/** Finds shortcuts, does not change the underlying graph. */ void findShortcuts(ShortcutHandler sch) { long tmpDegreeCounter = 0; EdgeIterator incomingEdges = vehicleInExplorer.setBaseNode(sch.getNode()); // collect outgoing nodes (goal-nodes) only once while (incomingEdges.next()) { int u_fromNode = incomingEdges.getAdjNode(); // accept only uncontracted nodes if (g.getLevel(u_fromNode) != 0) continue; double v_u_weight = incomingEdges.getDistance(); int skippedEdge1 = incomingEdges.getEdge(); int incomingEdgeOrigCount = getOrigEdgeCount(skippedEdge1); // collect outgoing nodes (goal-nodes) only once EdgeIterator outgoingEdges = vehicleOutExplorer.setBaseNode(sch.getNode()); // force fresh maps etc as this cannot be determined by from node alone (e.g. same from node // but different avoidNode) algo.clear(); tmpDegreeCounter++; while (outgoingEdges.next()) { int w_toNode = outgoingEdges.getAdjNode(); // add only uncontracted nodes if (g.getLevel(w_toNode) != 0 || u_fromNode == w_toNode) { continue; } // Limit weight as ferries or forbidden edges can increase local search too much. // If we decrease the correct weight we only explore less and introduce more shortcuts. // I.e. no change to accuracy is made. double existingDirectWeight = v_u_weight + outgoingEdges.getDistance(); algo.setLimitWeight(existingDirectWeight) .setLimitVisitedNodes((int) meanDegree * 100) .setEdgeFilter(levelEdgeFilter.setAvoidNode(sch.getNode())); dijkstraSW.start(); dijkstraCount++; int endNode = algo.findEndNode(u_fromNode, w_toNode); dijkstraSW.stop(); // compare end node as the limit could force dijkstra to finish earlier if (endNode == w_toNode && algo.getWeight(endNode) <= existingDirectWeight) // FOUND witness path, so do not add shortcut continue; sch.foundShortcut( u_fromNode, w_toNode, existingDirectWeight, outgoingEdges, skippedEdge1, incomingEdgeOrigCount); } } if (sch instanceof AddShortcutHandler) { // sliding mean value when using "*2" => slower changes meanDegree = (meanDegree * 2 + tmpDegreeCounter) / 3; // meanDegree = (meanDegree + tmpDegreeCounter) / 2; } }
@Test public void testShortestPathLimit() { LevelGraph g = createExampleGraph(); DijkstraOneToMany algo = new DijkstraOneToMany(g, carEncoder); algo.edgeFilter(new PrepareContractionHierarchies.LevelEdgeFilterCH(g).avoidNode(0)); int endNode = algo.limit(2).findEndNode(4, 1); // did not reach endNode assertNotEquals(1, endNode); }
@Test public void testShortestPathSkipNode() { LevelGraph g = createExampleGraph(); double normalDist = new Dijkstra(g, carEncoder).calcPath(4, 2).distance(); DijkstraOneToMany algo = new DijkstraOneToMany(g, carEncoder); algo.edgeFilter(new PrepareContractionHierarchies.LevelEdgeFilterCH(g).avoidNode(3)); int nodeEntry = algo.limit(100).findEndNode(4, 2); assertTrue(algo.weight(nodeEntry) > normalDist); }
public void close() { algo.close(); originalEdges.close(); sortedNodes = null; oldPriorities = null; }
void contractNodes() { meanDegree = g.getAllEdges().getMaxId() / g.getNodes(); int level = 1; counter = 0; int initSize = sortedNodes.getSize(); int logSize = (int) Math.round(Math.max(10, sortedNodes.getSize() / 100 * logMessagesPercentage)); if (logMessagesPercentage == 0) logSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // preparation takes longer but queries are slightly faster with preparation // => enable it but call not so often boolean periodicUpdate = true; StopWatch periodSW = new StopWatch(); int updateCounter = 0; int periodicUpdatesCount = Math.max(10, sortedNodes.getSize() / 100 * periodicUpdatesPercentage); if (periodicUpdatesPercentage == 0) periodicUpdate = false; // disable as preparation is slower and query time does not benefit int lastNodesLazyUpdates = lastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage == 0 ? 0 : sortedNodes.getSize() / 100 * lastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage; StopWatch lazySW = new StopWatch(); // Recompute priority of uncontracted neighbors. // Without neighborupdates preparation is faster but we need them // to slightly improve query time. Also if not applied too often it decreases the shortcut // number. boolean neighborUpdate = true; if (neighborUpdatePercentage == 0) neighborUpdate = false; StopWatch neighborSW = new StopWatch(); LevelGraphStorage lg = ((LevelGraphStorage) g); while (!sortedNodes.isEmpty()) { // periodically update priorities of ALL nodes if (periodicUpdate && counter > 0 && counter % periodicUpdatesCount == 0) { periodSW.start(); sortedNodes.clear(); int len = g.getNodes(); for (int node = 0; node < len; node++) { if (g.getLevel(node) != 0) continue; int priority = oldPriorities[node] = calculatePriority(node); sortedNodes.insert(node, priority); } periodSW.stop(); updateCounter++; } if (counter % logSize == 0) { // TODO necessary? System.gc(); logger.info( Helper.nf(counter) + ", updates:" + updateCounter + ", nodes: " + Helper.nf(sortedNodes.getSize()) + ", shortcuts:" + Helper.nf(newShortcuts) + ", dijkstras:" + Helper.nf(dijkstraCount) + ", t(dijk):" + (int) dijkstraSW.getSeconds() + ", t(period):" + (int) periodSW.getSeconds() + ", t(lazy):" + (int) lazySW.getSeconds() + ", t(neighbor):" + (int) neighborSW.getSeconds() + ", meanDegree:" + (long) meanDegree + ", algo:" + algo.getMemoryUsageAsString() + ", " + Helper.getMemInfo()); dijkstraSW = new StopWatch(); periodSW = new StopWatch(); lazySW = new StopWatch(); neighborSW = new StopWatch(); } counter++; int polledNode = sortedNodes.pollKey(); if (sortedNodes.getSize() < lastNodesLazyUpdates) { lazySW.start(); int priority = oldPriorities[polledNode] = calculatePriority(polledNode); if (!sortedNodes.isEmpty() && priority > sortedNodes.peekValue()) { // current node got more important => insert as new value and contract it later sortedNodes.insert(polledNode, priority); lazySW.stop(); continue; } lazySW.stop(); } // contract! newShortcuts += addShortcuts(polledNode); g.setLevel(polledNode, level); level++; EdgeSkipIterator iter = vehicleAllExplorer.setBaseNode(polledNode); while (iter.next()) { int nn = iter.getAdjNode(); if (g.getLevel(nn) != 0) // already contracted no update necessary continue; if (neighborUpdate && rand.nextInt(100) < neighborUpdatePercentage) { neighborSW.start(); int oldPrio = oldPriorities[nn]; int priority = oldPriorities[nn] = calculatePriority(nn); if (priority != oldPrio) sortedNodes.update(nn, oldPrio, priority); neighborSW.stop(); } if (removesHigher2LowerEdges) lg.disconnect(vehicleAllTmpExplorer, iter); } } // Preparation works only once so we can release temporary data. // The preparation object itself has to be intact to create the algorithm. close(); logger.info( "took:" + (int) allSW.stop().getSeconds() + ", new shortcuts: " + newShortcuts + ", " + prepareWeighting + ", " + prepareEncoder + ", removeHigher2LowerEdges:" + removesHigher2LowerEdges + ", dijkstras:" + dijkstraCount + ", t(dijk):" + (int) dijkstraSW.getSeconds() + ", t(period):" + (int) periodSW.getSeconds() + ", t(lazy):" + (int) lazySW.getSeconds() + ", t(neighbor):" + (int) neighborSW.getSeconds() + ", meanDegree:" + (long) meanDegree + ", initSize:" + initSize + ", periodic:" + periodicUpdatesPercentage + ", lazy:" + lastNodesLazyUpdatePercentage + ", neighbor:" + neighborUpdatePercentage); }