private ImmutableList<Path> conditionallyCopy(ImmutableList<Path> roots) throws IOException { final Builder<Path> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Path root : roots) { Preconditions.checkArgument( root.startsWith(workingDirectory), root + " must start with root " + workingDirectory + " from " + roots); Preconditions.checkArgument( !root.equals(workingDirectory), "Cannot deduplicate root directory: " + root + " from " + roots); if (!seen.containsKey(root)) { seen.put(root, null); final Path newRoot = out.resolve(workingDirectory.relativize(root)); Files.walkFileTree( root, ImmutableSet.of(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS), Integer.MAX_VALUE, new ConditionalCopyVisitor(newRoot, root, seen, hashFunction)); builder.add(newRoot); } else { // Duplicated directories are ok -- multiple files from different libraries // can reside in the same directory, but duplicate files should not be seen mulitple times. } } return; }
static byte[] encode(RSAPrivateCrtKey key) { List<BigInteger> seq = ImmutableList.<BigInteger>builder() .add(BigInteger.valueOf(0)) // version .add(key.getModulus()) .add(key.getPublicExponent()) .add(key.getPrivateExponent()) .add(key.getPrimeP()) .add(key.getPrimeQ()) .add(key.getPrimeExponentP()) .add(key.getPrimeExponentQ()) .add(key.getCrtCoefficient()) .build(); int length = 0; for (BigInteger part : seq) { byte[] bytes = part.toByteArray(); length += 1 + calculateBodyLength(bytes.length) + bytes.length; } Builder<Byte> output = ImmutableList.<Byte>builder(); output.add((byte) (SEQUENCE | CONSTRUCTED)); writeLength(output, length); for (BigInteger part : seq) { byte[] bytes = part.toByteArray(); output.add((byte) TAG); writeLength(output, bytes.length); output.addAll(Bytes.asList(bytes)); } return Bytes.toArray(; }
public ImmutableList<CFApplication> getApplicationsWithBasicInfo() { Builder<CFApplication> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (MockCFApplication app : appsByName.values()) { builder.add(app.getBasicInfo()); } return; }
public PublicRepositoryI( RepositoryDao repositoryDao, ChecksumProviderFactory checksumProviderFactory, String checksumAlgorithmSupported, String pathRules) throws ServerError { this.repositoryDao = repositoryDao; this.checksumProviderFactory = checksumProviderFactory; this.repoUuid = null; final Builder<ChecksumAlgorithm> checksumAlgorithmsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final String term : checksumAlgorithmSupported.split(",")) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(term)) { checksumAlgorithmsBuilder.add(ChecksumAlgorithmMapper.getChecksumAlgorithm(term.trim())); } } this.checksumAlgorithms =; if (this.checksumAlgorithms.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("a checksum algorithm must be supported"); } final Set<String> terms = new HashSet<String>(); for (final String term : pathRules.split(",")) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(term)) { terms.add(term.trim()); } } final String[] termArray = terms.toArray(new String[terms.size()]); try { this.filePathRestrictions = FilePathRestrictionInstance.getFilePathRestrictions(termArray); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new ServerError(null, null, "unknown rule set named in: " + pathRules); } }
private static List<URI> getTrackerUris(List<TorrentTracker> trackers) { Builder<URI> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (TorrentTracker tracker : trackers) { builder.add(tracker.getURI()); } return; }
private static List<SimplifiedLog> create( int amount, Level level, String hostName, boolean random) { Builder<SimplifiedLog> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { builder.add((random) ? create(level, hostName) : createPrepared(level, i)); } return; }
/** @return List of crawlelements. */ protected ImmutableList<CrawlElement> getCrawlElements() { Builder<CrawlElement> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Form form : this.forms) { CrawlElement crawlTag = form.getCrawlElement(); if (crawlTag != null) { builder.add(crawlTag); } } return; }
@VisibleForTesting final void initPatterns() { Builder<WildcardPattern> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String pattern : settings.getStringArray(CoreProperties.PROJECT_COVERAGE_EXCLUSIONS_PROPERTY)) { builder.add(WildcardPattern.create(pattern)); } resourcePatterns =; log("Excluded sources for coverage: ", resourcePatterns); }
public void computeBranding() { if (brandings == null) { Builder brd = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCVersionString()); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCPVersionString()); brd.add("FML v" + Loader.instance().getFMLVersionString()); String forgeBranding = (String) callForgeMethod("getBrandingVersion"); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(forgeBranding)) { brd.add(forgeBranding); } if (sidedDelegate != null) { brd.addAll(sidedDelegate.getAdditionalBrandingInformation()); } try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("")); brd.add(props.getProperty("fmlbranding")); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore - no branding file found } int tModCount = Loader.instance().getModList().size(); int aModCount = Loader.instance().getActiveModList().size(); brd.add( String.format( "%d mod%s loaded, %d mod%s active", tModCount, tModCount != 1 ? "s" : "", aModCount, aModCount != 1 ? "s" : "")); brandings =; } }
/** * Gets the context of this event within a stream * * @return the context in struct form */ public StructDefinition getContext() { /* Most common case so far */ if (fStreamContext == null) { return fEventContext; } /* streamContext is not null, but the context of the event is null */ if (fEventContext == null) { return fStreamContext; } // TODO: cache if this is a performance issue /* The stream context and event context are assigned. */ StructDeclaration mergedDeclaration = new StructDeclaration(1); Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); List<Definition> fieldValues = new ArrayList<>(); /* Add fields from the stream */ for (String fieldName : fStreamContext.getFieldNames()) { Definition definition = fStreamContext.getDefinition(fieldName); mergedDeclaration.addField(fieldName, definition.getDeclaration()); builder.add(fieldName); fieldValues.add(definition); } ImmutableList<String> fieldNames =; /* * Add fields from the event context, overwrite the stream ones if * needed. */ for (String fieldName : fEventContext.getFieldNames()) { Definition definition = fEventContext.getDefinition(fieldName); mergedDeclaration.addField(fieldName, definition.getDeclaration()); if (fieldNames.contains(fieldName)) { fieldValues.set((fieldNames.indexOf(fieldName)), definition); } else { builder.add(fieldName); fieldValues.add(definition); } } fieldNames =; StructDefinition mergedContext = new StructDefinition( mergedDeclaration, this, "context", //$NON-NLS-1$ fieldNames, fieldValues.toArray(new Definition[fieldValues.size()])); return mergedContext; }
@Override public AbstractArrayDefinition createDefinition( @Nullable IDefinitionScope definitionScope, String fieldName, BitBuffer input) throws CTFException { IDefinition lenDef = null; if (definitionScope != null) { lenDef = definitionScope.lookupDefinition(getLengthName()); } if (lenDef == null) { throw new CTFException("Sequence length field not found"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (!(lenDef instanceof IntegerDefinition)) { throw new CTFException("Sequence length field not integer"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } IntegerDefinition lengthDefinition = (IntegerDefinition) lenDef; if (lengthDefinition.getDeclaration().isSigned()) { throw new CTFException("Sequence length must not be signed"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } long length = lengthDefinition.getValue(); if ((length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (!input.canRead((int) length * fElemType.getMaximumSize()))) { throw new CTFException("Sequence length too long " + length); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (isAlignedBytes()) { // Don't create "useless" definitions byte[] data = new byte[(int) length]; input.get(data); return new ByteArrayDefinition(this, definitionScope, fieldName, data); } Collection<String> collection = fPaths.get(fieldName); while (collection.size() < length) { fPaths.put(fieldName, fieldName + '[' + collection.size() + ']'); } List<String> paths = (List<String>) fPaths.get(fieldName); Builder<Definition> definitions = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { /* We should not have inserted any null values */ String elemName = checkNotNull(paths.get(i)); definitions.add(fElemType.createDefinition(definitionScope, elemName, input)); } List<Definition> list = checkNotNull(; return new ArrayDefinition(this, definitionScope, fieldName, list); }
private static void writeLength(Builder<Byte> output, int length) { if (length > 127) { int size = 1; int val = length; while ((val >>>= 8) != 0) { size++; } output.add((byte) (size | 0x80)); for (int i = (size - 1) * 8; i >= 0; i -= 8) { output.add((byte) (length >> i)); } } else { output.add((byte) length); } }
public List<String> getNonFemaleExclusiveElectedCandidateNames(String officeName) { List<WebElement> li = webDriver.findElements( By.xpath( "//h1[contains(text(), '" + officeName + "')]/parent::section" + "/h2[contains(text(), 'offen')]/following-sibling::ul[1]/li")); Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (WebElement webElement : li) { builder.add(webElement.getText()); } return; }
private static List<TorrentTracker> parseTrackers(String encodedTrackers) throws InvalidDataException { if (encodedTrackers == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Builder<TorrentTracker> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String tracker : encodedTrackers.split(" ")) { try { URI uri = URIUtils.toURI(tracker); builder.add(new LimeXMLTorrentTracker(uri)); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { throw new InvalidDataException("torrent xml with invalid tracker: " + encodedTrackers, use); } } return; }
private void assertOkResponse(Response response, SlotLifecycleState state, UUID... slotIds) { assertEquals(response.getStatus(), Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()); AgentStatus agentStatus = coordinator.getAgentByAgentId(agentId); Builder<SlotStatusRepresentation> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (UUID slotId : slotIds) { SlotStatus slotStatus = agentStatus.getSlotStatus(slotId); builder.add( SlotStatusRepresentation.from(slotStatus.changeState(state), prefixSize, MOCK_REPO)); assertEquals(slotStatus.getAssignment(), APPLE_ASSIGNMENT); } assertEqualsNoOrder((Collection<?>) response.getEntity(),; assertNull( response .getMetadata() .get("Content-Type")); // content type is set by jersey based on @Produces }
private static List<PatternConstraint> uniquePatterns(final StringTypeDefinition type) { final List<PatternConstraint> constraints = type.getPatternConstraints(); if (constraints.isEmpty()) { return constraints; } final Builder<PatternConstraint> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); boolean filtered = false; for (PatternConstraint c : constraints) { if (containsConstraint(type.getBaseType(), c)) { filtered = true; } else { builder.add(c); } } return filtered ? : constraints; }
private static void findSources( PlanNode node, Builder<PlanNode> builder, PlanNodeId partitionedSource) { for (PlanNode source : node.getSources()) { findSources(source, builder, partitionedSource); } if (node.getSources().isEmpty() || node.getId().equals(partitionedSource)) { builder.add(node); } }
public @Bean LakeviewFileValidator lakeviewFileValidator() { Clock clock = new SystemClock(); Builder<LakeviewFeedValidationRule> validationRules = ImmutableList.builder(); validationRules.add(new CompletenessValidationRule(contentLister, 200)); validationRules.add(new HeirarchyValidationRule()); validationRules.add(new UpToDateValidationRule(1, clock)); // We need to find better candidates for this, as we don't see updates to these brands // validationRules.add(new // RecentUpdateToBrandValidationRule("", 5, // clock)); // validationRules.add(new // RecentUpdateToBrandValidationRule("", 5, clock)); return new LakeviewFileValidator( lakeviewContentFetcher(), lakeviewFeedCompiler(), lakeviewFeedOutputter(),, log); }
@Override public List<String> onTabComplete( CommandSender sebder, Command command, String label, String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { return ImmutableList.of("module", "debug", "reload"); } if (args.length == 1) { Builder<String> list = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String string : Arrays.asList("module", "debug", "reload")) { if (string.startsWith(args[0])) { list.add(string); } } return; } if (args.length == 2) { Builder<String> list = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String string : Arrays.asList("unload", "load", "reload", "debug")) { if (string.startsWith(args[0])) { list.add(string); } } return; } return ImmutableList.of(); }
public JavaToolchainData( String sourceVersion, String targetVersion, String encoding, List<String> xlint, List<String> misc, List<String> jvmOpts) { this.sourceVersion = sourceVersion; this.targetVersion = targetVersion; this.encoding = encoding; this.jvmOpts = ImmutableList.copyOf(jvmOpts); Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); if (!sourceVersion.isEmpty()) { builder.add("-source", sourceVersion); } if (!targetVersion.isEmpty()) { builder.add("-target", targetVersion); } if (!encoding.isEmpty()) { builder.add("-encoding", encoding); } if (!xlint.isEmpty()) { builder.add("-Xlint:" + Joiner.on(",").join(xlint)); } this.options = builder.addAll(misc).build(); }
private static List<?> deserializeGlobs(List<?> matches, Build.Attribute attrPb) { if (attrPb.getGlobCriteriaCount() == 0) { return matches; } Builder<GlobCriteria> criteriaBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Build.GlobCriteria criteriaPb : attrPb.getGlobCriteriaList()) { if (criteriaPb.hasGlob() && criteriaPb.getGlob()) { criteriaBuilder.add( GlobCriteria.fromGlobCall( ImmutableList.copyOf(criteriaPb.getIncludeList()), ImmutableList.copyOf(criteriaPb.getExcludeList()))); } else { criteriaBuilder.add( GlobCriteria.fromList(ImmutableList.copyOf(criteriaPb.getIncludeList()))); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) GlobList<?> result = new GlobList(, matches); return result; }
public static <T> List<T> readList(ByteBuf bb, int length, OFMessageReader<T> reader) throws OFParseError { int end = bb.readerIndex() + length; Builder<T> builder = ImmutableList.<T>builder(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("readList(length={}, reader={})", length, reader.getClass()); while (bb.readerIndex() < end) { T read = reader.readFrom(bb); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("readList: read={}, left={}", read, end - bb.readerIndex()); builder.add(read); } if (bb.readerIndex() != end) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Overread length: length=" + length + " overread by " + (bb.readerIndex() - end) + " reader: " + reader); } return; }
@Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { repairErroneousBuilderEntry(project); reorderBuilderEntries(project); final ImmutableList<String> newIDs = project.hasNature(ViatraQueryNature.NATURE_ID) ? ImmutableList.<String>of() : ImmutableList.of(ViatraQueryNature.NATURE_ID); Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); for (String ID : MigratorConstants.INCORRECT_NATURE_IDS) { if (project.hasNature(ID)) { builder.add(ID); } } final ImmutableList<String> oldIDs =; if (newIDs.size() + oldIDs.size() > 0) { ProjectGenerationHelper.updateNatures(project, newIDs, oldIDs, monitor); } removeGlobalEiq(project); renamePatternDefinitionFiles(project); if (PDE.hasPluginNature(project)) { removeExpressionExtensions(project); ProjectGenerationHelper.ensurePackageImports( project, ImmutableList.<String>of("org.apache.log4j")); }, monitor); } catch (CoreException e) { return new Status( IStatus.ERROR, ViatraQueryGUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Error updating project natures", e); } return Status.OK_STATUS; }
@Override public Iterable<Image> listImages() { Credentials defaultCredentials = new Credentials("root", null); // initializing as a List, as ImmutableSet does not allow you to put duplicates Builder<Image> images = ImmutableList.<Image>builder(); int id = 1; for (boolean is64Bit : new boolean[] {true, false}) for (Entry<OsFamily, Map<String, String>> osVersions : this.osToVersionMap.entrySet()) { for (String version : ImmutableSet.copyOf(osVersions.getValue().values())) { String desc = String.format("stub %s %s", osVersions.getKey(), is64Bit); images.add( new ImageBuilder() .ids(id++ + "") .name(osVersions.getKey().name()) .location(location.get()) .operatingSystem( new OperatingSystem(osVersions.getKey(), desc, version, null, desc, is64Bit)) .description(desc) .defaultCredentials(defaultCredentials) .build()); } } return; }
@Override protected RevTree read(ObjectId id, BufferedReader reader, TYPE type) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(TYPE.TREE.equals(type), "Wrong type: %s",; Builder<Node> features = ImmutableList.builder(); Builder<Node> trees = ImmutableList.builder(); TreeMap<Integer, Bucket> subtrees = Maps.newTreeMap(); long size = Long.parseLong(parseLine(requireLine(reader), "size")); int numTrees = Integer.parseInt(parseLine(requireLine(reader), "numtrees")); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!line.isEmpty(), "Empty tree element definition"); ArrayList<String> tokens = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on('\t').split(line)); String nodeType = tokens.get(0); if (nodeType.equals( { Node entryRef = parseNodeLine(line); if (entryRef.getType().equals(TYPE.TREE)) { trees.add(entryRef); } else { features.add(entryRef); } } else if (nodeType.equals( { Preconditions.checkArgument(tokens.size() == 4, "Wrong bucket definition: %s", line); Integer idx = Integer.parseInt(tokens.get(1)); ObjectId bucketId = ObjectId.valueOf(tokens.get(2)); Envelope bounds = parseBBox(tokens.get(3)); Bucket bucket = Bucket.create(bucketId, bounds); subtrees.put(idx, bucket); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong tree element definition: " + line); } } RevTree tree; if (subtrees.isEmpty()) { tree = RevTreeImpl.createLeafTree(id, size,,; } else { tree = RevTreeImpl.createNodeTree(id, size, numTrees, subtrees); } return tree; }
@Subscribe public void constructMod(FMLConstructionEvent event) { try { ModClassLoader modClassLoader = event.getModClassLoader(); modClassLoader.addFile(source); modClassLoader.clearNegativeCacheFor(candidate.getClassList()); Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className, true, modClassLoader); Certificate[] certificates = clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getCertificates(); int len = 0; if (certificates != null) { len = certificates.length; } Builder<String> certBuilder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { certBuilder.add(CertificateHelper.getFingerprint(certificates[i])); } ImmutableList<String> certList =; sourceFingerprints = ImmutableSet.copyOf(certList); String expectedFingerprint = (String) descriptor.get("certificateFingerprint"); fingerprintNotPresent = true; if (expectedFingerprint != null && !expectedFingerprint.isEmpty()) { if (!sourceFingerprints.contains(expectedFingerprint)) { Level warnLevel = Level.SEVERE; if (source.isDirectory()) { warnLevel = Level.FINER; } FMLLog.log( getModId(), warnLevel, "The mod %s is expecting signature %s for source %s, however there is no signature matching that description", getModId(), expectedFingerprint, source.getName()); } else { certificate = certificates[certList.indexOf(expectedFingerprint)]; fingerprintNotPresent = false; } } CustomProperty[] props = (CustomProperty[]) descriptor.get("customProperties"); if (props != null && props.length > 0) {<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder(); for (CustomProperty p : props) { builder.put(p.k(), p.v()); } customModProperties =; } else { customModProperties = EMPTY_PROPERTIES; } Method factoryMethod = gatherAnnotations(clazz); modInstance = getLanguageAdapter().getNewInstance(this, clazz, modClassLoader, factoryMethod); isNetworkMod = FMLNetworkHandler.instance().registerNetworkMod(this, clazz, event.getASMHarvestedData()); if (fingerprintNotPresent) { new FMLFingerprintViolationEvent( source.isDirectory(), source, ImmutableSet.copyOf(this.sourceFingerprints), expectedFingerprint)); } ProxyInjector.inject( this, event.getASMHarvestedData(), FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide(), getLanguageAdapter()); processFieldAnnotations(event.getASMHarvestedData()); } catch (Throwable e) { controller.errorOccurred(this, e); Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e); } }
@Override public void configure() { MongoChannelGroupStore channelGroupStore = new MongoChannelGroupStore(mongo()); MongoLookupEntryStore lookupEntryStore = contentLookupEntryStore(); MongoContentResolver contentResolver = contentResolver(); BroadcastBooster booster = new ChannelGroupBroadcastChannelBooster( mongoChannelGroupStore(), channelResolver(), priorityChannelGroup); CachingChannelStore channelStore = new CachingChannelStore( new MongoChannelStore(mongo(), channelGroupStore, channelGroupStore)); SimpleScheduler simplescheduler = new SimpleScheduler(); channelStore.start(); LuceneContentIndex index = new LuceneContentIndex( new File(luceneDir), contentResolver, booster, channelStore, backupDirectory); IndexBackupScheduledTask indexBackupTask = new IndexBackupScheduledTask(index); simplescheduler.schedule(indexBackupTask, RepetitionRules.every(Duration.standardHours(24))); Builder<HealthProbe> probes = ImmutableList.builder(); ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(3); ReloadingContentBootstrapper mongoBootstrapper = new ReloadingContentBootstrapper( index, mongoBootstrapper(), scheduler, Boolean.valueOf(luceneIndexAtStartup), 180, TimeUnit.MINUTES); probes.add(new LuceneSearcherProbe("mongo-lucene", mongoBootstrapper)); ReloadingContentBootstrapper cassandraBootstrapper = null; if (Boolean.valueOf(enableCassandra)) { cassandraBootstrapper = new ReloadingContentBootstrapper( index, cassandraBootstrapper(), scheduler, Boolean.valueOf(luceneIndexAtStartup), 7, TimeUnit.DAYS); probes.add(new LuceneSearcherProbe("cassandra-lucene", cassandraBootstrapper)); } ReloadingContentBootstrapper musicBootStrapper = null; if (Boolean.valueOf(enableMusic)) { musicBootStrapper = new ReloadingContentBootstrapper( index, musicBootstrapper(), scheduler, true, 120, TimeUnit.MINUTES); probes.add(new LuceneSearcherProbe("mongo-music", musicBootStrapper)); } bind("/system/health", new HealthController(; bind("/titles", new SearchServlet(new JsonSearchResultsView(), index)); bind("/debug/document", new DocumentController(index)); bind( "/index", new ContentIndexController( new LookupResolvingContentResolver(contentResolver, lookupEntryStore), index)); bind("/system/backup", new BackupController(index)); mongoBootstrapper.startAsync(); if (cassandraBootstrapper != null) { cassandraBootstrapper.startAsync(); } if (musicBootStrapper != null) { musicBootStrapper.startAsync(); } }
private RexNode convert(final ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc func) throws SemanticException { ExprNodeDesc tmpExprNode; RexNode tmpRN; List<RexNode> childRexNodeLst = new LinkedList<RexNode>(); Builder<RelDataType> argTypeBldr = ImmutableList.<RelDataType>builder(); // TODO: 1) Expand to other functions as needed 2) What about types other than primitive. TypeInfo tgtDT = null; GenericUDF tgtUdf = func.getGenericUDF(); boolean isNumeric = (tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFBaseBinary && func.getTypeInfo().getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE && (PrimitiveGrouping.NUMERIC_GROUP == PrimitiveObjectInspectorUtils.getPrimitiveGrouping( ((PrimitiveTypeInfo) func.getTypeInfo()).getPrimitiveCategory()))); boolean isCompare = !isNumeric && tgtUdf instanceof GenericUDFBaseCompare; if (isNumeric) { tgtDT = func.getTypeInfo(); assert func.getChildren().size() == 2; // TODO: checking 2 children is useless, compare already does that. } else if (isCompare && (func.getChildren().size() == 2)) { tgtDT = FunctionRegistry.getCommonClassForComparison( func.getChildren().get(0).getTypeInfo(), func.getChildren().get(1).getTypeInfo()); } for (ExprNodeDesc childExpr : func.getChildren()) { tmpExprNode = childExpr; if (tgtDT != null && TypeInfoUtils.isConversionRequiredForComparison(tgtDT, childExpr.getTypeInfo())) { if (isCompare) { // For compare, we will convert requisite children tmpExprNode = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(childExpr, (PrimitiveTypeInfo) tgtDT); } else if (isNumeric) { // For numeric, we'll do minimum necessary cast - if we cast to the type // of expression, bad things will happen. PrimitiveTypeInfo minArgType = ExprNodeDescUtils.deriveMinArgumentCast(childExpr, tgtDT); tmpExprNode = ParseUtils.createConversionCast(childExpr, minArgType); } else { throw new AssertionError("Unexpected " + tgtDT + " - not a numeric op or compare"); } } argTypeBldr.add(TypeConverter.convert(tmpExprNode.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory())); tmpRN = convert(tmpExprNode); childRexNodeLst.add(tmpRN); } // See if this is an explicit cast. RexNode expr = null; RelDataType retType = null; expr = handleExplicitCast(func, childRexNodeLst); if (expr == null) { // This is not a cast; process the function. retType = TypeConverter.convert(func.getTypeInfo(), cluster.getTypeFactory()); SqlOperator calciteOp = SqlFunctionConverter.getCalciteOperator( func.getFuncText(), func.getGenericUDF(),, retType); expr = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCall(calciteOp, childRexNodeLst); } else { retType = expr.getType(); } // TODO: Cast Function in Calcite have a bug where it infer type on cast throws // an exception if (flattenExpr && (expr instanceof RexCall) && !(((RexCall) expr).getOperator() instanceof SqlCastFunction)) { RexCall call = (RexCall) expr; expr = cluster .getRexBuilder() .makeCall( retType, call.getOperator(), RexUtil.flatten(call.getOperands(), call.getOperator())); } return expr; }