Example #1
  /** Initialize this example. */
  public Widget onInitialize() {
    // Get the images
    Images images = (Images) GWT.create(Images.class);

    // Create a new stack panel
    DecoratedStackPanel stackPanel = new DecoratedStackPanel();

    // Add the Mail folders
    String mailHeader = getHeaderString(constants.cwStackPanelMailHeader(), images.mailgroup());
    stackPanel.add(createMailItem(images), mailHeader, true);

    // Add a list of filters
    String filtersHeader =
        getHeaderString(constants.cwStackPanelFiltersHeader(), images.filtersgroup());
    stackPanel.add(createFiltersItem(), filtersHeader, true);

    // Add a list of contacts
    String contactsHeader =
        getHeaderString(constants.cwStackPanelContactsHeader(), images.contactsgroup());
    stackPanel.add(createContactsItem(images), contactsHeader, true);

    // Return the stack panel
    return stackPanel;