/** * @param terminalId * @param shipmentMode * @param chargeId * @return */ public boolean deleteFOBCharges(String terminalId, String shipmentMode, String chargeId) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement pStmt = null; // @@ Commented by Priyanka on 28/06/07 for Connection Leakages // ResultSet rs = null; String sql = ""; boolean flag = false; int modeval = 0; if (shipmentMode.equals("Air")) { modeval = 1; } else if (shipmentMode.equals("Sea")) { modeval = 2; } else { modeval = 4; } try { connection = getConnection(); int count = 0; ///////////// DELETING DETAILED RECORDS sql = "DELETE FROM FS_FR_STD_CHARGES WHERE TRML_ID =? AND SHPMNT_MODE = ? AND CHARGEID=?"; pStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); pStmt.setString(1, terminalId); pStmt.setInt(2, modeval); pStmt.setString(3, chargeId); count = pStmt.executeUpdate(); if (count > 0) { flag = true; } } catch (SQLException ex) { flag = false; Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "SQL EXception in deleteFOBCharges()" + ex); throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(); } catch (Exception ex) { flag = false; Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "EXception in deleteFOBCharges()" + ex); throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(); } finally { try { // @@ Commented by Priyanka on 28/06/07 for Connection Leakages // if(rs != null) // {rs.close();} // @@ for Connection Leakages if (pStmt != null) { pStmt.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { flag = false; Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "Exception at finally Block in deleteFOBCharges()" + ex); } } return flag; }
/** * @param shipmentMode * @return */ public ArrayList getChargeIdsOfTypefromFob(String shipmentMode) { ArrayList generatedList = new ArrayList(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection connection = null; ArrayList chargeList = new ArrayList(); if (shipmentMode.equals("Air")) { shipmentMode = "(1,3,5,7)"; } else if (shipmentMode.equals("Sea")) { shipmentMode = "(2,3,6,7)"; } else if (shipmentMode.equals("Truck")) { shipmentMode = "(4,5,6,7)"; } try { connection = getConnection(); String sql1 = null; sql1 = "SELECT DISTINCT CHARGEID FROM FS_FR_CHARGESMASTER WHERE COSTINCURREDAT ='Destination' AND SHIPMENTMODE IN " + shipmentMode; stmt = connection.createStatement(); // System.out.println(sql1); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql1); int i = 0; while (rs.next()) { i++; } rs = null; if (i > 0) { rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql1); i = 0; while (rs.next()) { chargeList.add(rs.getString("CHARGEID")); i++; } } } catch (SQLException se) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "getChargeDetails()", se); } finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "Exception in finally Block" + ex); } } return chargeList; }
// Added by SureshK for CR_1918 public ArrayList getMAWBDtl(String masterDocId, String terminalId) throws RemoteException { Logger.info(FILE_NAME, " [getMasterDataForULDBuild()] [masterDocId] " + masterDocId); ArrayList result = null; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getMAWBDetails(masterDocId, terminalId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getMasterDataForULDBuild()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting getMasterDataForULDBuild "); } return result; }
// Added by SureshK for CR_1918 public String getULDAllocationDtl(String houseDocId, String terminalId) throws RemoteException { Logger.info(FILE_NAME, " [getMasterDataForULDBuild()] [houseDocId] " + houseDocId); String result = null; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getULDAllocationDetails(houseDocId, terminalId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getMasterDataForULDBuild()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting getMasterDataForULDBuild "); } return result; }
public String isValidULDId(String uldId, String terminalId) throws RemoteException { Logger.info(FILE_NAME, " In isValidULDId() uldId " + uldId); String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.isValidULDId(uldId, terminalId); Logger.info(FILE_NAME, " In isValidULDId() result " + result); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [isValidULDId()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error while getting ULDId data"); } return result; }
public String updateTWHStatus( String docId, String subOperation, String status, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) { Logger.info(FILE_NAME, " In updateTWHStatus() docId " + docId); String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.updateTWHStatus(docId, subOperation, status, loginBean); Logger.info(FILE_NAME, " In getDetpatchData() "); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [updateTWHStatus()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error while updating status"); } return result; }
/* * ULD Build Methods Ends Here */ public String getDespatchData(String referenceId, String refType) throws RemoteException { Logger.info( FILE_NAME, " In getDetpatchData() ReferenceId " + referenceId + " RefType " + refType); String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getDespatchData(referenceId, refType); Logger.info(FILE_NAME, " In getDetpatchData() "); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getDetpatchData()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error while getting ULDId data"); } return result; }
/** * @param paramName * @return boolean */ public static boolean isExistInUnOrderListForDefineReport(String paramName) { String orderParam[] = { "partid", "pono", "invoiceno", "frtinvoiceid", "frtinvoiceamount", "frtinvoicecurrency", "chargeid", "paymentamount", "housecurrencyid", "payat", "etd", "eta", "carrierid", "vesselname", "dono", "dodate", "poddate" }; boolean isExist = true; String FILE_NAME1 = "ETSDefineReportOrderCheck.java"; try { for (int index = 0; index < orderParam.length; index++) { if (orderParam[index].equals(paramName)) { isExist = false; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME1, " : Exception in java:" + e.toString()); } return isExist; }
public String create( ETGSDDOB gsdDetailDOB, String operation, String subOperation, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; // @@Added By V.Sreelatha on 16/04/2010 for Audit Trail gsdDetailDOB.setLoginBean(loginBean); try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); if ("GSD".equals(subOperation)) { result = gsdDAO.createGSD(gsdDetailDOB, operation, loginBean); } else if ("Despatch".equals(subOperation)) { result = gsdDAO.createDespatch(gsdDetailDOB, operation); } else if ("WHLocation".equals(subOperation)) { result = gsdDAO.createDepotLocation(gsdDetailDOB, operation); } else if ("ULD".equals(subOperation)) { result = gsdDAO.createULD(gsdDetailDOB, operation); } else if ("Pallet".equals(subOperation)) { result = gsdDAO.createPallet(gsdDetailDOB, loginBean); } else if ("HousePick".equals(subOperation) || "MasterPick".equals(subOperation)) { result = gsdDAO.createPickList(gsdDetailDOB, subOperation, loginBean); } else if ("ULDBuild".equals(subOperation)) { // result = gsdDAO.createULDBuild(gsdDetailDOB, loginBean); result = gsdDAO.updateULDStatus(gsdDetailDOB, loginBean); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [create()] -> Add " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error in Inserting Goods Storage Details"); } return result; }
/** * @param houseDocId * @param chargeId * @return */ public boolean chargeExist(String houseDocId, String chargeId) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement pStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean flag = false; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); try { connection = getConnection(); String sql = "SELECT CHARGEID FROM FS_FR_HOUSEDOCCHARGES WHERE HOUSEDOCID =?"; pStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); pStmt.setString(1, houseDocId); rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { String c = rs.getString(1); list.add(c); } if (list.contains(chargeId)) { flag = true; } else { flag = false; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "SQLException : " + ex); throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "Exception : " + ex); throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (pStmt != null) { pStmt.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "Exception in finally Block" + ex); } } return flag; }
public String getReferenceData(String referenceId, String subOperation) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getReferenceData(referenceId, subOperation); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getReferenceData()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting ReferenceId Data"); } return result; }
public String createMAWBULD(String masterDocId, String[] uldId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.createMAWBULD(masterDocId, uldId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [createMAWBULD()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting ULD Data"); } return result; }
/*public String getConsignmentData(String consignmentId,String terminalId)throws RemoteException{ String result = ""; try{ ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getConsignmentData(consignmentId,terminalId); }catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getGSDStatusReport()] -> "+e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error while getting consignmentData"); } return result; }*/ public String isValidLocationCode(String locationId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.isValidLocationCode(locationId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [isValidLocationCode()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error while getting LocationCode"); } return result; }
// Goutham public String isValidDepotId(String depotId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getDepotIdData(depotId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [isValidDepotId()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error while getting DepotId"); } return result; } // Goutham
public String getReferenceType(String referenceId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getRefType(referenceId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getReferenceType()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error while getting ReferenceType"); } return result; }
public String isValidReferenceId(String referenceId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.isValidReferenceId(referenceId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [isValidReferenceId()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error Validating referenceId"); } return result; }
public String getAirlineDescription(String Airline) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getAirlineDescription(Airline); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getAirlineDescription()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error Doing getAirlineDescription"); } return result; }
public String getPRSData(String prsId, String terminalId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getPRSData(prsId, terminalId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getPRSData()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error Doing getPRSData"); } return result; }
public String getConsignmentNotInWareHouse(String referenceId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getConsignmentNotInWareHouse(referenceId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getConsignmentNotInWareHouse()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error Doing getConsignmentNotInWareHouse"); } return result; }
public String getPalletData(String palletId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getPalletData(palletId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [palletId()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting Pallet Data"); } return result; }
/** * @param chargeId * @return */ public ArrayList isChargesExist(String chargeId[]) { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement pStmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); try { connection = getConnection(); String sql = "SELECT CHARGEID FROM FS_FR_CHARGESMASTER WHERE CHARGEID=?"; pStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql); if (chargeId != null) { for (int index = 0; index < chargeId.length; index++) { pStmt.setString(1, chargeId[index]); rs = pStmt.executeQuery(); if (!rs.next()) { list.add(chargeId[index]); } } } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "SQLException : " + ex); throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "Exception : " + ex); throw new javax.ejb.EJBException(); } finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } if (pStmt != null) { pStmt.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "Exception in finally Block" + ex); } } return list; }
public String isValidConsignmentId(String consignmentId, String terminalId) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.isValidConsignmentId(consignmentId, terminalId); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [isValidConsignmentId()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error in isValidConsignmentId"); } return result; }
public String loadMAWBULD(String masterDocId, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.loadMAWBULD(masterDocId, loginBean); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [loadMAWBULD()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting ULD Data"); } return result; }
public String getWHStatusReport(String referenceId, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getWHStatusReport(referenceId, loginBean); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getWHStatusReport()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting WH Status Report"); } return result; }
public String getPickListData( String docId, String subOperation, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getPickListData(docId, subOperation, loginBean); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getPickListData()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error getting Pick List Data"); } return result; }
public String getGSDStatusReport(String consignmentId, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.getGSDStatusReport(consignmentId, loginBean); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [getGSDStatusReport()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error in getting Goods Storage status"); } return result; }
public String updateWareHouseStatus( String referenceId, String refType, String subOperation, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.updateWareHouseStatus(referenceId, refType, subOperation, loginBean); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [updateWareHouseStatus()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error Doing updateWareHouseStatus"); } return result; }
public String putAway( String locationId, String referenceId, String refType, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws RemoteException { String result = ""; try { ETGSDDAO gsdDAO = new ETGSDDAO(); result = gsdDAO.putAway(locationId, referenceId, refType, loginBean); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " [putAway()] -> " + e.toString()); throw new EJBException("Error Doing putAway"); } return result; }
/** * @param con * @param qry * @return boolean * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ private static boolean isIdExists(Connection con, String qry) throws SQLException { boolean result = false; Statement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = con.createStatement(); rs = ps.executeQuery(qry); if (rs.next()) { result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, " isIdExists() " + ex); Logger.info(FILE_NAME, "Query :" + qry); throw new SQLException("Error while checking in Id " + ex); } finally { // @@ Modified by K Srinivasarao to resolve the Connection leaks closeStatement(rs, ps); rs = null; ps = null; } return result; }
/** @return */ private Connection getConnection() { DataSource ds = null; // InitialContext ic = null;//commented by nagaja for performance tuning on 23-09-2008 Connection con = null; try { // modified by nagaja for performance tuning on 23-09-2008 /* ic = new InitialContext(); ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/DB");*/ ds = LookUpBean.getDataSource(); con = ds.getConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(FILE_NAME, "Exception in getConnection() : " + ex); } return con; }