private ArrayList<String> GetXilinxUCFStrings(String direction, int StartId) { ArrayList<String> Contents = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer Temp = new StringBuffer(); Integer start = 0; Integer end = NrOfPins; ArrayList<String> labels = null; if (MyType.equals(IOComponentTypes.PortIO)) { labels = PortIO.GetLabels(IOComponentTypes.GetNrOfFPGAPins(MyType)); } else if (MyType.equals(IOComponentTypes.LocalBus)) { labels = ReptarLocalBus.GetLabels(); if (direction.equals("in")) { end = IOComponentTypes.GetFPGAInputRequirement(MyType); } else if (direction.equals("out")) { // TODO: YSY Contents.add( "NET \"FPGA_LB_OUT_0\" LOC = \"R24\" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18 ; # SP6_LB_WAIT3_o"); Contents.add("NET \"FPGA_LB_OUT_1\" LOC = \"AB30\" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18 ; # IRQ_o"); return Contents; // start = IOComponentTypes.GetFPGAInputRequirement(MyType); // end = start + // IOComponentTypes.GetFPGAOutputRequirement(MyType); } else if (direction.equals("inout")) { start = IOComponentTypes.GetFPGAInputRequirement(MyType) + IOComponentTypes.GetFPGAOutputRequirement(MyType); end = start + IOComponentTypes.GetFPGAInOutRequirement(MyType); } } else if (MyType.equals(IOComponentTypes.DIPSwitch)) { labels = DipSwitch.GetLabels(IOComponentTypes.GetNrOfFPGAPins(MyType)); } else if (MyType.equals(IOComponentTypes.SevenSegment)) { labels = SevenSegment.GetLabels(); } else if (MyType.equals(IOComponentTypes.RGBLED)) { labels = RGBLed.GetLabels(); } for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Temp.setLength(0); Temp.append("LOC = \"" + MyPinLocations.get(i) + "\" "); if (MyPullBehavior != PullBehaviors.Unknown && MyPullBehavior != PullBehaviors.Float) { Temp.append("| " + PullBehaviors.getContraintedPullString(MyPullBehavior) + " "); } if (MyDriveStrength != DriveStrength.Unknown && MyDriveStrength != DriveStrength.DefaulStength) { Temp.append( "| DRIVE = " + DriveStrength.GetContraintedDriveStrength(MyDriveStrength) + " "); } if (MyIOStandard != IoStandards.Unknown && MyIOStandard != IoStandards.DefaulStandard) { Temp.append("| IOSTANDARD = " + IoStandards.GetConstraintedIoStandard(MyIOStandard) + " "); } Temp.append(";"); if (labels != null) { Temp.append(" # " + labels.get(i)); } String NetName = ""; if (direction == "in") { NetName = HDLGeneratorFactory.FPGAInputPinName + "_" + Integer.toString(StartId + i - start); } else if (direction == "inout") { NetName = HDLGeneratorFactory.FPGAInOutPinName + "_" + Integer.toString(StartId + i - start); } else { NetName = HDLGeneratorFactory.FPGAOutputPinName + "_" + Integer.toString(StartId + i - start); } // String NetName = (InputPins) ? // HDLGeneratorFactory.FPGAInputPinName + "_" + // Integer.toString(StartId + i) // : HDLGeneratorFactory.FPGAOutputPinName + "_" + // Integer.toString(StartId + i); Contents.add("NET \"" + NetName + "\" " + Temp.toString()); } return Contents; }
private void GetSimpleInformationDialog(BoardDialog parent) { int NrOfDevicePins = IOComponentTypes.GetNrOfFPGAPins(MyType); final JDialog selWindow = new JDialog(parent.GetPanel(), MyType + " properties"); JComboBox<String> DriveInput = new JComboBox<>(DriveStrength.Behavior_strings); JComboBox<String> PullInput = new JComboBox<>(PullBehaviors.Behavior_strings); JComboBox<String> ActiveInput = new JComboBox<>(PinActivity.Behavior_strings); ActionListener actionListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals("cancel")) { MyType = IOComponentTypes.Unknown; abort = true; } selWindow.setVisible(false); } }; GridBagLayout dialogLayout = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); selWindow.setLayout(dialogLayout); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c.gridy = -1; ArrayList<JTextField> LocInputs = new ArrayList<JTextField>(); ArrayList<String> PinLabels; switch (MyType) { case SevenSegment: PinLabels = SevenSegment.GetLabels(); break; case RGBLED: PinLabels = RGBLed.GetLabels(); break; case DIPSwitch: PinLabels = DipSwitch.GetLabels(NrOfDevicePins); break; case PortIO: PinLabels = PortIO.GetLabels(NrOfDevicePins); break; case LocalBus: PinLabels = ReptarLocalBus.GetLabels(); break; default: PinLabels = new ArrayList<String>(); if (NrOfDevicePins == 1) { PinLabels.add("FPGA pin"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < NrOfDevicePins; i++) { PinLabels.add("pin " + i); } } } int offset = 0; int oldY = c.gridy; int maxY = -1; for (int i = 0; i < NrOfDevicePins; i++) { if (i % 32 == 0) { offset = (i / 32) * 2; c.gridy = oldY; } JLabel LocText = new JLabel("Specify " + PinLabels.get(i) + " location:"); c.gridx = 0 + offset; c.gridy++; selWindow.add(LocText, c); JTextField txt = new JTextField(6); LocInputs.add(txt); c.gridx = 1 + offset; selWindow.add(LocInputs.get(i), c); maxY = c.gridy > maxY ? c.gridy : maxY; } c.gridy = maxY; JLabel StandardText = new JLabel("Specify FPGA pin standard:"); c.gridy++; c.gridx = 0; selWindow.add(StandardText, c); JComboBox<String> StandardInput = new JComboBox<>(IoStandards.Behavior_strings); StandardInput.setSelectedIndex(parent.GetDefaultStandard()); c.gridx = 1; selWindow.add(StandardInput, c); if (IOComponentTypes.OutputComponentSet.contains(MyType)) { JLabel DriveText = new JLabel("Specify FPGA pin drive strength:"); c.gridy++; c.gridx = 0; selWindow.add(DriveText, c); DriveInput.setSelectedIndex(parent.GetDefaultDriveStrength()); c.gridx = 1; selWindow.add(DriveInput, c); } if (IOComponentTypes.InputComponentSet.contains(MyType)) { JLabel PullText = new JLabel("Specify FPGA pin pull behavior:"); c.gridy++; c.gridx = 0; selWindow.add(PullText, c); PullInput.setSelectedIndex(parent.GetDefaultPullSelection()); c.gridx = 1; selWindow.add(PullInput, c); } if (!IOComponentTypes.InOutComponentSet.contains(MyType)) { JLabel ActiveText = new JLabel("Specify " + MyType + " activity:"); c.gridy++; c.gridx = 0; selWindow.add(ActiveText, c); ActiveInput.setSelectedIndex(parent.GetDefaultActivity()); c.gridx = 1; selWindow.add(ActiveInput, c); } JButton OkayButton = new JButton("Done and Store"); OkayButton.setActionCommand("done"); OkayButton.addActionListener(actionListener); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy++; selWindow.add(OkayButton, c); JButton CancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); CancelButton.setActionCommand("cancel"); CancelButton.addActionListener(actionListener); c.gridx = 1; selWindow.add(CancelButton, c); selWindow.pack(); selWindow.setLocation(Projects.getCenteredLoc(selWindow.getWidth(), selWindow.getHeight())); // PointerInfo mouseloc = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(); // Point mlocation = mouseloc.getLocation(); // selWindow.setLocation(mlocation.x, mlocation.y); selWindow.setModal(true); selWindow.setResizable(false); selWindow.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); selWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(true); abort = false; while (!abort) { selWindow.setVisible(true); if (!abort) { boolean correct = true; for (int i = 0; i < NrOfDevicePins; i++) { if (LocInputs.get(i).getText().isEmpty()) { correct = false; showDialogNotification( selWindow, "Error", "<html>You have to specify a location for " + PinLabels.get(i) + "!</html>"); continue; } } if (correct) { parent.SetDefaultStandard(StandardInput.getSelectedIndex()); NrOfPins = NrOfDevicePins; for (int i = 0; i < NrOfDevicePins; i++) { MyPinLocations.put(i, LocInputs.get(i).getText()); } MyIOStandard = IoStandards.getId(StandardInput.getSelectedItem().toString()); if (IOComponentTypes.OutputComponentSet.contains(MyType)) { parent.SetDefaultDriveStrength(DriveInput.getSelectedIndex()); MyDriveStrength = DriveStrength.getId(DriveInput.getSelectedItem().toString()); } if (IOComponentTypes.InputComponentSet.contains(MyType)) { parent.SetDefaultPullSelection(PullInput.getSelectedIndex()); MyPullBehavior = PullBehaviors.getId(PullInput.getSelectedItem().toString()); } if (!IOComponentTypes.InOutComponentSet.contains(MyType)) { parent.SetDefaultActivity(ActiveInput.getSelectedIndex()); MyActivityLevel = PinActivity.getId(ActiveInput.getSelectedItem().toString()); } abort = true; } } } selWindow.dispose(); }