public CreateFileActivityBuilder setInitialDriveContents(DriveContents drivecontents) { if (drivecontents != null) { if (!(drivecontents instanceof zzu)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only DriveContents obtained from the Drive API are accepted."); } if (drivecontents.getDriveId() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only DriveContents obtained through DriveApi.newDriveContents are accepted for file creation."); } if (drivecontents.zzqj()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DriveContents are already closed."); } zzagu.zzcC(drivecontents.zzqh().getRequestId()); zzagv = drivecontents; } else { zzagu.zzcC(1); } zzagw = true; return this; }
public IntentSender build(GoogleApiClient googleapiclient) { zzx.zzb( Boolean.valueOf(zzagw), "Must call setInitialDriveContents to CreateFileActivityBuilder."); zzx.zza(googleapiclient.isConnected(), "Client must be connected"); boolean flag; if (googleapiclient.zza(Drive.SCOPE_FILE) || googleapiclient.zza(Drive.zzagx)) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } zzx.zzb(flag, "The apiClient must have suitable scope to create files"); if (zzagv != null) { zzagv.zzqi(); } return; }
public CreateFileActivityBuilder setInitialMetadata(MetadataChangeSet metadatachangeset) { zzagu.zza(metadatachangeset); return this; }
public CreateFileActivityBuilder setActivityTitle(String s) { zzagu.zzcF(s); return this; }
public CreateFileActivityBuilder setActivityStartFolder(DriveId driveid) { zzagu.zza(driveid); return this; }