Example #1
   * Gets the SpreadsheetEntry for the first spreadsheet with that name retrieved in the feed.
   * @param spreadsheet the name of the spreadsheet
   * @return the first SpreadsheetEntry in the returned feed, so latest spreadsheet with the
   *     specified name
   * @throws Exception if error is encountered, such as no spreadsheets with the name
  public SpreadsheetEntry getSpreadsheet(String spreadsheet) throws Exception {

    SpreadsheetQuery spreadsheetQuery = new SpreadsheetQuery(factory.getSpreadsheetsFeedUrl());
    SpreadsheetFeed spreadsheetFeed = service.query(spreadsheetQuery, SpreadsheetFeed.class);
    List<SpreadsheetEntry> spreadsheets = spreadsheetFeed.getEntries();
    if (spreadsheets.isEmpty()) {
      throw new Exception("No spreadsheets with that name");

    return spreadsheets.get(0);
Example #2
  public ImportClient(String username, String password, int itemsPerBatch, String spreadsheetName)
      throws Exception {
    ITEMS_PER_BATCH = itemsPerBatch;

    factory = FeedURLFactory.getDefault();
    service = new SpreadsheetService("Props-2-Xls");
    service.setUserCredentials(username, password);
            .V1); // bug workaround! http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/issues/detail?id=103

    spreadsheet = getSpreadsheet(spreadsheetName);
    backingEntry = spreadsheet.getDefaultWorksheet();

    CellQuery cellQuery = new CellQuery(backingEntry.getCellFeedUrl());
    CellFeed cellFeed = service.getFeed(cellQuery, CellFeed.class);
Example #3
   * Uses the user's credentials to get a list of spreadsheets. Then asks the user which spreadsheet
   * to load. If the selected spreadsheet has multiple worksheets then the user will also be
   * prompted to select what sheet to use.
   * @param reader to read input from the keyboard
   * @throws ServiceException when the request causes an error in the Google Spreadsheets service.
   * @throws IOException when an error occurs in communication with the Google Spreadsheets service.
  public void loadSheet(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, ServiceException {
    // Get the spreadsheet to load
    SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.getFeed(factory.getSpreadsheetsFeedUrl(), SpreadsheetFeed.class);
    List spreadsheets = feed.getEntries();
    int spreadsheetIndex = getIndexFromUser(reader, spreadsheets, "spreadsheet");
    SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = feed.getEntries().get(spreadsheetIndex);

    // Get the worksheet to load
    if (spreadsheet.getWorksheets().size() == 1) {
      cellFeedUrl = spreadsheet.getWorksheets().get(0).getCellFeedUrl();
    } else {
      List worksheets = spreadsheet.getWorksheets();
      int worksheetIndex = getIndexFromUser(reader, worksheets, "worksheet");
      WorksheetEntry worksheet = (WorksheetEntry) worksheets.get(worksheetIndex);
      cellFeedUrl = worksheet.getCellFeedUrl();
    System.out.println("Sheet loaded.");
Example #4
  * Constructs a cell demo from the specified spreadsheet service, which is used to authenticate to
  * and access Google Spreadsheets.
  * @param service the connection to the Google Spradsheets service.
  * @param outputStream a handle for stdout.
 public CellDemo(SpreadsheetService service, PrintStream outputStream) {
   this.service = service;
   this.out = outputStream;
   this.factory = FeedURLFactory.getDefault();