  protected List<Rule> findByIDs(final List<Long> subList) {
    // values retrieved in bulk from the database
    final List<Rule> retrivedFronDb = ruleService.findByUids(subList);

    // we have to order the values based on the values in subList, due to the promotion dependency
    // which needs to have the dependent object after the non-depend ones
    final Comparator<Rule> comparator =
        new Comparator<Rule>() {
          public int compare(final Rule rule1, final Rule rule2) {
            Integer postion1 = subList.indexOf(rule1.getUidPk());
            Integer position2 = subList.indexOf(rule2.getUidPk());
            return postion1.compareTo(position2);

    Collections.sort(retrivedFronDb, comparator);
    return retrivedFronDb;