Example #1
   * Adds the data part to a multiipart request for item addition or update.
   * @param provider the multi-part request provider
   * @param source the synchronization source
   * @param sourceItem the synchronization source item
   * @param destination the synchronization destination
   * @param destItem the synchronization destination item
   * @throws Exception if an exception occurs
  protected void addDataPart(
      MultipartProvider provider,
      AgpSource source,
      AgpItem sourceItem,
      AgpDestination destination,
      AgpItem destItem)
      throws Exception {

    AgpConnection con = source.getConnection();
    String sId = sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("id");
    String sUrl = con.makeSharingUrl() + "/content/items";
    sUrl += "/" + AgpUtil.encodeURIComponent(sId);
    sUrl += "/data";

    // this is probably not necessary, -1 seems to work,
    // search?q= results return size=-1,
    // you need an items/[id] request to get the actual size
    String sDataSize = sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("size");
    long nDataSize = -1;
    try {
      nDataSize = Long.valueOf(sDataSize);
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
      nDataSize = -1;
    // System.err.println("nnnnDataSize="+nDataSize);

    String sFileName = null;
    String sPartName = "text"; // TODO is this correct?
    String sItem = sourceItem.getProperties().get("item").getValue();
    String sItemType = sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("itemType");
    String sType = sourceItem.getProperties().getValue("type");

    if ((sItemType != null) && sItemType.equals("file")) {
      sPartName = "file";
      sFileName = sItem; // TODO is this correct?
      provider.add("item", sItem); // TODO is this correct?
      provider.add(new AgpDPart(con, sourceItem, sUrl, sPartName, sFileName, nDataSize));

    } else if ((sItemType != null) && sItemType.equals("url")) {
      // Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
      sPartName = "text";
      sFileName = null;
      provider.add("item", sItem); // TODO is this correct?
      provider.add(new AgpDPart(con, sourceItem, sUrl, sPartName, sFileName, nDataSize));

    } else if ((sItemType != null) && sItemType.equals("text")) {
      sPartName = "text";
      sFileName = null;
      if (!sType.equals("Web Map")) {
        provider.add("item", sItem); // TODO is this correct?
        provider.add(new AgpDPart(con, sourceItem, sUrl, sPartName, sFileName, nDataSize));
      } else {

        provider.add("item", sItem); // TODO is this correct?

        String sCType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();
        AgpProperties hdr = con.makeRequestHeaderProperties();
        AgpClient client = con.ensureClient();
        StringProvider prov = new StringProvider(params.toString(), sCType);
        StringHandler handler = new StringHandler();
        client.executeRequest(sUrl, hdr, prov, handler);
        String sWebMapJson = handler.getContent();

        web map
        AgpConnection con2 = destination.getConnection();
        boolean bMod = false;
        JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(sWebMapJson);
        String sProp = "operationalLayers";
        if (jso.has(sProp) && (!jso.isNull(sProp))) {
          JSONArray jsoLayers = jso.getJSONArray(sProp);
          int n = jsoLayers.length();
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            JSONObject jsoLayer = jsoLayers.getJSONObject(i);
            if (jsoLayer.has("itemId") && (!jsoLayer.isNull("itemId"))) {
              String sItemId = jsoLayer.getString("itemId");
              // System.err.println("itemId="+sItemId);
              String sSyncKey = this.itemHelper.makeSyncKey(sItemId);
              String sDestQuery = "typekeywords:" + sSyncKey;
              AgpItem qItem = this.itemHelper.querySingleItem(con2, sDestQuery);
              if (qItem == null) {
                // TODO: is this query ok?
                sDestQuery = "id:" + sId;
                qItem = this.itemHelper.querySingleItem(con2, sDestQuery);
              if (qItem == null) {
                // TODO: is this query ok?
                // System.err.println("------- removing webmap rel id "+sId);
                bMod = true;
              } else {
                String sDestId = qItem.getProperties().getValue("id");
                // System.err.println("------- putting webmap rel id "+sDestId);
                // jsoLayer.remove("itemId");
                jsoLayer.put("itemId", sDestId);
                bMod = true;
        if (bMod) {
          sWebMapJson = jso.toString();
        provider.add("text", sWebMapJson);