/** * 回话是否已经被设定为屏蔽 * * @param unreadEntity */ private void addIsForbidden(UnreadEntity unreadEntity) { if (unreadEntity.getSessionType() == DBConstant.SESSION_TYPE_GROUP) { GroupEntity groupEntity = IMGroupManager.instance().findGroup(unreadEntity.getPeerId()); if (groupEntity != null && groupEntity.getStatus() == DBConstant.GROUP_STATUS_SHIELD) { unreadEntity.setForbidden(true); } } }
private void showNotification(final UnreadEntity unreadEntity) { // todo eric need to set the exact size of the big icon // 服务端有些特定的支持 尺寸是不是要调整一下 todo 100*100 下面的就可以不要了 ImageSize targetSize = new ImageSize(80, 80); int peerId = unreadEntity.getPeerId(); int sessionType = unreadEntity.getSessionType(); String avatarUrl = ""; String title = ""; String content = unreadEntity.getLatestMsgData(); String unit = ctx.getString(R.string.msg_cnt_unit); int totalUnread = unreadEntity.getUnReadCnt(); if (unreadEntity.getSessionType() == DBConstant.SESSION_TYPE_SINGLE) { UserEntity contact = IMContactManager.instance().findContact(peerId); if (contact != null) { title = contact.getMainName(); avatarUrl = contact.getAvatar(); } else { title = "User_" + peerId; avatarUrl = ""; } } else { GroupEntity group = IMGroupManager.instance().findGroup(peerId); if (group != null) { title = group.getMainName(); avatarUrl = group.getAvatar(); } else { title = "Group_" + peerId; avatarUrl = ""; } } // 获取头像 avatarUrl = IMUIHelper.getRealAvatarUrl(avatarUrl); final String ticker = String.format("[%d%s]%s: %s", totalUnread, unit, title, content); final int notificationId = getSessionNotificationId(unreadEntity.getSessionKey()); final Intent intent = new Intent(ctx, MessageActivity.class); intent.putExtra(IntentConstant.KEY_SESSION_KEY, unreadEntity.getSessionKey()); logger.d("notification#notification avatarUrl:%s", avatarUrl); final String finalTitle = title; ImageLoader.getInstance() .loadImage( avatarUrl, targetSize, null, new SimpleImageLoadingListener() { @Override public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) { logger.d("notification#icon onLoadComplete"); // holder.image.setImageBitmap(loadedImage); showInNotificationBar(finalTitle, ticker, loadedImage, notificationId, intent); } @Override public void onLoadingFailed(String imageUri, View view, FailReason failReason) { logger.d("notification#icon onLoadFailed"); // 服务器支持的格式有哪些 // todo eric default avatar is too small, need big size(128 * 128) Bitmap defaultBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource( ctx.getResources(), IMUIHelper.getDefaultAvatarResId(unreadEntity.getSessionType())); showInNotificationBar(finalTitle, ticker, defaultBitmap, notificationId, intent); } }); }