public void trackUUID(final UUID uuid, final String name, boolean replace) { if (uuid != null) { keys.add(uuid); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { final String keyName = StringUtil.safeString(name); if (!names.containsKey(keyName)) { names.put(keyName, uuid); uuidMap.writeUUIDMap(); } else if (!names.get(keyName).equals(uuid)) { if (replace) { ess.getLogger() .info( "Found new UUID for " + name + ". Replacing " + names.get(keyName).toString() + " with " + uuid.toString()); names.put(keyName, uuid); uuidMap.writeUUIDMap(); } else { if (ess.getSettings().isDebug()) { ess.getLogger() .info( "Found old UUID for " + name + " (" + uuid.toString() + "). Not adding to usermap."); } } } } } }
public void setHome(String name, Location loc) { //Invalid names will corrupt the yaml name = StringUtil.safeString(name); homes.put(name, loc); config.setProperty("homes." + name, loc);; }
protected UserData(Player base, IEssentials ess) { super(base); this.ess = ess; folder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } config = new EssentialsConf(new File(folder, StringUtil.sanitizeFileName(base.getName()) + ".yml")); reloadConfig(); }
public void removeUser(final String name) { if (names == null) { ess.getLogger().warning("Name collection is null, cannot remove user."); return; } UUID uuid = names.get(name); if (uuid != null) { keys.remove(uuid); users.invalidate(uuid); } names.remove(name); names.remove(StringUtil.safeString(name)); }
public void delHome(String name) throws Exception { String search = getHomeName(name); if (!homes.containsKey(search)) { search = StringUtil.safeString(search); } if (homes.containsKey(search)) { homes.remove(search); config.removeProperty("homes." + search);; } else { throw new Exception(_("invalidHome", search)); } }
public User getUser(final String name) { try { final String sanitizedName = StringUtil.safeString(name); if (names.containsKey(sanitizedName)) { final UUID uuid = names.get(sanitizedName); return getUser(uuid); } final File userFile = getUserFileFromString(sanitizedName); if (userFile.exists()) { ess.getLogger().info("Importing user " + name + " to usermap."); User user = new User(new OfflinePlayer(sanitizedName, ess.getServer()), ess); trackUUID(user.getBase().getUniqueId(), user.getName(), true); return user; } return null; } catch (UncheckedExecutionException ex) { return null; } }
public File getUserFileFromString(final String name) { final File userFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); return new File(userFolder, StringUtil.sanitizeFileName(name) + ".yml"); }
public void setBanReason(String reason) { config.setProperty("ban.reason", StringUtil.sanitizeString(reason));; }