Example #1
 public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
   this.selected = selected;
   SafeHtml html =
               ? MarkersResource.INSTANCE.menuItemSelected()
               : MarkersResource.INSTANCE.menuItem(),
Example #2
  public Widget asWidget() {
    // reduce the padding on text element as we have widgets in the cells
    SafeStyles textStyles = SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString("padding: 1px 3px;");

    ColumnConfig<Plant, String> cc1 =
        new ColumnConfig<Plant, String>(properties.name(), 100, "Name");
    // IMPORTANT we want the text element (cell parent) to only be as wide as the cell and not fill
    // the cell

    TextButtonCell button = new TextButtonCell();
        new SelectHandler() {

          public void onSelect(SelectEvent event) {
            Context c = event.getContext();
            int row = c.getIndex();
            Plant p = store.get(row);
            Info.display("Event", "The " + p.getName() + " was clicked.");

    DateCell dateCell = new DateCell();
        new DateTimePropertyEditor(DateTimeFormat.getFormat(PredefinedFormat.DATE_SHORT)));

    ColumnConfig<Plant, Date> cc2 =
        new ColumnConfig<Plant, Date>(properties.available(), 100, "Date");

    List<ColumnConfig<Plant, ?>> l = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig<Plant, ?>>();
    ColumnModel<Plant> cm = new ColumnModel<Plant>(l);

    store = new ListStore<Plant>(properties.key());

    Grid<Plant> grid = new Grid<Plant>(store, cm);

    ContentPanel cp = new ContentPanel();
    cp.setHeadingText("Cell Grid");
    cp.setPixelSize(500, 400);
    return cp;
Example #3
    public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
       * Always do a null check on the value. Cell widgets can pass null to
       * cells if the underlying data contains a null, or if the data arrives
       * out of order.
      if (value == null) {

      // If the value comes from the user, we escape it to avoid XSS attacks.
      SafeHtml safeValue = SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(value);

      // Use the template to create the Cell's html.
      SafeStyles styles = SafeStylesUtils.forTrustedColor(safeValue.asString());
      SafeHtml rendered = templates.cell(styles, safeValue);
  public SafeHtml getSafeHtml(SafeUri url, int left, int top, int width, int height) {
    String style =
        "width: "
            + width
            + "px; height: "
            + height
            + "px; background: url("
            + url.asString()
            + ") "
            + "no-repeat "
            + (-left + "px ")
            + (-top + "px;")
            + "background-size: "
            + width
            + "px "
            + height
            + "px;";

    return getTemplate().image(clearImage, SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString(style));
  public void render(
      final com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context,
      final List<FlashCardDto> flashCardList,
      final SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
     * Always do a null check on the value. Cell widgets can pass null to cells if the
     * underlying data contains a null, or if the data arrives out of order.

    if (flashCardList == null) {

    // generate the cell
    SafeStyles tagStyle = SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString("float:none;");
    String toRender = "";

    for (FlashCardDto flashCard : flashCardList) {
      toRender += templates.cell(flashCard.getId(), tagStyle, flashCard.getQuestion()).asString();
 public StylesBuilder verticalAlign(double value, Unit unit) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forVerticalAlign(value, unit));
 public StylesBuilder trustedProperty(String name, String value) {
   name = toHyphenatedForm(name);
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedNameAndValue(name, value));
 public StylesBuilder trustedOutlineColor(String value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTrustedOutlineColor(value));
 public StylesBuilder opacity(double value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forOpacity(value));
 public StylesBuilder fontWeight(FontWeight value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forFontWeight(value));
 public StylesBuilder width(double value, Unit unit) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forWidth(value, unit));
 public StylesBuilder textDecoration(TextDecoration value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTextDecoration(value));
 public StylesBuilder textIndent(double value, Unit unit) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTextIndent(value, unit));
 public StylesBuilder position(Position value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forPosition(value));
 public StylesBuilder tableLayout(TableLayout value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTableLayout(value));
 public StylesBuilder paddingTop(double value, Unit unit) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forPaddingTop(value, unit));
 public StylesBuilder overflowY(Overflow value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forOverflowY(value));
 public StylesBuilder outlineStyle(OutlineStyle value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forOutlineStyle(value));
 public StylesBuilder verticalAlign(VerticalAlign value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forVerticalAlign(value));
 public StylesBuilder textJustify(TextJustify value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTextJustify(value));
 public StylesBuilder visibility(Visibility value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forVisibility(value));
 public StylesBuilder listStyleType(ListStyleType value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forListStyleType(value));
 public StylesBuilder zIndex(int value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forZIndex(value));
 public StylesBuilder fontSize(double value, Unit unit) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forFontSize(value, unit));
public class ContainerActionsCell extends AbstractSafeHtmlCell<String> {

  private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE = "float:left;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;";
  private static final String DISABLED_STYLE = "filter: alpha(opacity=5);opacity: 0.5;";
  private static final String ENABLED_STYLE = "filter: alpha(opacity=10);opacity: 1;";
  private ContainersProvider containersProvider;
  private DoContainerActionCallback callback;

  public interface DoContainerActionCallback {
    void onStart(final KieContainer container);

    void onStop(final KieContainer container);

    void onRestart(final KieContainer container);

    void onRemove(final KieContainer container);

    void onViewLogs(final KieContainer container);

    void onViewDetails(final KieContainer container);

    void onNavigate(final KieContainer container);

  public interface ContainersProvider {
    KieContainer getContainer(final String id);

  /** The HTML templates used to render the cell. */
  interface Templates extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
     * The template for this Cell, which includes styles and a value.
     * @param styles the styles to include in the style attribute of the div
     * @param value the safe value. Since the value type is {@link SafeHtml}, it will not be escaped
     *     before including it in the template. Alternatively, you could make the value type String,
     *     in which case the value would be escaped.
     * @return a {@link SafeHtml} instance
    @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<div title=\"{3}\" name=\"{0}\" style=\"{1}\">{2}</div>")
    SafeHtml cell(String name, SafeStyles styles, SafeHtml value, String title);
  } /**/

  private static SafeStyles enabledStyle =
      SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString(DEFAULT_STYLE + ENABLED_STYLE);
  private static SafeStyles disabledStyle =
      SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString(DEFAULT_STYLE + DISABLED_STYLE);

  public ContainerActionsCell(
      final ContainersProvider containersProvider, final DoContainerActionCallback callback) {
    super(SimpleSafeHtmlRenderer.getInstance(), "click", "keydown");
    this.containersProvider = containersProvider;
    this.callback = callback;

  public ContainerActionsCell(
      final ContainersProvider containersProvider,
      final DoContainerActionCallback callback,
      final SafeHtmlRenderer<String> renderer) {
    super(renderer, "click", "keydown");
    this.containersProvider = containersProvider;
    this.callback = callback;

  /** Create a singleton instance of the templates used to render the cell. */
  private static Templates templates = GWT.create(Templates.class);

  public static final String PLAY = "PLAY";
  public static final String STOP = "STOP";
  public static final String RELOAD = "RELOAD";
  public static final String REMOVE = "REMOVE";
  public static final String VIEW_LOGS = "VIEW_LOGS";
  public static final String VIEW_DETAILS = "VIEW_DETAILS";
  public static final String NAVIGATE = "NAVIGATE";
  public static final SafeHtml ICON_PLAY = makeImage(Images.INSTANCE.playIcon());
  public static final SafeHtml ICON_STOP = makeImage(Images.INSTANCE.stopIcon());
  public static final SafeHtml ICON_RELOAD = makeImage(Images.INSTANCE.reloadIconBlue());
  public static final SafeHtml ICON_REMOVE = makeImage(Images.INSTANCE.removeIcon());
  public static final SafeHtml ICON_VIEW_LOGS = makeImage(Images.INSTANCE.logsIcon());
  public static final SafeHtml ICON_NAVIGATE = makeImage(Images.INSTANCE.internetIcon());
  public static final SafeHtml ICON_VIEW_DETAILS = makeImage(Images.INSTANCE.detailsIcon());

   * Called when an event occurs in a rendered instance of this Cell. The parent element refers to
   * the element that contains the rendered cell, NOT to the outermost element that the Cell
   * rendered.
  public void onBrowserEvent(
      com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context,
      Element parent,
      String value,
      NativeEvent event,
      com.google.gwt.cell.client.ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {

    // Let AbstractCell handle the keydown event.
    super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);

    // Handle the click event.
    if ("click".equals(event.getType())) {

      // Ignore clicks that occur outside of the outermost element.
      EventTarget eventTarget = event.getEventTarget();

      if (parent.isOrHasChild(Element.as(eventTarget))) {
        // if (parent.getFirstChildElement().isOrHasChild(
        // Element.as(eventTarget))) {

        // use this to get the selected element!!
        Element el = Element.as(eventTarget);

        // check if we really click on the image
        if (callback != null && el.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("IMG")) {
          final String s = el.getParentElement().getAttribute("name");
          final KieContainer container = containersProvider.getContainer(value);
          final boolean isUp = SharedUtils.getContainerStatus(container);
          final boolean isKieApp =
              container.getType() != null
                  && KieImageCategory.KIEAPP.equals(container.getType().getCategory());
          if (ContainerActionsCell.PLAY.equals(s) && !isUp) {
          } else if (ContainerActionsCell.STOP.equals(s) && isUp) {
          } else if (ContainerActionsCell.RELOAD.equals(s) && isUp) {
          } else if (ContainerActionsCell.REMOVE.equals(s)) {
          } else if (ContainerActionsCell.VIEW_LOGS.equals(s)) {
          } else if (ContainerActionsCell.VIEW_DETAILS.equals(s) && isUp && isKieApp) {
          } else if (ContainerActionsCell.NAVIGATE.equals(s) && isUp && isKieApp) {

   * onEnterKeyDown is called when the user presses the ENTER key will the Cell is selected. You are
   * not required to override this method, but its a common convention that allows your cell to
   * respond to key events.
  protected void onEnterKeyDown(
      Context context,
      Element parent,
      String value,
      NativeEvent event,
      ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    doAction(value, valueUpdater);

   * Intern action
   * @param value selected value
   * @param valueUpdater value updater or the custom value update to be called
  private void doAction(String value, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
    // Trigger a value updater. In this case, the value doesn't actually
    // change, but we use a ValueUpdater to let the app know that a value
    // was clicked.
    if (valueUpdater != null) valueUpdater.update(value);

  protected void render(
      com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context, SafeHtml data, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
     * Always do a null check on the value. Cell widgets can pass null to
     * cells if the underlying data contains a null, or if the data arrives
     * out of order.
    if (data == null) {

    final KieContainer container = containersProvider.getContainer(data.asString());
    final boolean isUp = SharedUtils.getContainerStatus(container);
    final boolean isKieApp =
        container.getType() != null
            && KieImageCategory.KIEAPP.equals(container.getType().getCategory());

    // If the value comes from the user, we escape it to avoid XSS attacks.
    // SafeHtml safeValue = SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(data.asString());

    // Use the template to create the Cell's html.
    // SafeStyles styles = SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString(safeValue
    // .asString());

    // generate the image cell
    SafeHtml rendered =
            PLAY, isUp ? disabledStyle : enabledStyle, ICON_PLAY, Constants.INSTANCE.start());

        -- Disabled STOP container button, as it sometimes fails from the Docker remote API. --
    rendered = templates.cell(STOP, isUp ? enabledStyle : disabledStyle, ICON_STOP, Constants.INSTANCE.stop());

    rendered =
            RELOAD, isUp ? enabledStyle : disabledStyle, ICON_RELOAD, Constants.INSTANCE.restart());

    rendered = templates.cell(REMOVE, enabledStyle, ICON_REMOVE, Constants.INSTANCE.remove());

    rendered =
        templates.cell(VIEW_LOGS, enabledStyle, ICON_VIEW_LOGS, Constants.INSTANCE.viewLogs());

    if (isKieApp) {
      rendered =
              isUp ? enabledStyle : disabledStyle,

      rendered =
              isUp ? enabledStyle : disabledStyle,

   * Make icons available as SafeHtml
   * @param resource
   * @return
  private static SafeHtml makeImage(ImageResource resource) {
    AbstractImagePrototype proto = AbstractImagePrototype.create(resource);

    // String html = proto.getHTML().replace("style='",
    // "style='left:0px;top:0px;"); // position:absolute;
    // return SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(html);

    return proto.getSafeHtml();
 public StylesBuilder trustedBackgroundImage(String value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTrustedBackgroundImage(value));
 public StylesBuilder textOverflow(TextOverflow value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTextOverflow(value));
 public StylesBuilder marginRight(double value, Unit unit) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forMarginRight(value, unit));
 public StylesBuilder textTransform(TextTransform value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forTextTransform(value));
 public StylesBuilder floatprop(Float value) {
   return delegate.styleProperty(SafeStylesUtils.forFloat(value));