public static void runExample(AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session)
      throws Exception {
    // Get all of the feeds for the session's account.
    List<Feed> feeds = getFeeds(adWordsServices, session);

    for (Feed feed : feeds) {
      // Retrieve all the sitelinks from the current feed.
      Map<Long, SiteLinkFromFeed> feedItems = getSiteLinksFromFeed(adWordsServices, session, feed);

      // Get all the instances where a sitelink from this feed has been added to a campaign.
      List<CampaignFeed> campaignFeeds =
          getCampaignFeeds(adWordsServices, session, feed, PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS);

      Set<Long> allFeedItemsToDelete = Sets.newHashSet();
      for (CampaignFeed campaignFeed : campaignFeeds) {
        // Retrieve the sitelinks that have been associated with this campaign.
        Set<Long> feedItemIds = getFeedItemIdsForCampaign(campaignFeed);

        ExtensionSettingPlatform platformRestrictions =

        if (feedItemIds.isEmpty()) {
              "Migration skipped for campaign feed with campaign ID %d "
                  + "and feed ID %d because no mapped feed item IDs were found in the "
                  + "campaign feed's matching function.%n",
              campaignFeed.getCampaignId(), campaignFeed.getFeedId());
        } else {
          // Delete the campaign feed that associates the sitelinks from the feed to the campaign.
          deleteCampaignFeed(adWordsServices, session, campaignFeed);

          // Create extension settings instead of sitelinks.
              adWordsServices, session, feedItems, campaignFeed, feedItemIds, platformRestrictions);

          // Mark the sitelinks from the feed for deletion.

      // Delete all the sitelinks from the feed.
      deleteOldFeedItems(adWordsServices, session, allFeedItemsToDelete, feed);