  public void read(ConfigurationNode node, ConfigurationReader reader)
      throws ConfigurationException {
    title = reader.readStringAttribute(node, ConfigurationXml.ATTRIBUTE_TITLE);
    scenarios.addAll(readScenarios(node, reader));

    for (Scenario scenario : scenarios) {
   * Read the scenarios of a node representing the scenario group.
   * @param scenarioGroup
   * @return a list of scenarios configured within this scenario group that must not be <code>null
   *     </code>
   * @throws ConfigurationException if a problem occur to read the XML nodes
   * @author martin.wurzinger
  private static List<Scenario> readScenarios(
      ConfigurationNode scenarioGroup, ConfigurationReader reader) throws ConfigurationException {
    List<Scenario> results = new ArrayList<Scenario>();

    for (ConfigurationNode scenarioNode :
        reader.getChildren(scenarioGroup, DefaultScenarioGroup.NODE_SCENARIO)) {
      Scenario scenario = new DefaultScenario();
      scenario.read(scenarioNode, reader);


    return results;