private void initializeTimestamp() throws IOException { IWTimestamp timestamp = null; // try to get timestamp from origin file File originFile = FileUtil.getFileRelativeToFile(this.projectFile, ManagerConstants.ORIGIN_FILE); if (originFile.exists()) { BufferedReader fileReader = null; try { fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(originFile)); String orignFileName = fileReader.readLine(); timestamp = getTimestampFromFileName(orignFileName); } finally { try { if (fileReader != null) { fileReader.close(); } } catch (IOException io) { // do not hide an existing exception } } } if (timestamp == null) { // failed? try to get timestamp from corresponding MANIFEST_FILE File manifestFile = FileUtil.getFileRelativeToFile(this.projectFile, MANIFEST_PATH); if (manifestFile.exists()) { long dateValue = manifestFile.lastModified(); Date date = new Date(dateValue); timestamp = new IWTimestamp(date); } } setTimestamp(timestamp); }
private void init(IWApplicationContext iwac, Application application, Locale locale) throws RemoteException { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Company company = ((CompanyApplication) application).getCompany(); Commune commune = company.getWorkingArea(); if (commune == null) { commune = getCommuneBusiness(iwac).getDefaultCommune(); } props.put(PrintingContext.IW_BUNDLE_ROPERTY_NAME, getBundle(iwac)); props.put("iwrb", getResourceBundle(iwac, locale)); props.put("name", company.getName()); props.put("personalID", company.getPersonalID()); setFileName( getResourceBundle(iwac, locale).getLocalizedString("contract.file_name", "contract") + "_" + String.valueOf(application.getPrimaryKey())); addDocumentProperties(props); String baseDirectory = getResourceRealPath(getBundle(iwac), locale); try { setResourceDirectory(FileUtil.getFileAndCreateRecursiveIfNotExists(baseDirectory)); File file = FileUtil.getFileFromWorkspace(baseDirectory + "company_contract_template.xml"); setTemplateStream(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static XMLData createXMLData(File projectFile) throws IOException { XMLData pomData = XMLData.getInstanceForFile(projectFile); // handle extensions String superPom = pomData.getDocument().getRootElement().getTextTrim(EXTEND); // TODO thi: where can I fetch the value of the variable? if (superPom != null) { // replace if variable exists superPom = StringHandler.replace(superPom, BASE_PROJECT_VARIABLE, BASE_PROJECT_PATH); File superPomFile = FileUtil.getFileRelativeToFile(projectFile, superPom); if (superPomFile.exists()) { XMLData superPomData = createXMLData(superPomFile); // concat pomData and superPomData pomData.add(superPomData); } } return pomData; }
private void log(String msg) { Handler fh = null; try { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); fh = new FileHandler( this.bundle.getPropertiesRealPath() + FileUtil.getFileSeparator() + "kortathjonustan.log"); logger.addHandler(fh); logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);; fh.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (fh != null) { fh.close(); } } }