public AppCall createAppCall(final LikeContent content)
        AppCall appcall = createBaseAppCall();
        class _cls1
            implements com.facebook.internal.DialogPresenter.ParameterProvider

            final LikeDialog.NativeHandler this$1;
            final LikeContent val$content;

            public Bundle getLegacyParameters()
                Log.e("LikeDialog", "Attempting to present the Like Dialog with an outdated Facebook app on the device");
                return new Bundle();

            public Bundle getParameters()
                return LikeDialog.access$200(content);

                this$1 = LikeDialog.NativeHandler.this;
                content = likecontent;

        DialogPresenter.setupAppCallForNativeDialog(appcall, new _cls1(), LikeDialog.access$300());
        return appcall;
    public AppCall createAppCall(final AppInviteContent content) {
      final AppCall appCall = createBaseAppCall();

          new DialogPresenter.ParameterProvider() {
            public Bundle getParameters() {
              return createParameters(content);

            public Bundle getLegacyParameters() {
              // App Invites are not supported with legacy fb4a devices.
              // We should never get here
                  "Attempting to present the AppInviteDialog with "
                      + "an outdated Facebook app on the device");
              return new Bundle();

      return appCall;
    public AppCall createAppCall(final AppInviteContent content) {
      final AppCall appCall = createBaseAppCall();

          appCall, createParameters(content), getFeature());

      return appCall;
    public AppCall createAppCall(final String content) {
      AppCall appCall = createBaseAppCall();
      Bundle params = new Bundle();
      params.putString(ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_ID, content);

      DialogPresenter.setupAppCallForWebDialog(appCall, JOIN_GAME_GROUP_DIALOG, params);

      return appCall;
 private static boolean canShowWebFallback() {
   return DialogPresenter.canPresentWebFallbackDialogWithFeature(getFeature());
 private static boolean canShowNativeDialog() {
   return DialogPresenter.canPresentNativeDialogWithFeature(getFeature());