Example #1
 private void addLevelObjects(LevelDefinition level) {
   for (GameObjectDefinition objDef : level.getObjects()) {
     GameObject obj =
         this.gameObjectFactory.getObject(objDef.getSprite(), this.cellWidth, this.cellHeight);
     this.addToLayout(obj, objDef.getInsertionRow(), objDef.getInsertionCol());
Example #2
 private synchronized void resetAnimations() {
   HashSet<GameObject> visited = new HashSet<>();
   for (GameObject obj : this.currentLayout) {
     if (obj != null && !visited.contains(obj)) {
Example #3
  private boolean hasPairedExit(int row, int col, Direction dir) {
    if (row < 0 || row >= this.nRows) return false;
    if (col < 0 || col >= this.nCols) return false;
    GameObject obj = this.getObjectFromCoords(row, col);
    if (obj == null) return false;

    Point startCoords = this.getStartCoords(row, col);
    return obj.hasExitAt(row - startCoords.x, col - startCoords.y, dir.opposite());
Example #4
 public void update() {
   for (int i = 0; i < this.nRows * this.nCols; ++i) {
     GameObject obj = this.currentLayout[i];
     if (obj != null && obj.isAnimating()) {
       this.updateAnimations(obj, i);
Example #5
 private void updateAnimations(GameObject obj, int pos) {
   if (obj.finishedAnimating()) {
     if (obj.getType() == Sprite.enter) {
     } else {
       this.startPairedAnimation(obj, pos);
Example #6
 public void rotateObjAt(int row, int col) {
   GameObject obj = this.getObjectFromCoords(row, col);
   if (obj != null) {
     Point startCoords = this.getStartCoords(row, col);
     if (this.isRotationSave(startCoords.x, startCoords.y)) {
       this.addToLayout(obj, startCoords.x, startCoords.y);
Example #7
   * Performs add to layout without any collision and boundary checks. Assumes that checks for save
   * insert was performed prior to calling this function.
   * @param object: object to add to layout.
   * @param row: x coordinate of the upper left corner of the object.
   * @param col: y coordinate of the upper left corner of the object.
  private void addToLayout(GameObject object, int row, int col) {
    int width = object.getWidthCells();
    int height = object.getHeightCells();

    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
        int pos = (row + i) * this.nCols + (col + j);
        this.currentLayout[pos] = object;
Example #8
 public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
   for (int i = 0; i < this.nRows * this.nCols; ++i) {
     GameObject item = currentLayout[i];
     if (item != null && !drawn.contains(item)) {
       int row = i / this.nCols;
       int col = i % this.nCols;
       // draw Object
           item.getImage(), this.cellWidth * col, this.cellHeight * row, this.drawingPaint);
Example #9
   * checks if object rotation is not colliding with other object and screen end
   * @param srow: start (upper left) row of an object
   * @param scol: start (upper left) col of an object
  private boolean isRotationSave(int srow, int scol) {
    GameObject obj = this.getObjectFromCoords(srow, scol);
    // after rotation objects dimensions will swap
    int height = obj.getWidthCells();
    int width = obj.getHeightCells();

    if (srow + height > this.nRows) return false;
    if (scol + width > this.nCols) return false;

    // check if all new cells occupied by object are empty
    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
        int pos = (srow + i) * this.nCols + (scol + j);
        if (this.currentLayout[pos] != null && this.currentLayout[pos] != obj) {
          return false;
    return true;
Example #10
  private void startPairedAnimation(GameObject obj, int pos) {
    // find another object in chain to start animation on it
    Exit exit = obj.getAnimationEndExit();
    Point cornerCoords = obj.getCoordsFromCorner(exit.getCorner());
    int oldRow = pos / this.nCols + cornerCoords.x;
    int oldCol = pos % this.nCols + cornerCoords.y;

    int newRow = this.getPairedRow(exit.getDir(), oldRow);
    int newCol = this.getPairedCol(exit.getDir(), oldCol);

    if (this.hasPairedExit(newRow, newCol, exit.getDir())) {
      GameObject newObj = this.getObjectFromCoords(newRow, newCol);
      // if (!newObj.finishedAnimating()) {
      newObj.startAnimation(this.getPairedExit(newRow, newCol, exit.getDir()));
      // }
    } else {
      // this.startFailLevelAnimation(newRow, newCol, exit.getDir()); // todo maybe in the futute,
      // for now just reset animations
Example #11
   * Important note: assumes that srow and scol are coordinates of the upper left corner of an
   * object
   * @param srow: start (upper left) row
   * @param scol: start (upper left) col
   * @param drow: movement in y-axis: + row down, - row up
   * @param dcol: movement in x-axis: + col right, - col left
   * @returns: true = collision detected false = collision not detected
  private boolean checkObjCollision(int srow, int scol, int drow, int dcol) {
    GameObject obj = this.getObjectFromCoords(srow, scol);
    int width = obj.getWidthCells();
    int height = obj.getHeightCells();

    int row = srow + drow; // new insertion row
    int col = scol + dcol; // new insertion col

    // check boundaries
    if (row < 0 || row + height > this.nRows) return true;
    if (col < 0 || col + width > this.nCols) return true;

    // check if all cells occupied by object are empty
    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
        int pos = (row + i) * this.nCols + (col + j);
        if (this.currentLayout[pos] != null && this.currentLayout[pos] != obj) {
          return true;
    // if checks above didn't find a collision there is none
    return false;
Example #12
 private Exit getPairedExit(int row, int col, Direction dir) {
   GameObject obj = this.getObjectFromCoords(row, col);
   Point startCoords = this.getStartCoords(row, col);
   return obj.getExitAt(row - startCoords.x, col - startCoords.y, dir.opposite());