// given a "biarrow" AxB --> C, check we can transpose it via the getExponentialDiagram
 public void testExponential() {
   MultiArrow<DOT, ARROW> biArrow = fixtures.arrowFooBarToBaz();
   List<ARROW> projections = biArrow.getProductDiagram().getProjections();
   assertTrue(projections.size() == 2);
   DOT a = projections.get(0).getTarget();
   DOT b = projections.get(1).getTarget();
   DOT c = biArrow.getArrow().getTarget();
   ExponentialDiagram<DOT, ARROW> exponential = _topos.getExponentialDiagram(c, b);
   // Check evaluation maps C^B x B -> C
   MultiArrow<DOT, ARROW> ev = exponential.getEvaluation();
   List<ARROW> expProjections = ev.getProductDiagram().getProjections();
   assertTrue(expProjections.size() == 2);
   assertTrue(expProjections.get(1).getTarget() == b);
   assertTrue(ev.getArrow().getTarget() == c);
   // and the universal property of evaluation
   ARROW transpose = exponential.getTranspose(biArrow); // check this maps A -> B^C
   assertTrue(transpose.getSource() == a);
       transpose.getTarget() == expProjections.get(0).getTarget()); // the exponent object itself
   // Next, construct the arrow: transpose x 1 : A x B -> C^B x B as the productGetDiagram of A x B
   // -> A -> C^B and A x B -> B -> B
   ARROW x1 = transpose.compose(projections.get(0));
   ARROW x2 = projections.get(1);
   List<ARROW> multiplicands = new ArrayList<ARROW>();
   ARROW t_x_1 =
           .multiplyArrows(biArrow.getProductDiagram().getProduct(), multiplicands);
  public void testCanonicalProductIso() {
    DOT dot1 = fixtures.dotBar();
    DOT dot2 = fixtures.dotFoo();
    ProductDiagram<DOT, ARROW> productA = _topos.product(dot1, dot2);
    ProductDiagram<DOT, ARROW> productB = _topos.product(dot1, dot2);

    ARROW isoAB = _topos.canonicalIso(productA, productB);
    ARROW isoBA = _topos.canonicalIso(productB, productA);

    DOT dotA = productA.getProduct();
    DOT dotB = productB.getProduct();

    assertSame(isoAB.getSource(), dotA);
    assertSame(isoAB.getTarget(), dotB);
    assertSame(isoBA.getSource(), dotB);
    assertSame(isoBA.getTarget(), dotA);

    assertEquals(dotA.getIdentity(), isoBA.compose(isoAB));
    assertEquals(dotB.getIdentity(), isoAB.compose(isoBA));
  // Given a monic and an arrow to premultiply it, check we can factorize this out again via the
  // subobject classifier and its induced pullback
  public void testSubobjectClassifier() {
    ARROW monicPrefix = fixtures.arrowBubToFoo();
    ARROW monic = fixtures.arrowMonicFooToBar();

    SubobjectClassifier<DOT, ARROW> classifier = _topos.getSubobjectClassifier();
    ARROW truth = classifier.getTruth();
    TerminatorDiagram<DOT, ARROW> tDgm = _topos.getTerminatorDiagram();
    DOT terminator = tDgm.getTerminator();
    assertTrue(terminator == truth.getSource());

    assertTrue(monicPrefix.getTarget() == monic.getSource());
    PullbackDiagram<DOT, ARROW> pullback = classifier.pullbackMonic(monic);

    // Verify that this really is a pullback diagram and can factor out the monic.
    ARROW north = pullback.getNorth();
    ARROW south = pullback.getSouth();
    ARROW west = pullback.getWest();
    ARROW east = pullback.getEast();
    assertTrue(north.getSource() == west.getSource());
    assertTrue(north.getTarget() == east.getSource());
    assertTrue(south.getSource() == west.getTarget());
    assertTrue(south.getTarget() == east.getTarget());
    // it's a commutative square: now, are the right bits in place?
    assertTrue(south == truth); // seems reasonable to insist on strict equality here
    assertTrue(north == monic);

    // pull back the composition...
    ARROW composition = monic.compose(monicPrefix);
    ARROW constant = tDgm.getConstantArrow(composition.getSource());
    // sanity check: just make sure it can be pulled back...
    List<ARROW> commutingArrows = new ArrayList<ARROW>();
    ARROW factor =
        pullback.factorize(commutingArrows); // should have extract the original prefix arrow
  public void testCanonicalExponentialIso() {
    DOT dot1 = fixtures.dotFoo();
    DOT dot2 = fixtures.dotBar();

    ExponentialDiagram<DOT, ARROW> expA = _topos.getExponentialDiagram(dot1, dot2);
    ExponentialDiagram<DOT, ARROW> expB = _topos.getExponentialDiagram(dot1, dot2);

    ARROW isoAB = _topos.canonicalIso(expA, expB);
    ARROW isoBA = _topos.canonicalIso(expB, expA);

    DOT dotA = exponentialDot(expA);
    DOT dotB = exponentialDot(expB);

    assertSame(isoAB.getSource(), dotA);
    assertSame(isoAB.getTarget(), dotB);
    assertSame(isoBA.getSource(), dotB);
    assertSame(isoBA.getTarget(), dotA);

    assertEquals(dotA.getIdentity(), isoBA.compose(isoAB));
    assertEquals(dotB.getIdentity(), isoAB.compose(isoBA));
  public void testTerminator() {
    ARROW p = fixtures.arrowFooToBar();

    DOT a = p.getSource();
    DOT b = p.getTarget();
    TerminatorDiagram<DOT, ARROW> tDgm = _topos.getTerminatorDiagram();
    DOT terminator = tDgm.getTerminator();
    ARROW constantArrow_a = tDgm.getConstantArrow(a);
    assertTrue(a == constantArrow_a.getSource());
    assertTrue(terminator == constantArrow_a.getTarget());
    ARROW constantArrow_b = tDgm.getConstantArrow(b);
    assertEquals(constantArrow_a, constantArrow_b.compose(p));
  // Given an 'equalizer situation', check we can factorize through the equalizer
  public void testEqualizer() {
    EqualizerSituation<DOT, ARROW> situation = fixtures.equalizerSituation();
    ARROW r = situation.getR();
    ARROW s = situation.getS();
    ARROW t = situation.getT();

    EqualizerDiagram<DOT, ARROW> diagram = _topos.equalizer(s, t);
    ARROW e = diagram.getEqualizer();
    assertEquals(s.compose(e), t.compose(e));
    ARROW q = diagram.factorize(situation);
    assertTrue(q.getSource() == r.getSource());
    assertTrue(q.getTarget() == e.getSource());
  // Given two arrows with the same source, check we can multiply them
  // and get an arrow to the product of their targets
  public void testProductOf2() {
    ARROW p = fixtures.arrowFooToBar();
    ARROW q = fixtures.arrowFooToBaz();

    DOT a = p.getSource();
    DOT b = p.getTarget();
    DOT c = q.getTarget();
    assertTrue(a == q.getSource());

    ProductDiagram<DOT, ARROW> diagram = _topos.product(b, c);
    List<ARROW> arrowComponents = new ArrayList<ARROW>();
    ARROW pxq = diagram.multiplyArrows(a, arrowComponents);
    List<ARROW> projections = diagram.getProjections();