private void assertFileContentsEqual(Path expectedFile, Path observedFile) throws IOException { String cleanPathToObservedFile = MoreStrings.withoutSuffix( templatePath.relativize(expectedFile).toString(), EXPECTED_SUFFIX); String expectedFileContent = new String(Files.readAllBytes(expectedFile), UTF_8); String observedFileContent = new String(Files.readAllBytes(observedFile), UTF_8); // It is possible, on Windows, to have Git keep "\n"-style newlines, or convert them to // "\r\n"-style newlines. Support both ways by normalizing to "\n"-style newlines. // See for more information. expectedFileContent = expectedFileContent.replace("\r\n", "\n"); observedFileContent = observedFileContent.replace("\r\n", "\n"); assertEquals( String.format( "In %s, expected content of %s to match that of %s.", cleanPathToObservedFile, expectedFileContent, observedFileContent), expectedFileContent, observedFileContent); }
public void assertFilesEqual(Path expected, Path actual) throws IOException { if (!expected.isAbsolute()) { expected = templatePath.resolve(expected); } if (!actual.isAbsolute()) { actual = destPath.resolve(actual); } if (!Files.isRegularFile(actual)) { fail("Expected file " + actual + " could not be found."); } String extension = MorePaths.getFileExtension(actual); String cleanPathToObservedFile = MoreStrings.withoutSuffix(templatePath.relativize(expected).toString(), EXPECTED_SUFFIX); switch (extension) { // For Apple .plist and .stringsdict files, we define equivalence if: // 1. The two files are the same type (XML or binary) // 2. If binary: unserialized objects are deeply-equivalent. // Otherwise, fall back to exact string match. case "plist": case "stringsdict": NSObject expectedObject; try { expectedObject = BinaryPropertyListParser.parse(expected.toFile()); } catch (Exception e) { // Not binary format. expectedObject = null; } NSObject observedObject; try { observedObject = BinaryPropertyListParser.parse(actual.toFile()); } catch (Exception e) { // Not binary format. observedObject = null; } assertTrue( String.format( "In %s, expected plist to be of %s type.", cleanPathToObservedFile, (expectedObject != null) ? "binary" : "XML"), (expectedObject != null) == (observedObject != null)); if (expectedObject != null) { // These keys depend on the locally installed version of Xcode, so ignore them // in comparisons. String[] ignoredKeys = { "DTSDKName", "DTPlatformName", "DTPlatformVersion", "MinimumOSVersion", "DTSDKBuild", "DTPlatformBuild", "DTXcode", "DTXcodeBuild" }; if (observedObject instanceof NSDictionary && expectedObject instanceof NSDictionary) { for (String key : ignoredKeys) { ((NSDictionary) observedObject).remove(key); ((NSDictionary) expectedObject).remove(key); } } assertEquals( String.format( "In %s, expected binary plist contents to match.", cleanPathToObservedFile), expectedObject, observedObject); break; } else { assertFileContentsEqual(expected, actual); } break; default: assertFileContentsEqual(expected, actual); } }
public enum SizeUnit { BYTES(0, "B"), KILOBYTES(1, "KB"), MEGABYTES(2, "MB"), GIGABYTES(3, "GB"), TERABYTES(4, "TB"); private final int ordinal; private final String abbreviation; private SizeUnit(int ordinal, String abbreviation) { this.ordinal = ordinal; this.abbreviation = abbreviation; } public int getOrdinal() { return ordinal; } public String getAbbreviation() { return abbreviation; } private static long multiplyByByteOrderOfMagnitude(double size, int magnitude) { if (magnitude == 0) { return (long) size; } else if (magnitude > 0) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(size).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(1024).pow(magnitude)).longValue(); } else { return BigDecimal.valueOf(size) .divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(1024).pow(-1 * magnitude)) .longValue(); } } private static final ImmutableMap<String, SizeUnit> SHORT_TO_CODE = ImmutableMap.<String, SizeUnit>builder() .put("b", BYTES) .put("kb", KILOBYTES) .put("kilobytes", KILOBYTES) .put("mb", MEGABYTES) .put("megabytes", MEGABYTES) .put("gb", GIGABYTES) .put("gigabytes", GIGABYTES) .put("tb", TERABYTES) .put("terabytes", TERABYTES) .build(); private static final Pattern SIZE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "([\\d]+(?:\\.[\\d]+)?)\\s*" + MoreStrings.regexPatternForAny(SHORT_TO_CODE.keySet()), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** Parses a string that represents a size into the number of bytes represented by that string. */ public static long parseBytes(String input) throws NumberFormatException { Matcher matcher = SIZE_PATTERN.matcher(input); if (matcher.find()) { String number =; SizeUnit sizeUnit = SHORT_TO_CODE.get(; if (sizeUnit != null) { try { double value = Double.parseDouble(number); return sizeUnit.toBytes(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // If the number was so large as to overflow Long.MAX_VALUE, return LONG.MAX_VALUE. return Long.MAX_VALUE; } } } throw new NumberFormatException(String.format("%s is not a valid file size", input)); } public long toBytes(double size) { return multiplyByByteOrderOfMagnitude(size, getOrdinal() - BYTES.getOrdinal()); } public long toKilobytes(double size) { return multiplyByByteOrderOfMagnitude(size, getOrdinal() - KILOBYTES.getOrdinal()); } public long toMegabytes(double size) { return multiplyByByteOrderOfMagnitude(size, getOrdinal() - MEGABYTES.getOrdinal()); } public long toGigabytes(double size) { return multiplyByByteOrderOfMagnitude(size, getOrdinal() - GIGABYTES.getOrdinal()); } public long toTerabytes(double size) { return multiplyByByteOrderOfMagnitude(size, getOrdinal() - TERABYTES.getOrdinal()); } public static Pair<Double, SizeUnit> getHumanReadableSize(double size, SizeUnit unit) { if (size == 0) { return new Pair<>(size, unit); } int ordinal = unit.getOrdinal(); double resultSize = size; if (size > 1) { while (size > 1 && ordinal < 4) { size = size / 1024; if (size > 1) { ordinal++; resultSize = size; } } } else { while (size < 1024 && ordinal > 0) { size = size * 1024; if (size < 1024) { ordinal--; resultSize = size; } } } return new Pair<>(resultSize, SizeUnit.values()[ordinal]); } public static String toHumanReadableString(Pair<Double, SizeUnit> size, Locale locale) { return String.format(locale, "%.2f %s", size.getFirst(), size.getSecond().getAbbreviation()); } }