Example #1
   * Create an unanalyzed predicate that checks if elements >= i are equal or both sides are null.
   * <p>The predicate has the form ((lhs[i] is null && rhs[i] is null) || ( lhs[i] is not null &&
   * rhs[i] is not null && lhs[i] = rhs[i])) && <createEqualsAux(i + 1)>
  private Expr createNullMatchingEqualsAux(
      List<Expr> elements, int i, TupleId inputTid, ExprSubstitutionMap bufferedSmap) {
    if (i > elements.size() - 1) return new BoolLiteral(true);

    // compare elements[i]
    Expr lhs = elements.get(i);
    Expr rhs = lhs.substitute(bufferedSmap, analyzer_, false);

    Expr bothNull =
        new CompoundPredicate(
            Operator.AND, new IsNullPredicate(lhs, false), new IsNullPredicate(rhs, false));
    Expr lhsEqRhsNotNull =
        new CompoundPredicate(
            new CompoundPredicate(
                Operator.AND, new IsNullPredicate(lhs, true), new IsNullPredicate(rhs, true)),
            new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, lhs, rhs));
    Expr remainder = createNullMatchingEqualsAux(elements, i + 1, inputTid, bufferedSmap);
    return new CompoundPredicate(
        new CompoundPredicate(Operator.OR, bothNull, lhsEqRhsNotNull),