/** * Removes a {@link com.dsh105.echopet.api.pet.Pet} if the {@link org.bukkit.entity.Player} has * one active * * @param player the {@link org.bukkit.entity.Player} to remove their {@link * com.dsh105.echopet.api.pet.Pet} from * @param sendMessage defines if the plugin sends a message to the target {@link * org.bukkit.entity.Player} */ public void removePet(Player player, boolean sendMessage, boolean save) { EchoPet.getManager().removePets(player, true); if (save) { if (hasPet(player)) { EchoPet.getManager().saveFileData("autosave", EchoPet.getManager().getPet(player)); EchoPet.getSqlManager().saveToDatabase(EchoPet.getManager().getPet(player), false); } } if (sendMessage) { Lang.sendTo(player, Lang.REMOVE_PET.toString()); } }
/** * Gives a {@link com.dsh105.echopet.api.pet.Pet} to the specified {@link Player} * * <p>Pets will be spawned immediately next to the target player, linked until it is removed. * * @param player the {@link org.bukkit.entity.Player} that will be provided with a {@link * com.dsh105.echopet.api.pet.Pet} * @param petType the {@link com.dsh105.echopet.compat.api.entity.PetType} (type of {@link * com.dsh105.echopet.api.pet.Pet}) that will be given to the player * @param sendMessage defines if the plugin sends a message to the target {@link Player} * @return the {@link com.dsh105.echopet.api.pet.Pet} created */ public IPet givePet(Player player, PetType petType, boolean sendMessage) { if (player != null && petType != null) { IPet pet = EchoPet.getManager().createPet(player, petType, sendMessage); if (pet == null) { EchoPet.LOG.severe( "Failed to give " + petType.toString() + " to " + player.getName() + " through the EchoPetAPI. Maybe this PetType is disabled in the Config.yml?"); return null; } if (sendMessage) { Lang.sendTo( player, Lang.CREATE_PET .toString() .replace("%type%", StringUtil.capitalise(petType.toString()))); } return pet; } return null; }
/** * Opens the Pet Selector GUI Menu * * @param player {@link org.bukkit.entity.Player} to view the Menu * @param sendMessage defines if the plugin sends a message to the target {@link * org.bukkit.entity.Player} */ public void openPetSelector(Player player, boolean sendMessage) { SelectorLayout.getSelectorMenu().showTo(player); if (false) { Lang.sendTo(player, Lang.OPEN_SELECTOR.toString()); } }