Example #1
   * Change the state of a flag for a list of messages.
   * <p>The goal of this method is to be fast. Currently this means using as few SQL UPDATE
   * statements as possible.
   * @param messageIds A list of primary keys in the "messages" table.
   * @param flag The flag to change. This must be a flag with a separate column in the database.
   * @param newState {@code true}, if the flag should be set. {@code false}, otherwise.
   * @throws MessagingException
  public void setFlag(final List<Long> messageIds, final Flag flag, final boolean newState)
      throws MessagingException {

    final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(getColumnNameForFlag(flag), newState);

        new BatchSetSelection() {

          public int getListSize() {
            return messageIds.size();

          public String getListItem(int index) {
            return Long.toString(messageIds.get(index));

          public void doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db, String selectionSet, String[] selectionArgs)
              throws UnavailableStorageException {

            db.update("messages", cv, "empty = 0 AND id" + selectionSet, selectionArgs);

          public void postDbWork() {
Example #2
   * Change the state of a flag for a list of threads.
   * <p>The goal of this method is to be fast. Currently this means using as few SQL UPDATE
   * statements as possible.
   * @param threadRootIds A list of root thread IDs.
   * @param flag The flag to change. This must be a flag with a separate column in the database.
   * @param newState {@code true}, if the flag should be set. {@code false}, otherwise.
   * @throws MessagingException
  public void setFlagForThreads(final List<Long> threadRootIds, Flag flag, final boolean newState)
      throws MessagingException {

    final String flagColumn = getColumnNameForFlag(flag);

        new BatchSetSelection() {

          public int getListSize() {
            return threadRootIds.size();

          public String getListItem(int index) {
            return Long.toString(threadRootIds.get(index));

          public void doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db, String selectionSet, String[] selectionArgs)
              throws UnavailableStorageException {

                "UPDATE messages SET "
                    + flagColumn
                    + " = "
                    + ((newState) ? "1" : "0")
                    + " WHERE id IN ("
                    + "SELECT m.id FROM threads t "
                    + "LEFT JOIN messages m ON (t.message_id = m.id) "
                    + "WHERE m.empty = 0 AND m.deleted = 0 "
                    + "AND t.root"
                    + selectionSet
                    + ")",

          public void postDbWork() {
Example #3
   * Get folder name and UID for the supplied messages.
   * @param messageIds A list of primary keys in the "messages" table.
   * @param threadedList If this is {@code true}, {@code messageIds} contains the thread IDs of the
   *     messages at the root of a thread. In that case return UIDs for all messages in these
   *     threads. If this is {@code false} only the UIDs for messages in {@code messageIds} are
   *     returned.
   * @return The list of UIDs for the messages grouped by folder name.
   * @throws MessagingException
  public Map<String, List<String>> getFoldersAndUids(
      final List<Long> messageIds, final boolean threadedList) throws MessagingException {

    final Map<String, List<String>> folderMap = new HashMap<>();

        new BatchSetSelection() {

          public int getListSize() {
            return messageIds.size();

          public String getListItem(int index) {
            return Long.toString(messageIds.get(index));

          public void doDbWork(SQLiteDatabase db, String selectionSet, String[] selectionArgs)
              throws UnavailableStorageException {

            if (threadedList) {
              String sql =
                  "SELECT m.uid, f.name "
                      + "FROM threads t "
                      + "LEFT JOIN messages m ON (t.message_id = m.id) "
                      + "LEFT JOIN folders f ON (m.folder_id = f.id) "
                      + "WHERE m.empty = 0 AND m.deleted = 0 "
                      + "AND t.root"
                      + selectionSet;

              getDataFromCursor(db.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs));

            } else {
              String sql =
                  "SELECT m.uid, f.name "
                      + "FROM messages m "
                      + "LEFT JOIN folders f ON (m.folder_id = f.id) "
                      + "WHERE m.empty = 0 AND m.id"
                      + selectionSet;

              getDataFromCursor(db.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs));

          private void getDataFromCursor(Cursor cursor) {
            try {
              while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                String uid = cursor.getString(0);
                String folderName = cursor.getString(1);

                List<String> uidList = folderMap.get(folderName);
                if (uidList == null) {
                  uidList = new ArrayList<>();
                  folderMap.put(folderName, uidList);

            } finally {

          public void postDbWork() {

    return folderMap;