public static boolean isRetryableException(Throwable th) { if (th == null) { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "isRetryableException Unknown exception !"); return false; } else if (th instanceof JMSException) { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "isRetryableException JMSException detected."); return true; } else if (th instanceof NameNotFoundException) { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "isRetryableException: NameNotFoundException catched"); return true; } else if (th instanceof NestingException) { NestingException nex = (NestingException) th; Class nextedExceptionClass = nex.getNestedExceptionClass(); if (NameNotFoundException.class .getSimpleName() .equals(nextedExceptionClass.getSimpleName())) { Log.debug( Log.FRAMEWORK, "isRetryableException: GT nestedException: NameNotFoundException catched"); return true; } else if (JMSException.class.getSimpleName().equals(nextedExceptionClass.getSimpleName())) { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "isRetryableException: GT nestedException: JMSException catched"); return true; } else { return false; } } else { Throwable ex = th.getCause(); return isRetryableException(ex); } }
protected void setUp() throws Exception { Log.log("TEST", "[" + getClassName() + ".setUp] Enter "); // do all your test environment initialisation here .... /** @todo initialise test data from test input file */ PartnerTestHelper helper = (PartnerTestHelper) getEntityTestHelper(); // prepare dependent embedded entity PartnerType partnerType = new PartnerType(); partnerType.setName(PARTNER_TYPE); partnerType.setDescription(PARTNER_TYPE_DESCR); partnerType = helper.createPartnerType(partnerType); PartnerGroup partnerGroup = new PartnerGroup(); partnerGroup.setName(PARTNER_GROUP); partnerGroup.setDescription(PARTNER_GROUP_DESCR); partnerGroup.setPartnerType(partnerType); partnerGroup = helper.createPartnerGroup(partnerGroup); // initialise default test data in test data set Partner entity = null; entity = new Partner(); entity.setPartnerID(PARTNER_ID); entity.setName(NAME); entity.setDescription(DESCRIPTION); entity.setPartnerType(partnerType); entity.setPartnerGroup(partnerGroup); entity.setState(STATE); putTestData(DEFAULT_TESTDATA, entity); Log.log("TEST", "[" + getClassName() + ".setUp] Exit"); }
/** * Send the JMS message (under new transaction) with Retry mechanism enable when encounter JMS * related error * * @param destName * @param msgObj * @param msgProps * @param jmsSendProps * @param isLocal * @throws Throwable */ public static void sendMessage( String destName, Serializable msgObj, Hashtable msgProps, Hashtable<String, String> jmsSendProps, boolean isLocal) throws Throwable { boolean isRetryEnabled = _retryCount <= 0 ? false : true; int retryCount = _retryCount; Throwable th1 = null; do { try { sendJMS(isLocal, jmsSendProps, destName, msgObj, msgProps); retryCount = -10; } catch (Throwable th) { if (isRetryableException(th) && isRetryEnabled) { Log.warn( Log.FRAMEWORK, "sendMessageWithRetry: JMS exception found. Reconnect after " + _sleepFor / 1000 + " num retry left: " + retryCount, th); try { Thread.sleep(_sleepFor); } catch (Exception ex) { } Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "sendMessageWithRetry: JMS exception catched: wake up !"); th1 = new JMSFailureException(th); } else { Log.warn( Log.FRAMEWORK, "sendMessageWithRetry: Non Retryable exception found. No retry will be performed.", th); throw th; } } } while (retryCount-- > 0); if (isRetryEnabled && retryCount == -1 && th1 != null) { Log.debug( Log.FRAMEWORK, "sendMessageWithRetry: JMS retry exhausted. exception is: " + th1.getMessage(), th1); throw th1; } }
/** * Send the JMS message (under new transaction) with Retry mechanism enable when encounter JMS * related error. If the retry count has exceeded, that JMS will be stored into DB for later * retry. * * @param configName The JMS properties config name * @param destName * @param msgObj * @param msgProps * @throws Throwable */ public static void sendMessageWithPersist( String configName, String destName, Serializable msgObj, Hashtable msgProps) throws Throwable { boolean isRetryEnabled = _retryCount <= 0 ? false : true; int retryCount = _retryCount; Throwable th1 = null; do { try { getJMSMgr().sendMessage(configName, destName, msgObj, msgProps); retryCount = -10; } catch (Throwable th) { if (isRetryableException(th) && isRetryEnabled) { Log.warn( Log.FRAMEWORK, "Send: JMS exception found. Reconnect after " + _sleepFor / 1000 + " num retry left: " + retryCount, th); try { Thread.sleep(_sleepFor); } catch (Exception ex) { } Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "Send: JMS exception catched: wake up !"); th1 = th; } else { Log.warn( Log.FRAMEWORK, "Send: Non Retryable exception found. No retry will be performed.", th); throw th; } } } while (retryCount-- > 0); if (isRetryEnabled && retryCount == -1 && th1 != null) { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "Send: JMS retry exhausted. exception is: " + th1.getMessage(), th1); dumpFailedJMS( JMS_DEST_TYPE_QUEUE, getJmsSetupPropsKey(configName), destName, msgObj, msgProps); } }
private static void dumpFailedJMS( String destType, Hashtable<String, String> configProps, String destName, Serializable msgObj, Hashtable msgProps) throws Exception { JMSFailedMsg failedMsg = new JMSFailedMsg(destType, configProps, destName, msgObj, msgProps); // use DB try { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "Persist failed jms to DB. Failed JMS: " + failedMsg); JMSFailedMsgHelper helper = JMSFailedMsgHelper.getInstance(); helper.persistFailedJMSMsg(failedMsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.error("", Log.FRAMEWORK, "Failed to persist the failed jms to DB.", ex); throw ex; } }
/** * Broadcast the JMS msg under a new transaction. It will perform retry if encoutner retryable * exception. If exceed the max retry, exception will be propageted up. * * @param notification * @throws Exception */ public static void broadcastInNewTrans(INotification notification) throws Exception { boolean isRetryEnabled = _retryCount <= 0 ? false : true; int retryCount = _retryCount; Exception ex1 = null; do { try { getLocalNotifierMgr().broadCastNotification(notification); retryCount = -10; } catch (Exception ex) { if (isRetryEnabled && isRetryableException(ex)) { ex1 = new JMSFailureException(ex); Log.warn( Log.FRAMEWORK, "Broadcast: JMS exception found. Reconnect after " + _sleepFor / 1000 + " num retry left: " + retryCount, ex); try { Thread.sleep(_sleepFor); } catch (Exception e) { } Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "Broadcast: JMS exception catched: wake up !"); } else { Log.warn( Log.FRAMEWORK, "Broadcast: Non Retryable exception found. No retry will be performed.", ex); throw ex; } } } while (retryCount-- > 0); if (isRetryEnabled && retryCount == -1 && ex1 != null) { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "Broadcast: JMS retry send exhausted. Throw up ex.", ex1); throw ex1; } }
private void modifyRegConnInfo() { try { RegistryConnectInfo info = createConnectInfo( "TestConn2", "sample/url/publish", "sample/url/query", "testuser", "testpassword"); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.err("TEST", "Error saving RegistryConnInfo", e); assertTrue("Error saving RegistryConnInfo", false); } }
public void testImport() throws Exception { Log.log("TEST", "[DeleteGridDocumentActionTest.testDelete] Enter "); createTestData(); _event = new DeleteGridDocumentEvent(_GDOC_UID); // assertNotNull("event fileType UID is null", _event.getFileTypeUID()); try { _response = performEvent(_event); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); Log.err("TEST", "[DeleteGridDocumentActionTest.testDelete] Error Exit ", ex); assertTrue("Event Exception", false); } // check response assertNotNull("response is null", _response); assertTrue("event is not successful", _response.isEventSuccessful()); assertEquals("Msg code incorrect", IErrorCode.NO_ERROR, _response.getMessageCode()); Log.log("TEST", "[DeleteGridDocumentActionTest.testDelete] Exit "); }
protected void checkActionEffect(BasicEventResponse response, IEvent event, StateMachine sm) { Object retData = response.getReturnData(); assertNotNull("ReturnData is null", retData); assertTrue("ReturnData not instanceof Collection", retData instanceof EntityListResponseData); try { checkRegConnList((EntityListResponseData) retData, getRegConnInfoList()); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.err("TEST", "GetRegistryConnectInfoListActionTest.checkActionEffect]", t); assertTrue("checkActionEffect fail", false); } }
/** * Add an EntityMetaInfo into the factory. This does not add it to the database. If there is * existing EntityMetaInfo cached with the same ObjectName/EntityName, it will be replaced by this * metaInfo. * * @param metaInfo The EntityMetaInfo to add to the factory. */ public void addEntityMetaInfo(EntityMetaInfo metaInfo) { _entityMap.put(metaInfo.getObjectName(), metaInfo); Log.debug( Log.DB, "[MetaInfoFactory.addEntityMetaInfo] " + "Add mapping for EntityName " + metaInfo.getEntityName() + " to ObjectName " + metaInfo.getObjectName()); _entityNameMap.put(metaInfo.getEntityName(), metaInfo.getObjectName()); }
protected IEvent createTestEvent(IEntity entity) throws Exception { _entity = (Partner) entity; boolean state = (_entity.getState() == Partner.STATE_ENABLED) ? true : false; Log.log("TEST", new Long((_entity.getPartnerType()).getUId())); return new CreatePartnerEvent( _entity.getPartnerID(), _entity.getName(), _entity.getDescription(), new Long((_entity.getPartnerType()).getUId()), new Long((_entity.getPartnerGroup()).getUId()), state); }
/** * Call when create() is called on Home. Overwrite to set create time. * * @param entity The entity to create. * @return The primary key of the created entity. * @exception CreateException Create failed due to data error. * @exception EJBException Create failed due to system service errors. * @since 2.0 */ public Long ejbCreate(IEntity entity) throws CreateException { _entity = entity; try { checkDuplicate(_entity); ((Partner) _entity).setCreateTime(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); return getDAO().create(_entity); } catch (ApplicationException ex) { Log.warn(Log.DB, "[AbstractEntityBean.ejbCreate] Error Exit ", ex); throw new CreateException(ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new EJBException(ex); } }
protected void setUp() throws java.lang.Exception { Log.log("TEST", "[DeleteGridDocumentActionTest.setUp] Enter"); _sessionHome = (ISessionManagerHome) ServiceLookup.getInstance(ServiceLookup.CLIENT_CONTEXT) .getHome(ISessionManagerHome.class); assertNotNull("SessionHome is null", _sessionHome); _sessionRemote = _sessionHome.create(); assertNotNull("SessionRemote is null", _sessionRemote); _sessionID = _sessionRemote.openSession(); _sessionRemote.authSession(_sessionID, _userID); _home = (IDocumentManagerHome) ServiceLookup.getInstance(ServiceLookup.CLIENT_CONTEXT) .getHome(IDocumentManagerHome.class); assertNotNull("Home is null", _home); _remote = _home.create(); assertNotNull("remote is null", _remote); Log.log("TEST", "[DeleteGridDocumentActionTest.setUp] Exit"); }
private static void sendJMS( boolean isLocal, Hashtable jmsSendProps, String destName, Serializable msgObj, Hashtable<String, String> msgProps) throws Exception { Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "sendJMS: isRemote:" + isLocal); if (!isLocal) { getRemoteJMSMgr().sendMessage(jmsSendProps, destName, msgObj, msgProps); } else { getJMSMgr().sendMessage(jmsSendProps, destName, msgObj, msgProps); } }
private void loadConfig() { try { Configuration dbConfig = ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getConfig(IFrameworkConfig.FRAMEWORK_DATABASE_CONFIG); _useEntityBean = dbConfig.getBoolean(IFrameworkConfig.CMP_ON, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.error( ILogErrorCodes.CONFIGURATION_LOAD, Log.DB, "[MetaInfoFactory.loadConfig] Unable to load config. Setting cmp.on to true. Unexpected error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } }
static { Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getConfig(FRAMEWORK_JMS_CONFIG); _retryCount = config.getInt(JMS_NUM_RETRY, 10); _sleepFor = config.getLong(JMS_RETRY_INTERVAL) == 0L ? 10000 : config.getLong(JMS_RETRY_INTERVAL); _isSendViaDefMode = config.getBoolean(JMS_DEF_SEND, true); Log.log( Log.FRAMEWORK, " Retrieve jms props from " + FRAMEWORK_JMS_CONFIG + " --> JMS Sending mode: " + (_isSendViaDefMode ? "Default" : "With Retry") + "Retry Count: " + _retryCount + " retry interval: " + _sleepFor + " ms"); }
private static Hashtable<String, String> getJmsSetupPropsKey(String configName) throws ApplicationException { Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getConfig(configName); Properties prop = config.getProperties(); Log.debug(Log.FRAMEWORK, "getJmsSetupPropsKey: " + prop); if (prop != null && prop.size() == 0) { throw new ApplicationException( "No properties file can be found given configName: " + configName); } Hashtable<String, String> configProps = new Hashtable<String, String>(); Enumeration keys = prop.propertyNames(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) keys.nextElement(); configProps.put(key, (String) prop.get(key)); } return configProps; }
/** * Load the EntityMetaInfo from the database and cache it. * * @param objectName Full qualified class name of the Entity to load EntityMetaInfo for. */ private EntityMetaInfo loadEntityMetaInfoByObjectName(String objectName) { EntityMetaInfo emi = null; try { if (_useEntityBean) { emi = getEntityMetaInfoHome().findByPrimaryKey(objectName).getData(); } else { emi = getMetaInfoObj().findByObjectName(objectName); } addEntityMetaInfo(emi); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error( ILogErrorCodes.ENTITY_META_INFO_READ, Log.DB, "[MetaInfoFactory.loadEntityMetaInfoByObjectName] Error ", t); } return emi; }
/** * Retrieve the fieldmetainfos with the specified label * * @param label The label * @return Collection of FieldMetaInfo objects found. */ public Collection getFieldMetaInfoByLabel(String label) { Collection fmi = null; try { if (_useEntityBean) { Collection results = getFieldMetaInfoHome().findByLabel(label); fmi = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { fmi.add(((IFieldMetaInfoLocalObj); } } else { fmi = getMetaInfoObj().findFieldMetaInfoByLabel(label); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.error( ILogErrorCodes.FIELD_META_INFO_RETRIEVE, Log.DB, "[MetaInfoFactory.getFieldMetaInfoByLabel] Error ", ex); } return fmi; }
/** * @deprecated Use error(String, Object) * @see Logger#error(String, Object) * @param msg */ public static void err(Throwable ex) { Log.err(CATEGORY, "", ex); }
/** * Log an error message with the specified error code and <code>Throwable</code> object of origin * * @see * @param errorCode The error code * @param msg The error message * @param t The <code>Throwable</code> object of origin */ public static void error(String errorCode, String msg, Throwable t) { Log.error(errorCode, CATEGORY, msg, t); }
/** * Log an error message with the specified error code * * @see * @param errorCode * @param msg */ public static void error(String errorCode, Object msg) { Log.error(errorCode, CATEGORY, msg); }
/** * @deprecated Use error(String,String,Throwable) * @param msg * @param ex */ public static void err(String msg, Throwable ex) { Log.err(CATEGORY, msg, ex); }
/** * @deprecated Use error(String, Object) * @see Logger#error(String, Object) * @param msg */ public static void err(Object msg) { Log.err(CATEGORY, msg); }
/** * Log a warning message with the specified category and <code>Throwable</code> object of origin * * @param msg The warning message * @param ex The <code>Throwable</code> object of origin * @since GT 4.0 VAN * @version GT 4.0 VAN */ public static void warn(String msg, Throwable ex) { Log.warn(CATEGORY, msg, ex); }
/** * Log a warning message with the specified category * * @param msg The warning message * @since GT 4.0 VAN * @version GT 4.0 VAN */ public static void warn(Object msg) { Log.warn(CATEGORY, msg); }
public static void debug(String msg, Throwable ex) { Log.debug(CATEGORY, msg, ex); }
public static void debug(Object msg) { Log.debug(CATEGORY, msg); }
public static void log(Object msg) { Log.log(CATEGORY, msg); }
/** * @deprecated Use error(String, Object) * @see Logger#error(String, Object) * @param msg */ public static void err(String msg) { Log.err(CATEGORY, msg); }