private ByteBuffer getPartitionKey(Map<String, ByteBuffer> keyColumns) {
    ByteBuffer partitionKey;
    if (partitionKeyColumns.size() > 1) {
      ByteBuffer[] keys = new ByteBuffer[partitionKeyColumns.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
        keys[i] = keyColumns.get(partitionKeyColumns.get(i).getName());

      partitionKey =;
    } else {
      partitionKey = keyColumns.get(partitionKeyColumns.get(0).getName());
    return partitionKey;
Example #2
  public void executePreparedCounterTest() throws Exception {
    PreparedStatement p = session.prepare("UPDATE " + COUNTER_TABLE + " SET c = c + ? WHERE k = ?");

    session.execute(p.bind(1L, "row"));
    session.execute(p.bind(1L, "row"));

    ResultSet rs = session.execute("SELECT * FROM " + COUNTER_TABLE);
    List<Row> rows = rs.all();
    assertEquals(1, rows.size());
    assertEquals(2L, rows.get(0).getLong("c"));
    /** Loops collecting cql binded variable values from the queue and sending to Cassandra */
    public void run() {
      while (run || !queue.isEmpty()) {
        List<ByteBuffer> bindVariables;
        try {
          bindVariables = queue.take();
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          // re-check loop condition after interrupt

        ListIterator<InetAddress> iter = endpoints.listIterator();
        while (true) {
          // send the mutation to the last-used endpoint.  first time through, this will NPE
          // harmlessly.
          try {
            int i = 0;
            PreparedStatement statement = preparedStatement(client);
            while (bindVariables != null) {
              BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(statement);
              for (int columnPosition = 0;
                  columnPosition < bindVariables.size();
                  columnPosition++) {
                boundStatement.setBytesUnsafe(columnPosition, bindVariables.get(columnPosition));

              if (i >= batchThreshold) break;
              bindVariables = queue.poll();
          } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!iter.hasNext()) {
              lastException = new IOException(e);
              break outer;

          // attempt to connect to a different endpoint
          try {
            InetAddress address =;
            String host = address.getHostName();
            client = CqlConfigHelper.getOutputCluster(host, conf).connect();
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // If connection died due to Interrupt, just try connecting to the endpoint again.
            // There are too many ways for the Thread.interrupted() state to be cleared, so
            // we can't rely on that here. Until the java driver gives us a better way of knowing
            // that this exception came from an InterruptedException, this is the best solution.
            if (canRetryDriverConnection(e)) {

            // Most exceptions mean something unexpected went wrong to that endpoint, so
            // we should try again to another.  Other exceptions (auth or invalid request) are
            // fatal.
            if ((e instanceof AuthenticationException || e instanceof InvalidQueryException)
                || !iter.hasNext()) {
              lastException = new IOException(e);
              break outer;
      // close all our connections once we are done.