Example #1
 public Boolean apply(final Volume vol) {
   try {
     VmVolumeAttachment attachment = VmInstances.lookupVolumeAttachment(vol.getDisplayName());
     return attachment.getDeleteOnTerminate();
   } catch (final Throwable e) {
     return false;
Example #2
 public Date apply(final Volume vol) {
   try {
     VmVolumeAttachment attachment = VmInstances.lookupVolumeAttachment(vol.getDisplayName());
     return attachment.getAttachTime();
   } catch (final Throwable e) {
     return null;
Example #3
  public DetachVolumeResponseType detach(DetachVolumeType request) throws EucalyptusCloudException {
    DetachVolumeResponseType reply = (DetachVolumeResponseType) request.getReply();
    Context ctx = Contexts.lookup();

    Volume vol;
    try {
      vol = Volumes.lookup(ctx.getUserFullName().asAccountFullName(), request.getVolumeId());
    } catch (Exception ex1) {
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException("Volume does not exist: " + request.getVolumeId());
    if (!RestrictedTypes.filterPrivileged().apply(vol)) {
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException(
          "Not authorized to detach volume "
              + request.getVolumeId()
              + " by "
              + ctx.getUser().getName());

    VmInstance vm = null;
    AttachedVolume volume = null;
    try {
      VmVolumeAttachment vmVolAttach = VmInstances.lookupVolumeAttachment(request.getVolumeId());
      volume = VmVolumeAttachment.asAttachedVolume(vmVolAttach.getVmInstance()).apply(vmVolAttach);
      vm = vmVolAttach.getVmInstance();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
      /** no such attachment * */
    if (volume == null) {
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException("Volume is not attached: " + request.getVolumeId());
    if (!RestrictedTypes.filterPrivileged().apply(vm)) {
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException(
          "Not authorized to detach volume from instance "
              + request.getInstanceId()
              + " by "
              + ctx.getUser().getName());
    if (!vm.getInstanceId().equals(request.getInstanceId())
        && request.getInstanceId() != null
        && !request.getInstanceId().equals("")) {
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException(
          "Volume is not attached to instance: " + request.getInstanceId());
    if (request.getDevice() != null
        && !request.getDevice().equals("")
        && !volume.getDevice().equals(request.getDevice())) {
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException(
          "Volume is not attached to device: " + request.getDevice());

    Cluster cluster = null;
    ServiceConfiguration ccConfig = null;
    try {
      ccConfig = Topology.lookup(ClusterController.class, vm.lookupPartition());
      cluster = Clusters.lookup(ccConfig);
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
      LOG.debug(e, e);
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException(
          "Cluster does not exist in partition: " + vm.getPartition());
    ServiceConfiguration scVm;
    try {
      scVm = Topology.lookup(Storage.class, vm.lookupPartition());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      LOG.error(ex, ex);
      throw new EucalyptusCloudException(
          "Failed to lookup SC for partition: " + vm.getPartition(), ex);
    request.setDevice(volume.getDevice().replaceAll("unknown,requested:", ""));
    VolumeDetachCallback ncDetach = new VolumeDetachCallback(request);
    try {
      AsyncRequests.sendSync(scVm, new DetachStorageVolumeType(volume.getVolumeId()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logs.extreme().debug(e, e);
      // GRZE: attach is idempotent, failure here is ok.      throw new EucalyptusCloudException(
      // e.getMessage( ) );
    EventRecord.here(VolumeManager.class, EventClass.VOLUME, EventType.VOLUME_DETACH)
        .withDetails(vm.getOwner().toString(), volume.getVolumeId(), "instance", vm.getInstanceId())
        .withDetails("cluster", ccConfig.getFullName().toString())
    return reply;