public void AutoSelectSinglePath() { // TODO - can we do this for FinishWFT? /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "AutoSelectSinglePath - "; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "check for premature Finish Click and single path selection", null, null); // see if the forward paths grid was ever instantiated Datagrid forwardgrid = (Datagrid) getControl(ForwardWorkflowTask.NEXT_TASKS_GRID_CONTROL_NAME); // if not, check how many paths there would be if (null == forwardgrid) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "forwardgrid is null, so Finish clicked before selecting a path, see if we can autoselect", null, null); try { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get wf task", null, null); IWorkflowTask task = this.getWorkflowTask(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "get forward activities for task " + task.getActivityName(), null, null); IDfList forwardAct = task.getNextForwardActivities(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "Get count of next activities", null, null); int count = forwardAct.getCount(); if (1 == count) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "only one next activity, so autoselect that one", null, null); // fake it baby IDfTypedObject act = (IDfTypedObject) forwardAct.get(0); String actId = act.getString("r_object_id"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "id of next activity: " + actId, null, null); String cboxname = "__NEXT_TASKS_CHECKBOX_CONTROL_NAME" + actId; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "creating fake checkbox for that activity: " + cboxname, null, null); Checkbox cbox = (Checkbox) getControl(cboxname, Checkbox.class); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "selecting the cbox", null, null); cbox.setValue(true); // dangerous levels of hackitude here... // because the superclass has the "list of next activities" property private and immutable // from this class, I have to resort to this trickery // page == forward forces the superclass to check for selected forward paths. if it's // not forward, it just assumes the list is ready (which its not, and I // can't make it ready since it's frikking PRIVATE. thanks, DCTM /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "set component page to forward so that the super.onCommitChanges call works correcly", null, null); this.setComponentPage("forward"); } } catch (DfException dfe) { throw new RuntimeException("Df Error in single path autoselect", dfe); } } }
String performValidation() throws DfException { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "performValidation-"; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "Check if task requires signoff", null, null); if (m_task.isSignOffRequired()) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "flipping on validation", null, null); setDoValidation(true); // need to check forwarding paths' checkboxes for: at least one checked /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "checking forwarding checkbox datagrid for at-least-one-checked", null, null); Datagrid forwardgrid = (Datagrid) getControl(ForwardWorkflowTask.NEXT_TASKS_GRID_CONTROL_NAME); Iterator i = forwardgrid.getContainedControls(); // this seems to be infinitely looped, <sarcasm>Nice Iterator guys</sarcasm> <shrug>then // again, I've seen it not infinitely looped...</shrug> HashSet resultset = new HashSet(); // for tracking what we've seen and haven't seen yet so we can tell when // the infinitely looping iterator has looped back around /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "iterating through controls, adding them to our set of checkboxes if they are of type checkbox", null, null); while (i.hasNext()) { Control current = (Control); if (current instanceof DatagridRow) { DatagridRow row = (DatagridRow) current; Iterator cboxes = row.getContainedControls(); String cboxname = ""; while (cboxes.hasNext()) { Control subcurrent = (Control); if (subcurrent instanceof Checkbox) { cboxname = subcurrent.getName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "found cbox named " + cboxname, null, null); break; // break from datagridrow's infinite iterator } } // check if we've seen this checkbox before... if (resultset.contains(cboxname)) break; // break from datagrid's infinite iterator else { // we haven't, so add this to the list/set of checkboxes and keep looking for new // checkboxes resultset.add(cboxname); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "adding cbox named to cbox search results" + cboxname, null, null); } } } // okay, now we should have a list of checkbox control names we can validate...that was // entirely too complicated // CEM: this seems to be the only place that reliably can access the forward paths grid. Do // auto-select for single path option sets. int checkedcount = 0; int boxcount = 0; Checkbox firstcbox = null; boolean forwardPathValidation = false; Iterator foundcboxesiterator = resultset.iterator(); while (foundcboxesiterator.hasNext()) { String name = (String); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "examining checkbox: " + name, null, null); Checkbox cbox = (Checkbox) getControl(name); if (0 == boxcount) firstcbox = cbox; boxcount++; if (cbox.getValue()) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "checkbox is checked: " + name, null, null); forwardPathValidation = true; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "iterating checkedcount", null, null); checkedcount++; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "checkedcount is " + checkedcount, null, null); } } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "check for autoselect of single forward path", null, null); if (1 == boxcount) { // TODO: does this interfere with reject? --> I would guess that reject triggers a RejectWFT // object, not this one.... /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "autochecking the single forward path", null, null); if (!firstcbox.getValue()) { firstcbox.setValue(true); checkedcount++; } forwardPathValidation = true; } if (forwardPathValidation == false) { return "MSG_FORWARD_PATH_NOT_SELECTED"; } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get State Transition config", null, null); StateTransitionConfigFactory config = StateTransitionConfigFactory.getSTConfig(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get MRCS config task definition", null, null); MrcsWorkflowTask t = config.getMrcsWorkflowTask(m_mrcsapp, m_processname, m_taskname); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "validating checked forward path count, # selected: " + checkedcount, null, null); // MJH 8-29-2006: updated workflow object to be IDfWorkflow from IDfSysobject, threw CCE in // 5.3 IDfProcess workflow = (IDfProcess) getDfSession().getObject(m_task.getProcessId()); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "workflow system name: " + workflow.getObjectName(), null, null); if (!config.doesWorkflowTaskAllowMultiplePaths( m_mrcsapp, workflow.getObjectName(), m_task.getTaskName())) { if (checkedcount > 1) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "more than one path selected when only one is allowed", null, null); return "MSG_MULTIPLE_PATHS_SELECTED_WHEN_ONLY_ONE_ALLOWED"; } } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get refs to signing controls", null, null); Text usernameCtrl = (Text) getControl(QADocFinishWFT.USERNAME_CONTROL_NAME, Text.class); Password passwordCtrl = (Password) getControl(QADocFinishWFT.PASSWORD_CONTROL_NAME, Password.class); DropDownList rsnListCtrl = (DropDownList) getControl(QADocFinishWFT.REASONSELECT_CONTROL_NAME, DropDownList.class); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get refs to signing controls", null, null); String username = usernameCtrl.getValue(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- user: "******" -- pass: "******"null" : "#########"), null, null); String reason = rsnListCtrl.getValue(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- reason: " + reason, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "calling super.validate()", null, null); validate(); if (!getIsValid()) { return "MSG_FORM_VALIDATION"; } // if ((usrName != null) && (pswd != null) && (rsn)) { if ((username != null) && (username.trim().length() > 0) && (password != null) && (reason != null)) { // CEM: weird bug - if password is correct, but username is wrong, then the task completes // but fails when we sign -- after webtop has completed the task. // - so make sure the user matches the session user! String loggedinusername = getDfSession() .getSessionManager() .getIdentity(getDfSession().getDocbaseName()) .getUser(); if (!loggedinusername.equals(username)) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "entered username does not match current user", null, null); return "MSG_USERNAME_MISMATCH"; } else { // apparently we need to ensure the password is correct... IDfLoginInfo logininfo = new DfLoginInfo(); logininfo.setUser(username); logininfo.setPassword(password); try { getDfSession().authenticate(logininfo); } catch (DfAuthenticationException authex) { // return code via exception...great design, guys return "MSG_BAD_PASSWORD"; } } } else { return "MSG_MISSING_USER_PASS_REASON"; } } return null; }