public void start() { if (watch.isRunning()) { watch.reset().start(); } else { watch.start(); } }
/** * DO NOT RUN!!!! * * @author Joshua Barlin (propoke24) * @version 1 * @return Time between execution and interruption * @deprecated Test Code */ @Deprecated public static long timer() { final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); stopwatch.start(); stopwatch.stop(); return stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
@Override public List<EndpointAffinity> getOperatorAffinity() { watch.reset(); watch.start(); Map<String, DrillbitEndpoint> endpointMap = new HashMap<String, DrillbitEndpoint>(); for (DrillbitEndpoint ep : storagePlugin.getContext().getBits()) { endpointMap.put(ep.getAddress(), ep); } Map<DrillbitEndpoint, EndpointAffinity> affinityMap = new HashMap<DrillbitEndpoint, EndpointAffinity>(); for (ServerName sn : regionsToScan.values()) { DrillbitEndpoint ep = endpointMap.get(sn.getHostname()); if (ep != null) { EndpointAffinity affinity = affinityMap.get(ep); if (affinity == null) { affinityMap.put(ep, new EndpointAffinity(ep, 1)); } else { affinity.addAffinity(1); } } } logger.debug("Took {} µs to get operator affinity", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) / 1000); return Lists.newArrayList(affinityMap.values()); }
private void schedule(int delay) { currentDelay = delay; watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.start(); taskId = Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, this, (long) delay * TICKS_PER_SECONDS); }
@Test public void testMillionsExe() { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); stopwatch.start(); int size = 1000 * 1000; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cacheDemo.getUserWithoutAnno(i); } stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println(stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); }
@Test public void testAppend() { MemTable mt = new MemTable(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 200000; i++) { Message msg = getMessage(i); mt.append(msg); } sw.stop(); System.out.println("ex time set:" + sw); mt.getSnapShot(); }
/** * Code for each 'client' to run. * * @param id * @param c * @param sharedConnection * @throws IOException */ static void cycle(int id, final Configuration c, final HConnection sharedConnection) throws IOException { HTableInterface table = sharedConnection.getTable(BIG_USER_TABLE); table.setAutoFlushTo(false); long namespaceSpan = c.getLong("hbase.test.namespace.span", 1000000); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int printInterval = 100000; Random rd = new Random(id); boolean get = c.getBoolean("", false); try { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.start(); for (int i = 0; i < namespaceSpan; i++) { byte[] b = format(rd.nextLong()); if (get) { Get g = new Get(b); table.get(g); } else { Put p = new Put(b); p.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, b, b); table.put(p); } if (i % printInterval == 0) {"Put " + printInterval + "/" + stopWatch.elapsedMillis()); stopWatch.reset(); stopWatch.start(); } } "Finished a cycle putting " + namespaceSpan + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); } finally { table.close(); } }
/** * Attempt to kill a running task. If the task has not started running, it will not start. If it's * already running, a kill request will be sent to it. * * <p>The AM will be informed about the task kill. */ public void killTask() { if (!isCompleted.get()) { if (!killInvoked.getAndSet(true)) { synchronized (this) { "Kill task requested for id={}, taskRunnerSetup={}", taskSpec.getTaskAttemptID(), (taskRunner != null)); if (taskRunner != null) { killtimerWatch.start();"Issuing kill to task {}", taskSpec.getTaskAttemptID()); boolean killed = taskRunner.killTask(); if (killed) { // Sending a kill message to the AM right here. Don't need to wait for the task to // complete. "Kill request for task {} completed. Informing AM", taskSpec.getTaskAttemptID()); reportTaskKilled(); } else { "Kill request for task {} did not complete because the task is already complete", taskSpec.getTaskAttemptID()); } shouldRunTask = false; } else { // If the task hasn't started, and it is killed - report back to the AM that the task // has been killed. LOG.debug("Reporting taskKilled for non-started fragment {}", getRequestId()); reportTaskKilled(); } if (!isStarted.get()) { // If the task hasn't started - inform about fragment completion immediately. It's // possible for // the callable to never run. fragmentCompletionHanler.fragmentComplete(fragmentInfo); this.amReporter.unregisterTask(request.getAmHost(), request.getAmPort()); } } } else { // This should not happen. LOG.warn( "Ignoring kill request for task {} since a previous kill request was processed", taskSpec.getTaskAttemptID()); } } else { "Ignoring kill request for task {} since it's already complete", taskSpec.getTaskAttemptID()); } }
private static List<int[]> getPopularTags(BookmarkReader reader, int sampleSize, int limit) { timeString = ""; List<int[]> tags = new ArrayList<int[]>(); Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.start(); int[] tagIDs = getPopularTagList(reader, limit); timer.stop(); long trainingTime = timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.start(); for (int j = 0; j < sampleSize; j++) { tags.add(tagIDs); } timer.stop(); long testTime = timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); timeString += ("Full training time: " + trainingTime + "\n"); timeString += ("Full test time: " + testTime + "\n"); timeString += ("Average test time: " + testTime / sampleSize) + "\n"; timeString += ("Total time: " + (trainingTime + testTime) + "\n"); return tags; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Thread.sleep(5000); parserArgs(args); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.start(); startupProducer(fileName); printResult(getEntryOrdering(), top, statisticsWord()); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("task elapsed time\t" + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) + " ms"); executor.shutdown(); }
@Override protected Collection<Commitment> getCommitments(String dep, String line) throws Exception { Query dq = new TermQuery(new Term("responsibleDepartment", dep)); Query lq = new TermQuery(new Term("budgetLine", line)); BooleanQuery fq = new BooleanQuery(); if (departmentFirst) { fq.add(dq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); fq.add(lq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); } else { fq.add(lq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); fq.add(dq, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); } keySearch.start(); List<Object> keys =, fq); keySearch.stop(); hashGet.start(); Map<String, Commitment> result = commitmentRegion.getAll(keys); hashGet.stop(); return result.values(); }
void transitionService(Service service, Service.State from, Service.State to) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(service); Preconditions.checkArgument(from != to); this.monitor.enter(); try { this.transitioned = true; if (!this.ready) { return; } Preconditions.checkState( this.servicesByState.remove(from, service), "Service %s not at the expected location in the state map %s", new Object[] {service, from}); Preconditions.checkState( this.servicesByState.put(to, service), "Service %s in the state map unexpectedly at %s", new Object[] {service, to}); Stopwatch stopwatch = (Stopwatch) this.startupTimers.get(service); if (from == Service.State.NEW) { stopwatch.start(); } if ((to.compareTo(Service.State.RUNNING) >= 0) && (stopwatch.isRunning())) { stopwatch.stop(); if (!(service instanceof ServiceManager.NoOpService)) { ServiceManager.logger.log( Level.FINE, "Started {0} in {1}.", new Object[] {service, stopwatch}); } } if (to == Service.State.FAILED) { fireFailedListeners(service); } if (this.states.count(Service.State.RUNNING) == this.numberOfServices) { fireHealthyListeners(); } else if (this.states.count(Service.State.TERMINATED) + this.states.count(Service.State.FAILED) == this.numberOfServices) { fireStoppedListeners(); } } finally { this.monitor.leave(); executeListeners(); } }
private void test(String description, int iterations, Runnable task) {"Running test: " + description); long best = Long.MAX_VALUE; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { stopwatch.start();; stopwatch.stop(); long elapsed = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); best = Math.min(best, elapsed); stopwatch.reset(); }"Finished test " + description + " in " + best + "µs"); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.start(); GlydarBootstrap bootstrap = new GlydarBootstrap(args); server = new GServer(bootstrap); ParaGlydar.setServer(server); serverThread = new Thread(server); serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(); serverBootstrap .childHandler(new ProtocolInitializer()) .option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true) .option(ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_LOW_WATER_MARK, 32 * 1024) .option(ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_HIGH_WATER_MARK, 64 * 1024) .group(new NioEventLoopGroup()) .channelFactory( new ChannelFactory<ServerChannel>() { @Override public ServerChannel newChannel() { return new NioServerSocketChannel(); } }) .bind(new InetSocketAddress(server.getConfig().getPort())); server.setUpWorlds(); try { server.getPluginLoader().loadPlugins(); } catch (Exception exc) { server.getLogger().warning(exc, "Error while loading plugins"); } server.getLogger().info("Server ready on port {0}", server.getConfig().getPort()); server .getLogger() .info("This server is running {0} version {1}", server.getName(), server.getVersion()); watch.stop(); server.getLogger().info("Server started in {0}ms", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); server.getCommandReader().start(); serverThread.start(); }
private void narrowByRule(ConstrainedTerm constrainedTerm, Rule rule) { stopwatch.reset(); stopwatch.start(); constrainedTermResults = new ArrayList<ConstrainedTerm>(); SymbolicConstraint leftHandSideConstraint = new SymbolicConstraint(constrainedTerm.termContext()); leftHandSideConstraint.addAll(rule.requires()); for (Variable variable : rule.freshVariables()) { leftHandSideConstraint.add(variable, IntToken.fresh()); } ConstrainedTerm leftHandSide = new ConstrainedTerm( rule.leftHandSide(), rule.lookups().getSymbolicConstraint(constrainedTerm.termContext()), leftHandSideConstraint, constrainedTerm.termContext()); for (SymbolicConstraint constraint : constrainedTerm.unify(leftHandSide)) { constraint.addAll(rule.ensures()); /* rename rule variables in the constraints */ Map<Variable, Variable> freshSubstitution = constraint.rename(rule.variableSet()); Term result = rule.rightHandSide(); /* rename rule variables in the rule RHS */ result = result.substituteWithBinders(freshSubstitution, constrainedTerm.termContext()); /* apply the constraints substitution on the rule RHS */ result = result.substituteWithBinders(constraint.substitution(), constrainedTerm.termContext()); /* evaluate pending functions in the rule RHS */ result = result.evaluate(constrainedTerm.termContext()); /* eliminate anonymous variables */ constraint.eliminateAnonymousVariables(); /* compute all results */ constrainedTermResults.add( new ConstrainedTerm(result, constraint, constrainedTerm.termContext())); } stopwatch.stop(); }
private void testIteration() throws IOException { for (int number = 1; number < 10_001; number *= 10) { String jsonString = generateJajascriptJSON(number); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.postBuilder("/jajascript/optimize") .contentType(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII) .body(jsonString) .build(); Action action1 = new JajascriptAction(); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.start(); HttpResponse response = action1.execute(request); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println( "For " + number + ", result = " + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) + "µs."); System.out.println("Result = " + response.getBodyAsString(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); } }
public void start() { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.start(); ServerCodecConfig codeConfig = new ServerCodecConfig(name, addr); ThriftServerFramedCodec codec = new ThriftServerFramedCodec(codeConfig, new TCompactProtocol.Factory()); server = ServerBuilder.safeBuild( svc, ServerBuilder.get() .codec(codec) .name(name) .maxConcurrentRequests(maxConcurrentRequests) .bindTo(addr)); sw.stop(); String.format("building finagle server took %s ms", sw.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); }
@Test @Ignore public void testParseParquetPhysicalPlanRemote() throws Exception { DrillConfig config = DrillConfig.create(); try (DrillClient client = new DrillClient(config); ) { client.connect(); ParquetResultsListener listener = new ParquetResultsListener(); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.start(); client.runQuery( org.apache.drill.exec.proto.UserBitShared.QueryType.PHYSICAL, Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(fileName), Charsets.UTF_8), listener); System.out.println( String.format( "Got %d total records in %d seconds", listener.await(), watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS))); client.close(); } }
// apply rule by matching private void rewriteByRule(Term term, Rule rule) { stopwatch.reset(); stopwatch.start(); termResults = new ArrayList<Term>(); TermContext context = TermContext.of(definition); ConstrainedTerm constrainedTerm = new ConstrainedTerm(term, context); SymbolicConstraint leftHandSideConstraint = new SymbolicConstraint(context); leftHandSideConstraint.addAll(rule.requires()); for (Variable variable : rule.freshVariables()) { leftHandSideConstraint.add(variable, IntToken.fresh()); } ConstrainedTerm leftHandSide = new ConstrainedTerm( rule.leftHandSide(), rule.lookups().getSymbolicConstraint(context), leftHandSideConstraint, context); for (SymbolicConstraint constraint : constrainedTerm.unify(leftHandSide)) { if (!constraint.isMatching(leftHandSide)) { continue; } constraint.orientSubstitution(leftHandSide.variableSet()); Term result = rule.rightHandSide(); /* apply the constraints substitution on the rule RHS */ result = result.substituteAndEvaluate(constraint.substitution(), context); /* compute all results */ termResults.add(result); } stopwatch.stop(); }
@Override public void doFilterInternal( final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, final FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { final String requestDetails = buildRequestDetails(request); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(requestDetails + "Begin"); } logCookies(request); final ResponseWrapper wrappedResponse = new ResponseWrapper(response); final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); stopwatch.start(); try { filterChain.doFilter(request, wrappedResponse); } finally { stopwatch.stop(); final int status = wrappedResponse.getStatus(); if (status != 0) { LOG.debug(requestDetails + stopwatch.toString() + " (" + status + ")"); } else { LOG.debug(requestDetails + stopwatch.toString()); } } return; } filterChain.doFilter(request, response); }
public synchronized void scheduleRequest() { if (closed || (future != null) || scheduled) { return; } scheduled = true; // start before scheduling to include error delay errorStopwatch.start(); executor.schedule( () -> { try { initiateRequest(); } catch (Throwable t) { // should not happen, but be safe and fail the operator clientCallback.clientFailed(HttpPageBufferClient.this, t); } }, errorDelayMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); lastUpdate =; requestsScheduled.incrementAndGet(); }
public static void startTimer(String name) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); timers.put(name + Thread.currentThread().getId(), stopwatch); stopwatch.start(); }
@Override public void methodStarting() { startNanos = componentStopwatch.elapsed(NANOSECONDS); stopwatch.start(); }
private Integer mergeTranslations( final Long sourceVersionId, final Long targetVersionId, final int batchStart, final int batchLength, final boolean useNewerTranslation, final List<HLocale> supportedLocales) throws Exception { final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); stopwatch.start(); List<HTextFlow[]> matches = textFlowDAO.getSourceByMatchedContext( sourceVersionId, targetVersionId, batchStart, batchLength); Multimap<DocumentLocaleKey, TextFlowTargetStateChange> eventMap = HashMultimap.create(); Map<DocumentLocaleKey, Map<ContentState, Long>> docStatsMap = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<DocumentLocaleKey, Long> lastUpdatedTargetId = Maps.newHashMap(); ; for (HTextFlow[] results : matches) { HTextFlow sourceTf = results[0]; HTextFlow targetTf = results[1]; boolean foundChange = false; Map<Long, ContentState> localeContentStateMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (HLocale hLocale : supportedLocales) { HTextFlowTarget sourceTft = sourceTf.getTargets().get(hLocale.getId()); // only process translated state if (sourceTft == null || !sourceTft.getState().isTranslated()) { continue; } HTextFlowTarget targetTft = targetTf.getTargets().get(hLocale.getId()); if (targetTft == null) { targetTft = new HTextFlowTarget(targetTf, hLocale); targetTft.setVersionNum(0); targetTf.getTargets().put(hLocale.getId(), targetTft); } if (MergeTranslationsServiceImpl.shouldMerge(sourceTft, targetTft, useNewerTranslation)) { foundChange = true; ContentState oldState = targetTft.getState(); localeContentStateMap.put(hLocale.getId(), oldState); mergeTextFlowTarget(sourceTft, targetTft); } } if (foundChange) { translationStateCacheImpl.clearDocumentStatistics(targetTf.getDocument().getId()); textFlowDAO.makePersistent(targetTf); textFlowDAO.flush(); for (Map.Entry<Long, ContentState> entry : localeContentStateMap.entrySet()) { HTextFlowTarget updatedTarget = targetTf.getTargets().get(entry.getKey()); DocumentLocaleKey key = new DocumentLocaleKey( targetTf.getDocument().getId(), updatedTarget.getLocale().getLocaleId()); eventMap.put( key, new TextFlowTargetStateEvent.TextFlowTargetStateChange( targetTf.getId(), updatedTarget.getId(), updatedTarget.getState(), entry.getValue())); lastUpdatedTargetId.put(key, updatedTarget.getId()); Map<ContentState, Long> contentStateDeltas = docStatsMap.get(key) == null ? Maps.newHashMap() : docStatsMap.get(key); DocStatsEvent.updateContentStateDeltas( contentStateDeltas, updatedTarget.getState(), entry.getValue(), targetTf.getWordCount()); docStatsMap.put(key, contentStateDeltas); } } } Long actorId = authenticatedAccount.getPerson().getId(); for (Map.Entry<DocumentLocaleKey, Collection<TextFlowTargetStateChange>> entry : eventMap.asMap().entrySet()) { TextFlowTargetStateEvent tftUpdatedEvent = new TextFlowTargetStateEvent( entry.getKey(), targetVersionId, actorId, ImmutableList.copyOf(entry.getValue()));; } for (Map.Entry<DocumentLocaleKey, Map<ContentState, Long>> entry : docStatsMap.entrySet()) { DocStatsEvent docEvent = new DocStatsEvent( entry.getKey(), targetVersionId, entry.getValue(), lastUpdatedTargetId.get(entry.getKey()));; } stopwatch.stop(); "Complete merge translations of {} in {}", matches.size() * supportedLocales.size(), stopwatch); return matches.size() * supportedLocales.size(); }
/** * Dame todos los paises * * <p> * * * @param args */ public static void main(String args[]) { MyWebService.setUserName("gsantosgo"); System.out.println("======================================"); System.out.println(" Geonames Server: " + MyWebService.getGeoNamesServer()); System.out.println(" Geonames Server: " + MyWebService.getUserName()); /* // Configuracion PROXY. Para conectarse correctamente este necesario configurar el PROXY. System.setProperty("http.proxySet","true"); System.setProperty("http.proxyHost",""); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort","8080"); System.setProperty("http.proxyUser",""); System.setProperty("http.proxyPassword",""); */ Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); // Step 1. CountryInfo ====== stopwatch.start(); ToponymSearchCriteria toponymSearchCriteria = new ToponymSearchCriteria(); toponymSearchCriteria.setLanguage("es"); toponymSearchCriteria.setStyle(Style.FULL); ToponymSearchResult toponymSearchResult = new ToponymSearchResult(); try { toponymSearchResult = MyWebService.countryInfo(toponymSearchCriteria); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Número de Paises: " + toponymSearchResult.getTotalResultsCount()); List<Toponym> toponymList = toponymSearchResult.getToponyms(); // for (Toponym toponym : toponymList) { // System.out.println(toponym); // } stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println( String.format( "Tiempo transcurrido en %d miliseconds: ", stopwatch.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); stopwatch.reset(); stopwatch.start(); // Step 2. Country Search ToponymSearchCriteria toponymCountrySearchCriteria = new ToponymSearchCriteria(); toponymCountrySearchCriteria.setLanguage("es"); toponymCountrySearchCriteria.setStyle(Style.FULL); toponymCountrySearchCriteria.setFeatureClass(FeatureClass.A); toponymCountrySearchCriteria.setFeatureCodes( new String[] {"PCL", "PCLD", "PCLF", "PCLI", "PCLIX", "PCLS"}); ToponymSearchResult toponymCountrySearchResult = new ToponymSearchResult(); try { toponymCountrySearchResult =; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Número de Paises: " + toponymCountrySearchResult.getTotalResultsCount()); List<Toponym> toponymCountryList = toponymCountrySearchResult.getToponyms(); Map<Integer, Toponym> mapToponyms = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Toponym toponym : toponymCountryList) { mapToponyms.put(toponym.getGeoNameId(), toponym); } int count = 0; for (Toponym toponym : toponymList) { Toponym mapToponym = mapToponyms.get(toponym.getGeoNameId()); if (mapToponym == null) { count++; } } System.out.println(" ==>" + count); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println( String.format( "Tiempo transcurrido en %d miliseconds: ", stopwatch.elapsedTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); }
/** @param incomingEndpoints */ @Override public void applyAssignments(List<DrillbitEndpoint> incomingEndpoints) { watch.reset(); watch.start(); final int numSlots = incomingEndpoints.size(); Preconditions.checkArgument( numSlots <= regionsToScan.size(), String.format( "Incoming endpoints %d is greater than number of scan regions %d", numSlots, regionsToScan.size())); /* * Minimum/Maximum number of assignment per slot */ final int minPerEndpointSlot = (int) Math.floor((double) regionsToScan.size() / numSlots); final int maxPerEndpointSlot = (int) Math.ceil((double) regionsToScan.size() / numSlots); /* * initialize (endpoint index => HBaseSubScanSpec list) map */ endpointFragmentMapping = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(numSlots); /* * another map with endpoint (hostname => corresponding index list) in 'incomingEndpoints' list */ Map<String, Queue<Integer>> endpointHostIndexListMap = Maps.newHashMap(); /* * Initialize these two maps */ for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; ++i) { endpointFragmentMapping.put(i, new ArrayList<HBaseSubScanSpec>(maxPerEndpointSlot)); String hostname = incomingEndpoints.get(i).getAddress(); Queue<Integer> hostIndexQueue = endpointHostIndexListMap.get(hostname); if (hostIndexQueue == null) { hostIndexQueue = Lists.newLinkedList(); endpointHostIndexListMap.put(hostname, hostIndexQueue); } hostIndexQueue.add(i); } Set<Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> regionsToAssignSet = Sets.newHashSet(regionsToScan.entrySet()); /* * First, we assign regions which are hosted on region servers running on drillbit endpoints */ for (Iterator<Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName>> regionsIterator = regionsToAssignSet.iterator(); regionsIterator.hasNext(); /*nothing*/ ) { Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName> regionEntry =; /* * Test if there is a drillbit endpoint which is also an HBase RegionServer that hosts the current HBase region */ Queue<Integer> endpointIndexlist = endpointHostIndexListMap.get(regionEntry.getValue().getHostname()); if (endpointIndexlist != null) { Integer slotIndex = endpointIndexlist.poll(); List<HBaseSubScanSpec> endpointSlotScanList = endpointFragmentMapping.get(slotIndex); endpointSlotScanList.add(regionInfoToSubScanSpec(regionEntry.getKey())); // add to the tail of the slot list, to add more later in round robin fashion endpointIndexlist.offer(slotIndex); // this region has been assigned regionsIterator.remove(); } } /* * Build priority queues of slots, with ones which has tasks lesser than 'minPerEndpointSlot' and another which have more. */ PriorityQueue<List<HBaseSubScanSpec>> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<List<HBaseSubScanSpec>>(numSlots, LIST_SIZE_COMPARATOR); PriorityQueue<List<HBaseSubScanSpec>> maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<List<HBaseSubScanSpec>>(numSlots, LIST_SIZE_COMPARATOR_REV); for (List<HBaseSubScanSpec> listOfScan : endpointFragmentMapping.values()) { if (listOfScan.size() < minPerEndpointSlot) { minHeap.offer(listOfScan); } else if (listOfScan.size() > minPerEndpointSlot) { maxHeap.offer(listOfScan); } } /* * Now, let's process any regions which remain unassigned and assign them to slots with minimum number of assignments. */ if (regionsToAssignSet.size() > 0) { for (Entry<HRegionInfo, ServerName> regionEntry : regionsToAssignSet) { List<HBaseSubScanSpec> smallestList = minHeap.poll(); smallestList.add(regionInfoToSubScanSpec(regionEntry.getKey())); if (smallestList.size() < minPerEndpointSlot) { minHeap.offer(smallestList); } } } /* * While there are slots with lesser than 'minPerEndpointSlot' unit work, balance from those with more. */ while (minHeap.peek() != null && minHeap.peek().size() < minPerEndpointSlot) { List<HBaseSubScanSpec> smallestList = minHeap.poll(); List<HBaseSubScanSpec> largestList = maxHeap.poll(); smallestList.add(largestList.remove(largestList.size() - 1)); if (largestList.size() > minPerEndpointSlot) { maxHeap.offer(largestList); } if (smallestList.size() < minPerEndpointSlot) { minHeap.offer(smallestList); } } /* no slot should be empty at this point */ assert (minHeap.peek() == null || minHeap.peek().size() > 0) : String.format( "Unable to assign tasks to some endpoints.\nEndpoints: {}.\nAssignment Map: {}.", incomingEndpoints, endpointFragmentMapping.toString()); logger.debug( "Built assignment map in {} µs.\nEndpoints: {}.\nAssignment Map: {}", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) / 1000, incomingEndpoints, endpointFragmentMapping.toString()); }
/** * Runs a filter. * * @param pipelineConfigurationFile Pipeline configuration file. * @param duration Timeout period. * @param variables Substitution key-value pairs into pipeline configuration file. * @throws IOException if configuration cannot be loaded. */ protected void benchmark( final String pipelineConfigurationFile, final Duration duration, final ImmutableMap<String, String> variables) throws IOException { // Replace any variables in the configuration file String configuration = Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(pipelineConfigurationFile), Charsets.UTF_8); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : variables.entrySet()) { configuration = configuration.replace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // Load the specified stock configuration final PipelineConfiguration stockPipelineConfiguration = new StaticConfiguration.Builder() .addSource(new JsonNodeLiteralSource.Builder().setSource(configuration).build()) .setObjectMapper(PipelineConfiguration.createObjectMapper(_injector)) .build() .getRequiredAs(PipelineConfiguration.class); // Canary tracking String.format("Expected canaries; periods=%s", stockPipelineConfiguration.getPeriods())); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(stockPipelineConfiguration.getPeriods().size()); final Set<Period> periods = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); // Create custom "canary" sink final ListeningSink sink = new ListeningSink( (periodicData) -> { if (periodicData != null) { for (final String metricName : periodicData.getData().keys()) { if (TestFileGenerator.CANARY.equals(metricName)) { if (periods.add(periodicData.getPeriod())) { String.format( "Canary flew; filter=%s, period=%s", this.getClass(), periodicData.getPeriod())); latch.countDown(); } } } } return null; }); // Add the custom "canary" sink final List<Sink> benchmarkSinks = Lists.newArrayList(stockPipelineConfiguration.getSinks()); benchmarkSinks.add(sink); // Create the custom configuration final PipelineConfiguration benchmarkPipelineConfiguration = OvalBuilder.<PipelineConfiguration, PipelineConfiguration.Builder>clone( stockPipelineConfiguration) .setSinks(benchmarkSinks) .build(); // Instantiate the pipeline final Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(benchmarkPipelineConfiguration); // Execute the pipeline until the canary flies the coop try { LOGGER.debug( String.format("Launching pipeline; configuration=%s", pipelineConfigurationFile)); final Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); timer.start(); pipeline.launch(); if (!latch.await(duration.getMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { LOGGER.error("Test timed out"); throw new RuntimeException("Test timed out"); } timer.stop(); String.format( "Performance filter result; filter=%s, seconds=%s", this.getClass(), timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS))); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { Thread.interrupted(); throw new RuntimeException("Test interrupted"); } finally { pipeline.shutdown(); } }
/** starts the timer, either initially or if {@link #pause()}d; no-op if already running */ public synchronized CountdownTimer start() { if (!stopwatch.isRunning()) stopwatch.start(); return this; }
@Test @Ignore public void testPerformance( @Injectable final DrillbitContext bitContext, @Injectable UserServer.UserClientConnection connection) throws Exception { DrillConfig c = DrillConfig.create(); FunctionImplementationRegistry registry = new FunctionImplementationRegistry(c); FragmentContext context = new FragmentContext( bitContext, BitControl.PlanFragment.getDefaultInstance(), connection, registry); // new NonStrictExpectations() { // { // context.getAllocator(); result = BufferAllocator.getAllocator(DrillConfig.create()); // } // }; final String fileName = "/tmp/parquet_test_performance.parquet"; HashMap<String, FieldInfo> fields = new HashMap<>(); ParquetTestProperties props = new ParquetTestProperties(1, 20 * 1000 * 1000, DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_PAGE, fields); populateFieldInfoMap(props); // generateParquetFile(fileName, props); Configuration dfsConfig = new Configuration(); List<Footer> footers = ParquetFileReader.readFooters(dfsConfig, new Path(fileName)); Footer f = footers.iterator().next(); List<SchemaPath> columns = Lists.newArrayList(); columns.add(new SchemaPath("_MAP.integer", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)); columns.add(new SchemaPath("_MAP.bigInt", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)); columns.add(new SchemaPath("_MAP.f", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)); columns.add(new SchemaPath("_MAP.d", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)); columns.add(new SchemaPath("_MAP.b", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)); columns.add(new SchemaPath("_MAP.bin", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)); columns.add(new SchemaPath("_MAP.bin2", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN)); int totalRowCount = 0; FileSystem fs = new CachedSingleFileSystem(fileName); BufferAllocator allocator = new TopLevelAllocator(); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { ParquetRecordReader rr = new ParquetRecordReader( context, 256000, fileName, 0, fs, new CodecFactoryExposer(dfsConfig), f.getParquetMetadata(), columns); TestOutputMutator mutator = new TestOutputMutator(allocator); rr.setup(mutator); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.start(); int rowCount = 0; while ((rowCount = > 0) { totalRowCount += rowCount; } System.out.println( String.format("Time completed: %s. ", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); rr.cleanup(); } allocator.close(); System.out.println(String.format("Total row count %s", totalRowCount)); }
@Override public void queryIdArrived(QueryId queryId) { w.start(); this.queryId = queryId; }