public IDfSysObject getFirstAttachment(IDfSessionManager sessionmgr, Map parameters) throws Exception { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "getFirstAttachment - "; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get session", null, null); String docbase = ((String[]) parameters.get("docbase_name"))[0]; IDfSession session = sessionmgr.getSession(docbase); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get workitem interface", null, null); IDfWorkitem wi = getWorkitem(sessionmgr, parameters); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "iterate through packages", null, null); IDfCollection packages = wi.getPackages(""); IDfSysObject pkg = null; if ( { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "check if there are packages in the r_component_id multivalue attr", null, null); if (packages.getValueCount("r_component_id") > 0) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting the first component id", null, null); IDfId id = packages.getRepeatingId("r_component_id", 0); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "retrieving component " + id, null, null); pkg = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(id); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "component: " + pkg, null, null); } } packages.close(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "releasing session", null, null); sessionmgr.release(session); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "session released", null, null); return pkg; }
public void onInit(ArgumentList args) { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "onInit-"; try { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "calling super()", null, null); super.onInit(args); // do we need to setclientevent(onOk)? // setClientEvent("onOk", args); m_task = getWorkflowTask(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "workflowtask: " + (m_task == null ? null : m_task.getActivityId().getId()), null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(ESignHelper.class)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting first attachment - first get workitem", null, null); IDfWorkitem wi = (IDfWorkitem) getDfSession().getObject(m_task.getId("item_id")); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(ESignHelper.class)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " _ GET ATTACHMENT COLLECTION", null, null); IDfCollection attachments = wi.getAttachments();; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(ESignHelper.class)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " - get r_comp_id", null, null); IDfId firstattachment = attachments.getId("r_component_id"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(ESignHelper.class)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " - look up doc " + firstattachment.getId(), null, null); m_primarypackage = (IDfDocument) getDfSession().getObject(firstattachment); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(ESignHelper.class)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " - get doc's mrcsapp", null, null); m_mrcsapp = m_primarypackage.getString("mrcs_application"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "MRCS app: " + m_mrcsapp, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "getting activity name and process name for config lookup", null, null); m_taskname = m_task.getActivityName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- taskname: " + m_taskname, null, null); m_processname = ((IDfProcess) getDfSession().getObject(m_task.getProcessId())).getObjectName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- process: " + m_processname, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "Check if signoff controls are needed", null, null); if (m_task.isSignOffRequired()) { // Obtain the resons for signing and initialize the Control /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "signoff is required for this task - initializing reason list dropdown", null, null); DropDownList rsnListCtrl = (DropDownList) getControl(QADocFinishWFT.REASONSELECT_CONTROL_NAME, DropDownList.class); ESignHelper.initReasonList(m_mrcsapp, rsnListCtrl); } else { // setMessage("MSG_SIGN_NOTREQUIRED"); // setValid(true); } } catch (Exception ex1) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error(this, m + "Exception in initialization of FinishWFT", null, ex1); throw new RuntimeException("Exception in initialization of MRCS FinishWFT component", ex1); } }
// implement the default configurable method - execute listed actions in workflow task public void execute(Map parameters, OutputStream outputstream) throws Exception { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "MrcsConfigurableMethod.execute - "; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting docbase from JSM parameters", null, null); String[] paramvals = (String[]) parameters.get("docbase_name"); String docbase = paramvals[0]; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " ~~docbase: " + docbase, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting packageId from JSM parameters", null, null); paramvals = (String[]) parameters.get( "packageId"); // OOTB docbasic promote method thinks this is workitemid... String packageid = paramvals[0]; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " ~~packageId: " + packageid, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting 'mode' from JSM parameters", null, null); paramvals = (String[]) parameters.get("mode"); String mode = paramvals[0]; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " ~~MODE: " + mode, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting mrcs system session", null, null); IDfSessionManager sessionmgr = getMrcsSystemUserSessionFromFirstAttachment(parameters); IDfSession session = sessionmgr.getSession(docbase); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "session DMCL id: " + session.getDMCLSessionId(), null, null); // get workitem /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "retreive workitem (the 'packageid')", null, null); IDfWorkitem workitem = (IDfWorkitem) session.getObject(new DfId(packageid)); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "...retrieved workitem " + packageid + "? " + (workitem != null), null, null); // acquire if not mode 0. ?what? - it's what the docbasic thingy does if ("0".equals(mode)) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "mode is 0, acquiring workitem...", null, null); workitem.acquire(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "...acquired", null, null); } try { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get attachment", null, null); IDfSysObject attachment = getFirstAttachment(sessionmgr, parameters); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "mrcsapplication of attachment", null, null); String mrcsapp = attachment.getString("mrcs_application"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + " -- is: " + mrcsapp, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get workflow object " + workitem.getWorkflowId(), null, null); IDfWorkflow workflow = (IDfWorkflow) session.getObject(workitem.getWorkflowId()); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "get process object " + workflow.getProcessId(), null, null); IDfProcess process = (IDfProcess) session.getObject(workflow.getProcessId()); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "workflow process name and task name", null, null); String workflowname = process.getObjectName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- workflow process name: " + workflowname, null, null); String taskname = workitem.getActivity().getObjectName(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- workitem activity name: " + taskname, null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "locate configuration of task in mrcs config", null, null); StateTransitionConfigFactory stconfig = StateTransitionConfigFactory.getSTConfig(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "look up MRCS task definition", null, null); MrcsWorkflowTask mrcstask = stconfig.getMrcsWorkflowTask(mrcsapp, workflowname, taskname); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "getting server plugins list (ServerPlugins key in the MethodConfiguration)", null, null); List actionlist = (List) mrcstask.MethodConfiguration.get("ServerPlugins"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "EXEC plugins", null, null); if (actionlist != null) { Map context = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < actionlist.size(); i++) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "running plugin #" + i, null, null); MrcsPlugin plugin = (MrcsPlugin) actionlist.get(i); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- instantiating - " + plugin.PluginClassName, null, null); IMrcsWorkflowServerPlugin doit = (IMrcsWorkflowServerPlugin) Class.forName(plugin.PluginClassName).newInstance(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- doit!", null, null); doit.execute( sessionmgr, docbase, workitem, workflow, process, mrcsapp, plugin.PluginConfiguration, context); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "-- done!", null, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error(this, m + "error in promoting workitem packages...", null, e); sessionmgr.release(session); throw e; } /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "completing workitem...", null, null); workitem.complete(); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "releasing session", null, null); sessionmgr.release(session); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "session released", null, null); }
public void execute( IDfSessionManager sMgr, String docbase, IDfWorkitem task, IDfWorkflow workflow, IDfProcess process, String mrcsapp, Map config, Map context) { /*-CONFIG-*/ String m = "QADocFormGenerateAcrobatRenditionOnServer.execute - "; GenerateAcrobatRendition gar = new GenerateAcrobatRendition(); IDfSession session = null; try { session = sMgr.getSession(docbase); // get attachment... /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "getting ATTACHMENT collection for workitem", null, null); IDfCollection attachments = task.getAttachments(); while ( { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "--NEXT ATTACHMENT--", null, null); for (int i = 0; i < attachments.getAttrCount(); i++) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "attr: " + attachments.getAttr(i).getName(), null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "type: " + attachments.getAttr(i).getDataType(), null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "repeats: " + attachments.getAttr(i).isRepeating(), null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "val: " + attachments.getValueAt(i).asString(), null, null); } String compid = attachments.getString("r_component_id"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "--ATTACHMENT id: " + compid, null, null); if (compid != null) { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "--getting ATTACHMENT from docbase", null, null); IDfDocument attacheddoc = (IDfDocument) session.getObject(new DfId(compid)); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "--pkgdoc retrieved: " + attacheddoc.getObjectName() + " - " + attacheddoc.getObjectId().getId(), null, null); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "--getting most recent version of attachment", null, null); IDfDocument pkgdoc = (IDfDocument) session.getObjectByQualification( "dm_document where i_chronicle_id = '" + attacheddoc.getChronicleId().getId() + "'"); /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug( this, m + "--most recent retrieved: " + pkgdoc.getObjectName() + " - " + pkgdoc.getObjectId().getId(), null, null); try { /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "CALLING render plugin", null, null); gar.render(session, pkgdoc, config); // need to save...this may cause deadlock errors if in a transaction? /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "saving doc changes", null, null);; /*-DEBUG-*/ if (DfLogger.isDebugEnabled(this)) DfLogger.debug(this, m + "doc save complete", null, null); } catch (Exception e) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error( this, m + "error while loading or executing promotion service module", null, e); throw e; } } } } catch (Exception dfe) { /*-ERROR-*/ DfLogger.error(this, m + "ERROR in generate rendtion on server event", null, dfe); throw new RuntimeException( "Error in workflow plugin - generate rendition on server event plugin", dfe); } finally { sMgr.release(session); } }