private void logFinalizeProblem(String tag) { try { FinskyLog.w("Failure %s while finalizing %s", tag, toString()); FinskyLog.w(" file=%s, size=%d", this.mFileName, Long.valueOf(this.mSize)); File destinationDir = ObbFactory.getParentDirectory(this.mPackageName); FinskyLog.w(" Contents of %s:", destinationDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (!destinationDir.exists()) { FinskyLog.w(" (Does not exist)", new Object[0]); } else if (destinationDir.isDirectory()) { File[] files = destinationDir.listFiles(); if (files == null) { FinskyLog.w(" (listFiles() returned null)", new Object[0]); return; } for (File existingFile : files) { FinskyLog.w( " name=%s size=%d", existingFile.getName(), Long.valueOf(existingFile.length())); } } else { FinskyLog.w(" (Is not a directory)", new Object[0]); } } catch (Exception e) {, "Unexpected exception", new Object[0]); } }
public final void onComplete(boolean paramBoolean) { if (!paramBoolean) { FinskyLog.w("Could not free required amount of space for download", new Object[0]); } new Handler(DownloadQueueImpl.this.mContext.getMainLooper()).post(new DownloadQueueImpl.StartNextDownloadRunnable(DownloadQueueImpl.this, (byte)0)); }
public final void notifyProgress(Download paramDownload, DownloadProgress paramDownloadProgress) { if (paramDownloadProgress.equals(paramDownload.getProgress())) { return; } paramDownload.setProgress(paramDownloadProgress); int i; if ((paramDownloadProgress.statusCode == this.mPreviousProgressStatus) && (this.mPreviousContentUri != null)) { boolean bool = this.mPreviousContentUri.equals(paramDownload.getContentUri()); i = 0; if (bool) {} } else { i = 1; } if (i != 0) { Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject[0] = paramDownload; arrayOfObject[1] = paramDownloadProgress.toString(); FinskyLog.d("%s: onProgress %s.", arrayOfObject); this.mPreviousContentUri = paramDownload.getContentUri(); this.mPreviousProgressStatus = paramDownloadProgress.statusCode; } notifyListeners(2, paramDownload); }
private void startNextDownload() { if (this.mRunningMap.size() >= this.mMaxConcurrent) { return; } long l = 0L; Iterator localIterator = this.mPendingQueue.keySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { String str = (String); l = Math.max(((Download)this.mPendingQueue.get(str)).getMaximumSize(), l); } Context localContext = this.mContext; PackageManagerHelper.2 local2 = new PackageManagerHelper.2(new PurgeCacheCallback((byte)0)); try { Class[] arrayOfClass = new Class[2]; arrayOfClass[0] = Long.TYPE; arrayOfClass[1] = IPackageDataObserver.class; Method localMethod = PackageManager.class.getMethod("freeStorageAndNotify", arrayOfClass); PackageManager localPackageManager = localContext.getPackageManager(); Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject[0] = Long.valueOf(l); arrayOfObject[1] = local2; localMethod.invoke(localPackageManager, arrayOfObject); return; } catch (NoSuchMethodException localNoSuchMethodException) { FinskyLog.d("Cannot freeStorageAndNotify on this platform", new Object[0]); return; } catch (SecurityException localSecurityException) {, "Cannot freeStorageAndNotify due to security exception", new Object[0]); return; } catch (IllegalAccessException localIllegalAccessException) {, "Cannot freeStorageAndNotify due to reflection access exception", new Object[0]); return; } catch (InvocationTargetException localInvocationTargetException) {, "Cannot freeStorageAndNotify due to reflection invocation exception", new Object[0]); } }
boolean initParams() { if (this.mParams == null || this.mProvisioning == null) { FinskyLog.d( "Cannot run this BillingFlow since params or provisioning is null.", new Object[0]); fail(FinskyApp.get().getString(R.string.generic_purchase_prepare_error)); return false; } setAddressAvailability(); return true; }
public final void add(Download paramDownload) { if (paramDownload.getState() != 0) { Object[] arrayOfObject2 = new Object[3]; arrayOfObject2[0] = paramDownload; arrayOfObject2[1] = paramDownload.getUrl(); arrayOfObject2[2] = Integer.valueOf(paramDownload.getState());"Added download %s (url=%s) while in state %d", arrayOfObject2); } String str = paramDownload.getUrl(); Download localDownload; if (this.mRunningMap.containsKey(str)) { localDownload = (Download)this.mRunningMap.get(str); } for (;;) { if (localDownload != null) { Object[] arrayOfObject1 = new Object[4]; arrayOfObject1[0] = paramDownload; arrayOfObject1[1] = paramDownload.getUrl(); arrayOfObject1[2] = localDownload; arrayOfObject1[3] = localDownload.getUrl();"Added download %s (url=%s) while existing found %s (url=%s)", arrayOfObject1); } FinskyLog.d("Download %s added to DownloadQueue", new Object[] { paramDownload }); this.mPendingQueue.put(paramDownload.getUrl(), paramDownload); if (this.mDownloadProgressManager == null) { this.mDownloadProgressManager = new DownloadProgressManager(this); } setDownloadState(paramDownload, 1); startNextDownload(); return; if (this.mPendingQueue.containsKey(str)) { localDownload = (Download)this.mPendingQueue.get(str); } else { localDownload = null; } } }
public final void addRecoveredDownload(Download paramDownload) { Utils.ensureOnMainThread(); String str = paramDownload.getUrl(); FinskyLog.d("Download queue recovering download %s.", new Object[] { paramDownload }); setDownloadState(paramDownload, 2); this.mRunningMap.put(str, paramDownload); if (this.mDownloadProgressManager == null) { this.mDownloadProgressManager = new DownloadProgressManager(this); } }
public final void onError(Download paramDownload, int paramInt) { Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject[0] = paramDownload; arrayOfObject[1] = Integer.valueOf(paramInt); FinskyLog.d("%s: onError %d.", arrayOfObject); if ((paramInt == 403) || (paramInt == 401)) { FinskyApp.get().getVendingApi().mApiContext.mReauthenticate = true; } remove(paramDownload); removeFromDownloadManager(paramDownload); }
private void remove(Download paramDownload) { FinskyLog.d("Download %s removed from DownloadQueue", new Object[] { paramDownload }); String str = paramDownload.getUrl(); if (this.mPendingQueue.containsKey(str)) { this.mPendingQueue.remove(str); return; } this.mRunningMap.remove(paramDownload.getUrl()); startNextDownload(); }
public void onClick(View paramView) { if (!readyForDisplay()) {"Module is not ready to handle click", new Object[0]); return; } this.mNavigationManager.goBrowse( ((Data) this.mModuleData).sectionMetadata.browseUrl, null, ((Data) this.mModuleData).dfeList.getBackendId(), this.mDfeToc, this); }
public void run(Runnable finishRunnable) { if (shouldFetchProvisioning(this.mDcbStorage)) { fetchProvisioning( (String) BillingPreferences.ACCEPTED_CARRIER_TOS_VERSION.get(), finishRunnable, finishRunnable); return; } if (finishRunnable != null) {; } FinskyLog.d("No need to fetch provisioning from carrier.", new Object[0]); }
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals("")) { setResultCode(-1); if (intent.getStringExtra("from").equals("")) { String packageName = intent.getStringExtra("asset_package"); String declinedReasonStr = intent.getStringExtra("decline_reason"); int reason = -1; if (declinedReasonStr != null) { try { reason = Integer.valueOf(declinedReasonStr).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { FinskyLog.w("Non-numeric decline reason: %s", declinedReasonStr); } } FinskyLog.d( "Received PURCHASE_DECLINED tickle for %s reason=%d", packageName, Integer.valueOf(reason)); FinskyApp.get() .getEventLogger() .logBackgroundEvent(200, packageName, String.valueOf(reason), 0, null, null); } } }
public void run() { Iterator localIterator = DownloadQueueImpl.this.mListeners.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { DownloadQueueListener localDownloadQueueListener = (DownloadQueueListener); try { updateListener(localDownloadQueueListener); } catch (Exception localException) {, "Download listener threw an exception during " + this.mType, new Object[0]); } } }
static boolean shouldFetchProvisioning( CarrierBillingStorage carrierBillingStorage, long now, long awakeTime, long lastCheck, long earliestCheck) { CarrierBillingParameters params = carrierBillingStorage.getParams(); if (params == null || params.getGetProvisioningUrl() == null) { FinskyLog.d( "Required CarrierBillingParams missing. Shouldn't fetch provisioning.", new Object[0]); return false; } boolean hasBootedSinceLastCheck = now - lastCheck > awakeTime; if (now > earliestCheck) { return true; } if (CarrierBillingUtils.isProvisioned(carrierBillingStorage) || !hasBootedSinceLastCheck) { return false; } return true; }
CreateCarrierBillingFlow( BillingFlowContext billingFlowContext, BillingFlowListener listener, CarrierBillingStorage storage, DfeApi dfeApi) { super(billingFlowContext, listener, null); this.mState = State.INIT; this.mAddressAvailable = AddressAvailable.NO_ADDRESS; this.mAddResult = null; this.mAddressMode = AddressMode.FULL_ADDRESS; this.mContext = billingFlowContext; this.mStorage = storage; this.mDfeApi = dfeApi; this.mParams = this.mStorage.getParams(); this.mProvisioning = this.mStorage.getProvisioning(); if (((Boolean) G.enableDcbReducedBillingAddress.get()).booleanValue()) { List<Country> countries = BillingLocator.getBillingCountries(); if (countries != null) { Country carrierBillingCountry = BillingUtils.findCountry( BillingUtils.getDefaultCountry(FinskyApp.get(), null), countries); if (carrierBillingCountry != null) { this.mAddressMode = carrierBillingCountry.allowsReducedBillingAddress ? AddressMode.REDUCED_ADDRESS : AddressMode.FULL_ADDRESS; } } } if (this.mDfeApi != null) { this.mAccountName = this.mDfeApi.getAccountName(); } if (this.mParams == null || this.mParams.getName() == null) { FinskyLog.e("No carrier name available in params.", new Object[0]); } else { this.mTitle = FinskyApp.get() .getString(R.string.dcb_setup_title, new Object[] {this.mParams.getName()}); } }
public final void setDownloadState(Download paramDownload, int paramInt) { paramDownload.setState(paramInt); switch (paramInt) { default: Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject[0] = Integer.valueOf(paramInt);"enum %d", arrayOfObject); case 0: case 1: return; case 2: notifyListeners(4, paramDownload); return; case 4: notifyListeners(3, paramDownload); return; case 5: notifyListeners(5, paramDownload); return; } notifyListeners(1, paramDownload); }
public final void onComplete(Download paramDownload) { FinskyLog.d("%s: onComplete", new Object[] { paramDownload }); remove(paramDownload); }
private ArrayList<Integer> getInvalidEntries(InputValidationError[] inputErrors) { ArrayList<Integer> errors = new ArrayList(); for (InputValidationError error : inputErrors) { int inputField = error.inputField; switch (inputField) { case .android .wallet .instrumentmanager .R .styleable .WalletImFormEditText_required /*4*/: case .android .wallet .instrumentmanager .R .styleable .WalletImFormEditText_validateWhenNotVisible /*5*/: case .android .wallet .instrumentmanager .R .styleable .WalletFragmentStyle_maskedWalletDetailsBackground /*6*/: case .android .wallet .instrumentmanager .R .styleable .WalletFragmentStyle_maskedWalletDetailsButtonTextAppearance /*7*/: case .android .wallet .instrumentmanager .R .styleable .WalletFragmentStyle_maskedWalletDetailsButtonBackground /*8*/: case .android .wallet .instrumentmanager .R .styleable .WalletFragmentStyle_maskedWalletDetailsLogoTextColor /*9*/: case .android .wallet .instrumentmanager .R .styleable .MapAttrs_useViewLifecycle /*13*/: errors.add(Integer.valueOf(inputField)); break; default: FinskyLog.d( "InputValidationError that can't be edited: type=%d, message=%s", Integer.valueOf(error.inputField), error.errorMessage); break; } } return errors; }
private void showError(String finskyLogString, String logString, String message) { FinskyLog.w(finskyLogString, new Object[0]); logError(logString); showErrorDialog(message); }
private void showNetworkError(VolleyError error) { FinskyLog.w("Error received: %s", error); logError(error); showErrorDialog(ErrorStrings.get(FinskyApp.get(), error)); }
public final void notifyClicked(Download paramDownload) { FinskyLog.d("%s: onNotificationClicked", new Object[] { paramDownload }); notifyListeners(0, paramDownload); }
public final void run() { if (DownloadQueueImpl.this.mRunningMap.size() >= DownloadQueueImpl.this.mMaxConcurrent) {} label203: do { return; LinkedList localLinkedList = new LinkedList(); Iterator localIterator1 = DownloadQueueImpl.this.mPendingQueue.keySet().iterator(); Download localDownload; for (;;) { boolean bool = localIterator1.hasNext(); localObject = null; if (!bool) { break label203; } String str2 = (String); localDownload = (Download)DownloadQueueImpl.this.mPendingQueue.get(str2); localLinkedList.add(str2); if (localDownload.getState() == 1) { long l1 = localDownload.getMaximumSize(); long l2 = Storage.dataPartitionAvailableSpace(); long l3 = Storage.externalStorageAvailableSpace(); if (localDownload.getRequestedDestination() != null) { if (l3 >= l1) { break; } localDownload.setHttpStatus(198); DownloadQueueImpl.this.setDownloadState(localDownload, 5); } else { if (l2 >= l1) { break; } localDownload.setHttpStatus(198); DownloadQueueImpl.this.setDownloadState(localDownload, 5); } } } Object localObject = localDownload; Iterator localIterator2 = localLinkedList.iterator(); while (localIterator2.hasNext()) { String str1 = (String); DownloadQueueImpl.this.mPendingQueue.remove(str1); } DownloadQueueImpl localDownloadQueueImpl = DownloadQueueImpl.this; if (localObject != null) { FinskyLog.d("Download %s starting", new Object[] { localObject }); localDownloadQueueImpl.mRunningMap.put(localObject.getUrl(), localObject); DownloadManagerFacade localDownloadManagerFacade = localDownloadQueueImpl.mDownloadManager; DownloadQueueImpl.7 local7 = new DownloadQueueImpl.7(localDownloadQueueImpl, localObject); localDownloadManagerFacade.enqueue(localObject, local7); } } while ((DownloadQueueImpl.this.mRunningMap.size() != 0) || (DownloadQueueImpl.this.mDownloadProgressManager == null)); DownloadProgressManager localDownloadProgressManager = DownloadQueueImpl.this.mDownloadProgressManager; Handler localHandler = localDownloadProgressManager.mHandler; DownloadProgressManager.2 local2 = new DownloadProgressManager.2(localDownloadProgressManager);; DownloadQueueImpl.this.mDownloadProgressManager = null; }
public final void onCancel(Download paramDownload) { FinskyLog.d("%s: onCancel", new Object[] { paramDownload }); remove(paramDownload); removeFromDownloadManager(paramDownload); }
public final void onStart(Download paramDownload) { FinskyLog.d("%s: onStart", new Object[] { paramDownload }); }