private static List<Character> asList(Character[] values) { char[] temp = new char[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { temp[i] = checkNotNull(values[i]); // checkNotNull for GWT (do not optimize). } return Chars.asList(temp); }
static int isAnagram_lambda(String s, Matcher<Integer> match) { List<Integer> ints = filter(match, (count(Chars.asList(s.toCharArray()))).values()); if ((s.length() % 2 == 0 && ints.size() == 0) || (s.length() % 2 == 1 && ints.size() == 1)) { return 1; } return 0; }
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = 1; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { result = 31 * result + Chars.hashCode(array[i]); } return result; }
@Override public int lastIndexOf(Object target) { // Overridden to prevent a ton of boxing if (target instanceof Character) { int i = Chars.lastIndexOf(array, (Character) target, start, end); if (i >= 0) { return i - start; } } return -1; }
@Override public int compare(char[] left, char[] right) { int minLength = Math.min(left.length, right.length); for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { int result =[i], right[i]); if (result != 0) { return result; } } return left.length - right.length; }
protected PushOneCommit.Result amendChange(String changeId) throws GitAPIException, IOException { Collections.shuffle(RANDOM); PushOneCommit push = pushFactory.create( db, admin.getIdent(), PushOneCommit.SUBJECT, PushOneCommit.FILE_NAME, new String(Chars.toArray(RANDOM)), changeId); return, "refs/for/master"); }
/** * Web browsers do not always handle '+' characters well, use the well-supported '%20' instead. */ public static String urlEncode(String in, char... skipEncode) { return urlEncode(in, Chars.asList(skipEncode)); }
@Override public boolean contains(Object target) { // Overridden to prevent a ton of boxing return (target instanceof Character) && Chars.indexOf(array, (Character) target, start, end) != -1; }
@RunWith(ConfigSuite.class) public abstract class AbstractDaemonTest { @ConfigSuite.Parameter public Config baseConfig; @Inject protected AccountCreator accounts; @Inject private SchemaFactory<ReviewDb> reviewDbProvider; @Inject protected GerritApi gApi; @Inject private AcceptanceTestRequestScope atrScope; @Inject private IdentifiedUser.GenericFactory identifiedUserFactory; @Inject protected PushOneCommit.Factory pushFactory; protected Git git; protected GerritServer server; protected TestAccount admin; protected TestAccount user; protected RestSession adminSession; protected RestSession userSession; protected SshSession sshSession; protected ReviewDb db; protected Project.NameKey project; @Rule public TestRule testRunner = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base, final Description description) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { boolean mem = description.getAnnotation(UseLocalDisk.class) == null; boolean enableHttpd = description.getAnnotation(NoHttpd.class) == null && description.getTestClass().getAnnotation(NoHttpd.class) == null; beforeTest(config(description), mem, enableHttpd); base.evaluate(); afterTest(); } }; } }; private Config config(Description description) { GerritConfigs cfgs = description.getAnnotation(GerritConfigs.class); GerritConfig cfg = description.getAnnotation(GerritConfig.class); if (cfgs != null && cfg != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Use either @GerritConfigs or @GerritConfig not both"); } if (cfgs != null) { return ConfigAnnotationParser.parse(baseConfig, cfgs); } else if (cfg != null) { return ConfigAnnotationParser.parse(baseConfig, cfg); } else { return baseConfig; } } private void beforeTest(Config cfg, boolean memory, boolean enableHttpd) throws Exception { server = startServer(cfg, memory, enableHttpd); server.getTestInjector().injectMembers(this); admin = accounts.admin(); user = accounts.user(); adminSession = new RestSession(server, admin); userSession = new RestSession(server, user); initSsh(admin); db =; Context ctx = newRequestContext(admin); atrScope.set(ctx); sshSession = ctx.getSession(); project = new Project.NameKey("p"); createProject(sshSession, project.get()); git = cloneProject(sshSession.getUrl() + "/" + project.get()); } protected GerritServer startServer(Config cfg, boolean memory, boolean enableHttpd) throws Exception { return GerritServer.start(cfg, memory, enableHttpd); } private void afterTest() throws Exception { db.close(); sshSession.close(); server.stop(); } protected PushOneCommit.Result createChange() throws GitAPIException, IOException { PushOneCommit push = pushFactory.create(db, admin.getIdent()); return, "refs/for/master"); } private static final List<Character> RANDOM = Chars.asList(new char[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'}); protected PushOneCommit.Result amendChange(String changeId) throws GitAPIException, IOException { Collections.shuffle(RANDOM); PushOneCommit push = pushFactory.create( db, admin.getIdent(), PushOneCommit.SUBJECT, PushOneCommit.FILE_NAME, new String(Chars.toArray(RANDOM)), changeId); return, "refs/for/master"); } protected ChangeJson.ChangeInfo getChange(String changeId, ListChangesOption... options) throws IOException { return getChange(adminSession, changeId, options); } protected ChangeJson.ChangeInfo getChange( RestSession session, String changeId, ListChangesOption... options) throws IOException { String q = options.length > 0 ? "?o=" + Joiner.on("&o=").join(options) : ""; RestResponse r = session.get("/changes/" + changeId + q); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, r.getStatusCode()); return newGson().fromJson(r.getReader(), ChangeJson.ChangeInfo.class); } protected ChangeInfo info(String id) throws RestApiException { return gApi.changes().id(id).info(); } protected ChangeInfo get(String id) throws RestApiException { return gApi.changes().id(id).get(); } protected ChangeInfo get(String id, ListChangesOption... options) throws RestApiException { EnumSet<ListChangesOption> s = EnumSet.noneOf(ListChangesOption.class); s.addAll(Arrays.asList(options)); return gApi.changes().id(id).get(s); } protected List<ChangeInfo> query(String q) throws RestApiException { return gApi.changes().query(q).get(); } private Context newRequestContext(TestAccount account) { return atrScope.newContext( reviewDbProvider, new SshSession(server, admin), identifiedUserFactory.create(Providers.of(db), account.getId())); } protected Context setApiUser(TestAccount account) { return atrScope.set(newRequestContext(account)); } protected static Gson newGson() { return OutputFormat.JSON_COMPACT.newGson(); } protected RevisionApi revision(PushOneCommit.Result r) throws Exception { return gApi.changes().id(r.getChangeId()).current(); } }