Example #1
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
   return builder
       // This is the Proguard that comes from the --proguard_top attribute.
       .add(attr(":proguard", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(PROGUARD).exec())
       // This is the Proguard in the BUILD file that contains the android_sdk rule. Used when
       // --proguard_top is not specified.
       .add(attr("proguard", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec())
       .add(attr("aapt", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec())
       .add(attr("dx", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec())
           attr("main_dex_list_creator", LABEL)
       .add(attr("adb", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec())
       .add(attr("framework_aidl", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE))
       .add(attr("aidl", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec())
       .add(attr("android_jar", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE))
       .add(attr("shrinked_android_jar", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE))
           attr("android_jack", LABEL)
               // TODO(bazel-team): Remove defaults and make mandatory when android_sdk targets
               // have been updated to include manually specified Jack attributes.
       .add(attr("annotations_jar", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE))
       .add(attr("main_dex_classes", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE))
       .add(attr("apkbuilder", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec())
       .add(attr("zipalign", LABEL).mandatory().cfg(HOST).allowedFileTypes(ANY_FILE).exec())
           attr("jack", LABEL)
           attr("jill", LABEL)
           attr("resource_extractor", LABEL)
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
           attr("$ijar", LABEL)
               .value(env.getLabel(Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/defaults:ijar")))
 public RuleClass build(Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
       .add(attr(":jvm", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(JavaSemantics.JVM))
       .add(attr(":host_jdk", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(JavaSemantics.HOST_JDK))
       .add(attr(":java_toolchain", LABEL).value(JavaSemantics.JAVA_TOOLCHAIN))
           attr("$javac_extdir", LABEL)
           attr("$java_langtools", LABEL)
                   env.getLabel(Constants.TOOLS_REPOSITORY + "//tools/defaults:java_langtools")))
           attr("$javac_bootclasspath", LABEL)
           attr("$javabuilder", LABEL)
           attr("$singlejar", LABEL)
       .add(attr("$genclass", LABEL).cfg(HOST).value(env.getLabel(JavaSemantics.GENCLASS_LABEL)))
Example #4
 public RuleClass build(RuleClass.Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
   return builder
           attr(":android_sdk", LABEL)
               .allowedRuleClasses("android_sdk", "filegroup")
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_base).ATTRIBUTE(plugins) -->
       Java compiler plugins to run at compile-time.
       Every <code>java_plugin</code> specified in
       the plugins attribute will be run whenever
       this target is built.  Resources generated by
       the plugin will be included in the result jar of
       the target.
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
           attr("plugins", LABEL_LIST)
           attr(":java_plugins", LABEL_LIST)
       /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_base).ATTRIBUTE(javacopts) -->
       Extra compiler options for this target.
       Subject to <a href="#make_variables">"Make variable"</a> substitution and
       <a href="#sh-tokenization">Bourne shell tokenization</a>.
       These compiler options are passed to javac after the global compiler options.</p>
       <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
       .add(attr("javacopts", STRING_LIST))
       // TODO(ahumesky): It would be better to put this dependency in //tools/android somehow
       // like all the rest of android tools.
           attr("$jarjar_bin", LABEL)
Example #5
    public RuleClass build(RuleClass.Builder builder, final RuleDefinitionEnvironment env) {
      return builder
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(srcs) -->
          The list of source files that are processed to create the target.
          <p><code>srcs</code> files of type <code>.java</code> are compiled.
          <em>For readability's sake</em>, it is not good to put the name of a
          generated <code>.java</code> source file into the <code>srcs</code>.
          Instead, put the depended-on rule name in the <code>srcs</code>, as
          described below.
          <p><code>srcs</code> files of type <code>.srcjar</code> are unpacked and
          compiled. (This is useful if you need to generate a set of .java files with
          a genrule or build extension.)
          <p>This rule currently forces source and class compatibility with Java 6.
          <p><code>srcs</code> files of type <code>.jar</code> are linked in.
          (This is useful if you have third-party <code>.jar</code> files
          with no source.)
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
              attr("srcs", LABEL_LIST)
                      JavaSemantics.JAVA_SOURCE, JavaSemantics.JAR, JavaSemantics.SOURCE_JAR))
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(deps) -->
          The list of other libraries to be linked in to the binary target.
          Permitted library types are: <code>android_library</code>,
          <code>java_library</code> with <code>android</code> constraint and
          <code>cc_library</code> wrapping or producing <code>.so</code> native libraries for the
          Android target platform.
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          // Proguard rule specifying master list of classes to keep during legacy multidexing.
              attr("$build_incremental_dexmanifest", LABEL)
              attr("$stubify_manifest", LABEL)
              attr("$shuffle_jars", LABEL)
                  .value(env.getLabel(Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "shuffle_jars")))
              attr("$merge_dexzips", LABEL)
                  .value(env.getLabel(Constants.ANDROID_DEP_PREFIX + "merge_dexzips")))
              attr("$incremental_install", LABEL)
              attr("$build_split_manifest", LABEL)
              attr("$strip_resources", LABEL)
              attr("$incremental_stub_application", LABEL)
              attr("$incremental_split_stub_application", LABEL)
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(dexopts) -->
          Additional command-line flags for the dx tool when generating classes.dex.
          Subject to <a href="#make_variables">"Make variable"</a> substitution and
          <a href="#sh-tokenization">Bourne shell tokenization</a>.
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          .add(attr("dexopts", STRING_LIST))
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(dex_shards) -->
          Number of shards dexing should be decomposed into.
          This is makes dexing much faster at the expense of app installation and startup time. The
          larger the binary, the more shards should be used. 25 is a good value to start
          experimenting with.
          Note that each shard will result in at least one dex in the final app. For this reason,
          setting this to more than 1 is not recommended for release binaries.
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          .add(attr("dex_shards", INTEGER).value(1))
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(main_dex_list_opts) -->
          Command line options to pass to the main dex list builder.
          Use this option to affect the classes included in the main dex list.
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          .add(attr("main_dex_list_opts", STRING_LIST))
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(main_dex_list) -->

                    A text file contains a list of class file names. Classes defined by those class files are
                    put in the primary classes.dex. e.g.:<pre class="code">
                    Must be used with <code>multidex="manual_main_dex"</code>.
                    <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          .add(attr("main_dex_list", LABEL).legacyAllowAnyFileType())
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(main_dex_proguard_specs) -->
          Files to be used as the Proguard specifications to determine classes that must be kept in
          the main dex.
          Only allowed if the <code>multidex</code> attribute is set to <code>legacy</code>.
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          .add(attr("main_dex_proguard_specs", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType())
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(proguard_specs) -->
          Files to be used as Proguard specification.
          This file will describe the set of specifications to be used by Proguard.
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          .add(attr("proguard_specs", LABEL_LIST).legacyAllowAnyFileType())
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(proguard_generate_mapping) -->
          Whether to generate Proguard mapping file.
          The mapping file will be generated only if <code>proguard_specs</code> is
          specified. This file will list the mapping between the original and
          obfuscated class, method, and field names.
          <p><em class="harmful">WARNING: If you use this attribute, your Proguard specification
          should contain neither <code>-dontobfuscate</code> nor <code>-printmapping</code>.
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
              attr("proguard_generate_mapping", BOOLEAN)
                  .nonconfigurable("value is referenced in an ImplicitOutputsFunction"))
          /* <!-- #BLAZE_RULE($android_binary_base).ATTRIBUTE(legacy_native_support) -->
          Enables legacy native support, where pre-compiled native libraries are copied
          directly into the APK.
          Possible values:
              <li><code>legacy_native_support = 1</code>: Pre-built .so files found in the
                dependencies of cc_libraries in the transitive closure will be copied into
                the APK without being modified in any way. All cc_libraries in the transitive
                closure of this rule must wrap .so files. (<em class="harmful">deprecated</em> -
                legacy_native_support = 0 will become the default and this attribute will be
                removed in a future Blaze release.)</li>
              <li><code>legacy_native_support = 0</code>: Native dependencies in the transitive
                closure will be linked together into a single lib[ruleName].so
                before being placed in the APK. This ensures that, e.g., only one copy of
                //base will be loaded into memory. This lib[ruleName].so can be loaded
                via System.loadLibrary as normal.</li>
              <li><code>legacy_native_support = -1</code>: Linking is controlled by the
                <a href="blaze-user-manual.html#flag--legacy_android_native_support">
                --[no]legacy_android_native_support</a> Blaze flag.</li>
          <!-- #END_BLAZE_RULE.ATTRIBUTE --> */
          .add(attr("legacy_native_support", TRISTATE).value(TriState.AUTO))