrayList<ContentCategory>(selectedCategories); allCategories.addAll(notSelectedCategories); allCategories = getSortedCategories(allCategories, locale); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(allCategories)) { return categoriesTable; } for (ContentCategory category : allCategories) { HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox categoryCheckBox = (HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox) iwc.getApplication().createComponent(HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.COMPONENT_TYPE); categoryCheckBox.setId(getCategoryKey(category)); if (selectedCategories.contains(category)) { categoryCheckBox.setSelected(Boolean.TRUE); } else { if (!submitted) { if (notSelectedCategories.size() == 1 && selectedCategories.size() == 0 && selectAnyCategory) { categoryCheckBox.setSelected(Boolean.TRUE); } } } categoriesTable.add( categoryCheckBox, categoriesCount % COLLUMNS + 1, categoriesCount / COLLUMNS + 1); Label categoryName = new Label(category.getName(locale.toString()), categoryCheckBox); categoriesTable.add( categoryName, categoriesCount % COLLUMNS + 1, categoriesCount / COLLUMNS + 1); categoriesCount++; } categoriesTable.setColumns(Math.min(categoriesCount, COLLUMNS)); categoriesCount--; categoriesTable.setRows(categoriesCount / COLLUMNS + 1); if (getDisplaySaveButton()) { // Add the save button if (this.resourcePath != null && this.resourcePath.length() > 0) { WFResourceUtil localizer = WFResourceUtil.getResourceUtilContent(); HtmlCommandButton addCategoryButton = localizer.getButtonVB(getSaveButtonId(), "save", this); categoriesTable.add(addCategoryButton, 1, categoriesCount / COLLUMNS + 2); categoriesTable.setRows(categoriesCount / COLLUMNS + 2); } } categoriesTable.setId(categoriesTable.getId() + "_ver"); categoriesTable.setStyleClass("wf_listtable"); return categoriesTable; }