protected void addAllPackages(Package pkg) { Gwtc gwtc = pkg.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); if (gwtc != null && addPackage(pkg)) { addGwtcPackage(gwtc, pkg, false); } String parentName = pkg.getName(); int ind = parentName.lastIndexOf('.'); while (ind > -1) { parentName = parentName.substring(0, ind); ind = parentName.lastIndexOf('.'); pkg = GwtReflect.getPackage(parentName); X_Log.debug(getClass(), "Checking parent package", "'" + parentName + "'", pkg != null); if (pkg != null) { gwtc = pkg.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); if (gwtc != null && addPackage(pkg)) { addGwtcPackage(gwtc, pkg, false); } } } pkg = GwtReflect.getPackage(""); if (pkg != null) { gwtc = pkg.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); if (gwtc != null && addPackage(pkg)) { addGwtcPackage(gwtc, pkg, false); } } }
private Object findAncestor(Package p) { String name = p.getName(); int ind = name.lastIndexOf('.'); while (ind > -1) { name = name.substring(0, ind); p = GwtReflect.getPackage(name); if (p != null && p.isAnnotationPresent(Gwtc.class)) { return p; } ind = name.lastIndexOf('.'); } p = GwtReflect.getPackage(""); return p == null || !p.isAnnotationPresent(Gwtc.class) ? null : p; }
public void addPackages(Package pkg, GwtcServiceImpl gwtc, boolean recursive) { Iterable<ClassFile> iter; if (recursive) { iter = classpath.get().findClassesBelowPackage(pkg.getName()); } else { iter = classpath.get().findClassesInPackage(pkg.getName()); } for (ClassFile file : iter) {, "Scanning file ", file); if ("package-info".equals(file.getEnclosedName())) { Package p = GwtReflect.getPackage(file.getPackage()); if (!finishedPackages.contains(p)) { gwtcService.addPackage(p, false); } } else { try { Class<?> cls = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(file.getName()); if (!finishedClasses.contains(cls)) { gwtc.addClass(cls); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { X_Log.warn(getClass(), "Unable to load class ", file); } } } }
private void scanClass(Class<?> clazz) { GwtcUnit data = nodes.get(clazz); if (data == null) { Object ancestor = findAncestor(clazz); return; } if (data.gwtc == null) { return; } gwtcService.addClass(clazz); Object parent; if (data.isFindParent()) { parent = findAncestor(data.source); if (parent != null) { GwtcUnit parentNode = nodes.get(parent); data.setParent(parentNode); if (data.isFindAllParents()) { while (parent != null) { Object ancestor = findAncestor(parent); if (ancestor == null) { break; } else { GwtcUnit ancestorNode = nodes.get(ancestor); parentNode.setParent(ancestorNode); parent = ancestor; parentNode = ancestorNode; } } } } } Gwtc gwtc = clazz.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); Class<?> c; parent = c = clazz; if (gwtc == null) { while (c != Object.class) { gwtc = c.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); if (gwtc != null) { parent = c; maybeAddAncestors(gwtc, c); break; } c = c.getSuperclass(); } Package pkg; parent = pkg = clazz.getPackage(); if (gwtc == null) { gwtc = pkg.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); String parentName = pkg.getName(); search: while (gwtc == null) { int ind = parentName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (ind == -1) { break; } parentName = parentName.substring(0, ind); pkg = GwtReflect.getPackage(parentName); while (pkg == null) { ind = parentName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (ind == -1) { X_Log.warn("No package found for ", clazz.getPackage(), "; aborting @Gwtc search"); break search; } parentName = parentName.substring(0, ind); pkg = GwtReflect.getPackage(parentName); } gwtc = pkg.getAnnotation(Gwtc.class); } if (gwtc != null) { parent = pkg; maybeAddAncestors(gwtc, pkg); } } else { maybeAddAncestors(gwtc, pkg); } } else { maybeAddAncestors(gwtc, c); inherit(data); } if (parent != null) { X_Log.trace(getClass(), "Next annotated parent of ", c, "is", parent); } }
/** * Finds the next parent element annotated with @Gwtc. <br> * This method should NOT be used to recurse parent hierarchy; instead use {@link #getParents()} * * @return the next parent with @Gwtc, if there is one. */ public Object getParent() { if (!isFindParent()) { return null; } final boolean findAll = isFindAllParents(); Object o = source; Class<?> c; switch (type) { case Method: if (!isFindEnclosingClasses()) { return null; } o = c = ((Method) o).getDeclaringClass(); if (c.isAnnotationPresent(Gwtc.class)) { return c; } else if (!findAll) { return null; } // fallthrough case Class: c = (Class<?>) o; if (isFindEnclosingClasses()) { Class<?> search = c; while (!isObjectOrNull(search.getDeclaringClass())) { search = search.getDeclaringClass(); if (search.isAnnotationPresent(Gwtc.class)) { return search; } if (!findAll) { break; } } } if (isFindSuperClasses()) { Class<?> search = c; while (!isObjectOrNull(search.getSuperclass())) { search = search.getSuperclass(); if (search.isAnnotationPresent(Gwtc.class)) { return search; } if (!findAll) { break; } } } o = c.getPackage(); // fallthrough case Package: Package p = (Package) o; String pkg = p.getName(); if ("".equals(pkg)) { return null; } do { pkg = X_String.chopOrReturnEmpty(pkg, "."); p = GwtReflect.getPackage(pkg); if (p != null) { if (p.isAnnotationPresent(Gwtc.class)) { return p; } if (!findAll) { return null; } } } while (pkg.length() > 0); } return null; }