// check and initialize global configuration
  private Configuration checkGlobalConfiguration() {
    String configKind = _coordinator.getDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName());
    Configuration config =
        _coordinator.queryConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind, Constants.GLOBAL_ID);
    if (config == null) {
      // check if it is upgraded from previous version to yoda - configuration may be stored in
      // znode /config. Since SeedProvider still need access that, so we remove the config
      // from global in migration callback after migration is done.
      config = _coordinator.queryConfiguration(configKind, Constants.GLOBAL_ID);
      if (config != null) {
        _log.info("Upgrade from pre-yoda release, move global config to new location");
        _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
        return config;

      ConfigurationImpl cfg = new ConfigurationImpl();
      cfg.setConfig(Constants.SCHEMA_VERSION, this._serviceInfo.getVersion());

      // persist configuration
      _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), cfg);
      config = cfg;
    return config;
  // check and initialize versioned configuration
  private Configuration checkVersionedConfiguration() {
    String serviceVersion = _serviceInfo.getVersion();
    String dbSchemaVersion = _dbClient.getSchemaVersion();
    if (!serviceVersion.equals(dbSchemaVersion)) {
          "The db service version {} doesn't equals Db schema version {}, "
              + "set db service version to Db schema version",

    String kind =
        _coordinator.getVersionedDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName(), _serviceInfo.getVersion());
    Configuration config =
        _coordinator.queryConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), kind, _serviceInfo.getId());
    if (config == null) {
      // check if it is upgraded from previous version to yoda - configuration may be stored in
      // znode /config
      config = _coordinator.queryConfiguration(kind, _serviceInfo.getId());
      if (config != null) {
        _log.info("Upgrade from pre-2.5 release, move versioned dbconfig to new location");
        _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
        return config;

      ConfigurationImpl cfg = new ConfigurationImpl();
      // persist configuration
      _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), cfg);
      config = cfg;
    return config;
 public void setConfigValue(String key, String value) {
   String configKind = _coordinator.getDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName());
   Configuration config =
       _coordinator.queryConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind, _serviceInfo.getId());
   if (config != null) {
     config.setConfig(key, value);
     _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
 private void removeStaleVersionedDbConfiguration() {
   String configKind =
       _coordinator.getVersionedDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName(), _serviceInfo.getVersion());
   List<Configuration> configs =
       _coordinator.queryAllConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind);
   for (Configuration config : configs) {
     if (isStaleConfiguration(config)) {
       _coordinator.removeServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
       _log.info("Remove stale version db config, id: {}", config.getId());
  * Checks and sets INIT_DONE state this means we are done with the actual cf changes on the
  * cassandra side for the target version
 private void setDbConfigInitDone() {
   String configKind =
       _coordinator.getVersionedDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName(), _serviceInfo.getVersion());
   Configuration config =
       _coordinator.queryConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind, _serviceInfo.getId());
   if (config != null) {
     if (config.getConfig(DbConfigConstants.INIT_DONE) == null) {
       config.setConfig(DbConfigConstants.INIT_DONE, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
       _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
   } else {
     // we are expecting this to exist, because its initialized from checkVersionedConfiguration
     throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected error, db versioned configuration is null");
 public String getConfigValue(String key) {
   String configKind = _coordinator.getDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName());
   Configuration config =
       _coordinator.queryConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind, _serviceInfo.getId());
   if (config != null) {
     return config.getConfig(key);
   return null;
  private void removeStaleServiceConfiguration() {
    boolean isGeoDBSvc = isGeoDbsvc();
    boolean resetAutoBootFlag = false;

    String configKind = _coordinator.getDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName());
    List<Configuration> configs =
        _coordinator.queryAllConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind);

    for (Configuration config : configs) {
      if (isStaleConfiguration(config)) {
        boolean autoboot = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getConfig(DbConfigConstants.AUTOBOOT));
        String configId = config.getId();

        if (isGeoDBSvc && !autoboot && (configId.equals("geodb-4") || configId.equals("geodb-5"))) {
          // for geodbsvc, if restore with the backup of 5 nodes to 3 nodes and the backup is made
          // on the cluster that the 'autoboot=false' is set on vipr4 or vipr5
          // we should set the autoboot=false on the current node or no node with autoboot=false

          // TODO:This is a temporary/safest solution in Yoda, we'll provide a better soltuion post
          // Yoda
          resetAutoBootFlag = true;

        if (isStaleConfiguration(config)) {
          _coordinator.removeServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
          _log.info("Remove stale db config, id: {}", config.getId());

    if (resetAutoBootFlag) {
      _log.info("set autoboot flag to false on {}", _serviceInfo.getId());
      Configuration config =
              _coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind, _serviceInfo.getId());
      config.setConfig(DbConfigConstants.AUTOBOOT, Boolean.FALSE.toString());
      _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
   * Checks and registers db configuration information, this is one time when cluster is coming up
   * for the first time
  private Configuration checkConfiguration() {
    String configKind = _coordinator.getDbConfigPath(_serviceInfo.getName());
    Configuration config =
        _coordinator.queryConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind, _serviceInfo.getId());
    if (config == null) {
      // check if it is upgraded from previous version to yoda - configuration may be stored in
      // zk global area /config. Since SeedProvider still need access that, so we remove the config
      // from global in migration callback after migration is done.
      config = _coordinator.queryConfiguration(configKind, _serviceInfo.getId());
      if (config != null) {
        _log.info("Upgrade from pre-yoda release, move dbconfig to new location");
        _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);
        return config;

      // this is a new node
      // 1. register its configuration with coordinator
      // 2. assume autobootstrap configuration
      // this means that when a node is added, it take 1/2 of biggest token rage and
      // copies its data over
      ConfigurationImpl cfg = new ConfigurationImpl();
      cfg.setConfig(DbConfigConstants.NODE_ID, _coordinator.getInetAddessLookupMap().getNodeId());
      cfg.setConfig(DbConfigConstants.AUTOBOOT, Boolean.TRUE.toString());

      // check other existing db nodes
      List<Configuration> configs =
          _coordinator.queryAllConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), configKind);
      if (configs.isEmpty()) {
        // we are the first node - turn off autobootstrap
        cfg.setConfig(DbConfigConstants.AUTOBOOT, Boolean.FALSE.toString());
      // persist configuration
      _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), cfg);
      config = cfg;
    return config;
  /** Check offline event info to see if dbsvc/geodbsvc on this node could get started */
  private void checkDBOfflineInfo() {
    Configuration config =
            _coordinator.getSiteId(), Constants.DB_DOWNTIME_TRACKER_CONFIG, _serviceInfo.getName());
    DbOfflineEventInfo dbOfflineEventInfo = new DbOfflineEventInfo(config);

    String localNodeId = _coordinator.getInetAddessLookupMap().getNodeId();
    Long lastActiveTimestamp = dbOfflineEventInfo.geLastActiveTimestamp(localNodeId);
    long zkTimeStamp =
        (lastActiveTimestamp == null) ? TimeUtils.getCurrentTime() : lastActiveTimestamp;

    File localDbDir = new File(dbDir);
    Date lastModified = getLastModified(localDbDir);
    boolean isDirEmpty = lastModified == null || localDbDir.list().length == 0;
    long localTimeStamp = (isDirEmpty) ? TimeUtils.getCurrentTime() : lastModified.getTime();

    _log.info("Service timestamp in ZK is {}, local file is: {}", zkTimeStamp, localTimeStamp);
    long diffTime = (zkTimeStamp > localTimeStamp) ? (zkTimeStamp - localTimeStamp) : 0;
    if (diffTime >= MAX_SERVICE_OUTAGE_TIME) {
      String errMsg =
              "We detect database files on local disk are more than %s days older "
                  + "than last time it was seen in the cluster. It may bring stale data into the database, "
                  + "so the service cannot continue to boot. It may be the result of a VM snapshot rollback. "
                  + "Please contact with EMC support engineer for solution.",
              diffTime / TimeUtils.DAYS);
      throw new IllegalStateException(errMsg);

    Long offlineTime = dbOfflineEventInfo.getOfflineTimeInMS(localNodeId);
    if (!isDirEmpty && offlineTime != null && offlineTime >= MAX_SERVICE_OUTAGE_TIME) {
      String errMsg =
              "This node is offline for more than %s days. It may bring stale data into "
                  + "database, so the service cannot continue to boot. Please poweroff this node and follow our "
                  + "node recovery procedure to recover this node",
              offlineTime / TimeUtils.DAYS);
      throw new IllegalStateException(errMsg);
  public void start() throws IOException {
    if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
      _log.info("Starting DB service...");

    // Suppress Sonar violation of Lazy initialization of static fields should be synchronized
    // start() method will be only called one time when startup dbsvc, so it's safe to ignore sonar
    // violation
    instance = this; // NOSONAR ("squid:S2444")

    if (backCompatPreYoda) {
          "Pre-yoda back compatible flag detected. Initialize local keystore/truststore for Cassandra native encryption");
    System.setProperty("cassandra.config", _config);
    System.setProperty("cassandra.config.loader", CassandraConfigLoader.class.getName());

    // Set to false to clear all gossip state for the node on restart.
    // We encounter a weird Cassandra grossip issue(COP-19246) - some nodes are missing from gossip
    // when rebooting the entire cluster simultaneously. Critical Gossip
    // fields(ApplicationState.STATUS, ApplicationState.TOKENS)
    // are not synchronized during handshaking. It looks like some problem caused by incorrect
    // gossip version/generation
    // at system local table. So add this option to cleanup local gossip state during reboot
    // Make sure add-vdc/add-standby passed when you would remove this option in the future.
    // We need make sure majority local nodes are added as seed nodes. Otherwise cassandra may not
    // see other nodes if it loses
    // connection to other sites
    System.setProperty("cassandra.load_ring_state", "false");

    // Nodes in new data center should not auto-bootstrap.
    // See
    // https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/operations/ops_add_dc_to_cluster_t.html
    if (_schemaUtil.isStandby()) {
      System.setProperty("cassandra.auto_bootstrap", "false");
    InterProcessLock lock = null;
    Configuration config = null;

    StartupMode mode = null;

    try {
      // we use this lock to discourage more than one node bootstrapping / joining at the same time
      // Cassandra can handle this but it's generally not recommended to make changes to schema
      // concurrently
      lock = getLock(getSchemaLockName());

      config = checkConfiguration();

      mode = checkStartupMode(config);
      _log.info("Current startup mode is {}", mode);

      // Check if service is allowed to get started by querying db offline info to avoid bringing
      // back stale data.
      // Skipping hibernate mode for node recovery procedure to recover the overdue node.
      int nodeCount = ((CoordinatorClientImpl) _coordinator).getNodeCount();
      if (nodeCount != 1 && mode.type != StartupMode.StartupModeType.HIBERNATE_MODE) {

      // this call causes instantiation of a seed provider instance, so the check*Configuration
      // calls must be preceed it


      if (_jmxServer != null) {
            "com.sun.management.jmxremote.port", Integer.toString(_jmxServer.getPort()));

      _service = new CassandraDaemon();

      cassandraInitialized = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (mode != null && mode.type == StartupMode.StartupModeType.HIBERNATE_MODE) {
      _log.error("e=", e);
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } finally {
      if (lock != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
          _log.debug("lock release failed");

    if (config.getConfig(DbConfigConstants.JOINED) == null) {
      config.setConfig(DbConfigConstants.JOINED, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
      _coordinator.persistServiceConfiguration(_coordinator.getSiteId(), config);


    if (backCompatPreYoda) {
      _log.info("Enable duplicated beacon in global area during pre-yoda upgrade");



    if (_schemaUtil.isStandby()) {
      String localDataRevision = getLocalDataRevision();
      if (localDataRevision != null) {

    // Setup the vdc information, so that login enabled before migration
    if (!isGeoDbsvc()) {


    if (_handler.run()) {
      // Setup the bootstrap info root tenant, if root tenant migrated from local db, then skip it
      if (isGeoDbsvc()) {
      } else {


      _log.info("DB service started");
    } else {
      _log.error("DB migration failed. Skipping starting background tasks.");