  * Constructs a new {@link FeedMessage.Builder} that can be used to build a new GTFS-realtime feed
  * message. The {@link FeedHeader} will already be filled in as a {@link
  * Incrementality#FULL_DATASET} and the timestamp of the feed will be set to NOW. This is the
  * minimal requirement for an empty feed so the feed could be returned 'as-is' at this point.
  * @return a new feed message builder with a header already populated
 public static FeedMessage.Builder createFeedMessageBuilder() {
   long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
   FeedHeader.Builder header = FeedHeader.newBuilder();
   header.setTimestamp(now / 1000);
   FeedMessage.Builder feedMessageBuilder = FeedMessage.newBuilder();
   return feedMessageBuilder;
   * This method downloads the latest vehicle data, processes each vehicle in turn, and create a
   * GTFS-realtime feed of trip updates and vehicle positions as a result.
  private void refreshVehicles() throws IOException, JSONException {

    /** We download the vehicle details as an array of JSON objects. */
    JSONArray vehicleArray = downloadVehicleDetails();

     * The FeedMessage.Builder is what we will use to build up our GTFS-realtime feeds. We create a
     * feed for both trip updates and vehicle positions.
    FeedMessage.Builder tripUpdates = GtfsRealtimeLibrary.createFeedMessageBuilder();
    FeedMessage.Builder vehiclePositions = GtfsRealtimeLibrary.createFeedMessageBuilder();

    /** We iterate over every JSON vehicle object. */
    for (int i = 0; i < vehicleArray.length(); ++i) {

      JSONObject obj = vehicleArray.getJSONObject(i);
      String trainNumber = obj.getString("trainno");
      String route = obj.getString("dest");
      String stopId = obj.getString("nextstop");
      double lat = obj.getDouble("lat");
      double lon = obj.getDouble("lon");
      int delay = obj.getInt("late");

       * We construct a TripDescriptor and VehicleDescriptor, which will be used in both trip
       * updates and vehicle positions to identify the trip and vehicle. Ideally, we would have a
       * trip id to use for the trip descriptor, but the SEPTA api doesn't include it, so we settle
       * for a route id instead.
      TripDescriptor.Builder tripDescriptor = TripDescriptor.newBuilder();

      VehicleDescriptor.Builder vehicleDescriptor = VehicleDescriptor.newBuilder();

       * To construct our TripUpdate, we create a stop-time arrival event for the next stop for the
       * vehicle, with the specified arrival delay. We add the stop-time update to a TripUpdate
       * builder, along with the trip and vehicle descriptors.
      StopTimeEvent.Builder arrival = StopTimeEvent.newBuilder();
      arrival.setDelay(delay * 60);

      StopTimeUpdate.Builder stopTimeUpdate = StopTimeUpdate.newBuilder();

      TripUpdate.Builder tripUpdate = TripUpdate.newBuilder();

       * Create a new feed entity to wrap the trip update and add it to the GTFS-realtime trip
       * updates feed.
      FeedEntity.Builder tripUpdateEntity = FeedEntity.newBuilder();

       * To construct our VehiclePosition, we create a position for the vehicle. We add the position
       * to a VehiclePosition builder, along with the trip and vehicle descriptors.
      Position.Builder position = Position.newBuilder();
      position.setLatitude((float) lat);
      position.setLongitude((float) lon);

      VehiclePosition.Builder vehiclePosition = VehiclePosition.newBuilder();

       * Create a new feed entity to wrap the vehicle position and add it to the GTFS-realtime
       * vehicle positions feed.
      FeedEntity.Builder vehiclePositionEntity = FeedEntity.newBuilder();

    /** Build out the final GTFS-realtime feed messagse and save them. */

    _log.info("vehicles extracted: " + tripUpdates.getEntityCount());