public static List<FileModel> findFilesToBeModeled(Integer index, Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); return dao.findFilesToBeModeled(index, context); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } }
public static FileModel findLastFile(Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); return dao.findLastFile(context); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } }
public static List<FileModel> findNotUploadFiles(Integer num, Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); return dao.findNotUploadFiles(num, context); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } }
public FileModel save(Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; FileModel file = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); file =; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception Logger.e(e.getMessage()); } finally { dao.close(); } return file; }
public class FileModel { private Long m_id = null; private String m_fileName = null; private Date m_createTime = null; private PhotoStats m_photoStats = null; private Integer m_tag = null; // 鐢ㄦ潵琛ㄧず鏂囦欢绫诲瀷 锛�0涓虹収鐗囨枃浠讹紝 1涓鸿棰戞枃浠讹紝 2涓烘枃鏈枃浠讹紝>10涓簆m2.5璁粌闆嗭紝搴忓彿鐩稿悓涓轰竴缁勶紝3-10涓轰繚鐣� private static DAOFactory daoFactory = DAOFactory.getInstance(); public FileModel(String fileName, Date createTime) { if (fileName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File name must not be null"); } this.m_fileName = fileName; if (createTime == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File create time must not be null"); } this.m_createTime = createTime; this.m_tag = 0; } public FileModel(String fileName, Date createTime, Integer tag) { if (fileName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File name must not be null"); } this.m_fileName = fileName; if (createTime == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File create time must not be null"); } this.m_createTime = createTime; this.m_tag = tag; } public FileModel(String fileName, Date createTime, PhotoStats photostats) { this(fileName, createTime); this.m_photoStats = photostats; this.m_tag = 0; } public FileModel(String fileName, Date createTime, PhotoStats photostats, Integer tag) { this(fileName, createTime); this.m_photoStats = photostats; this.m_tag = tag; } public FileModel( String fileName, Date createTime, Float xDirect, Float yDirect, Float zDirect, Float longitude, Float latitude, Integer exposureValue, Float focalDistance, Float aperture, Integer width, Integer height, Integer tag) { this(fileName, createTime, tag); this.m_photoStats = new PhotoStats( xDirect, yDirect, zDirect, longitude, latitude, exposureValue, focalDistance, aperture, width, height); } public FileModel( Long id, String fileName, Date createTime, Float xDirect, Float yDirect, Float zDirect, Float longitude, Float latitude, Integer exposureValue, Float focalDistance, Float aperture, Integer width, Integer height, Integer tag) { this(fileName, createTime, tag); this.m_photoStats = new PhotoStats( xDirect, yDirect, zDirect, longitude, latitude, exposureValue, focalDistance, aperture, width, height); this.m_id = id; } public FileModel(Long id, FileModel file) { this.m_id = id; this.m_fileName = file.getFileName(); this.m_createTime = file.getCreateTime(); this.m_photoStats = file.getPhotoStats(); this.m_tag = file.m_tag; } public FileModel save(Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; FileModel file = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); file =; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception Logger.e(e.getMessage()); } finally { dao.close(); } return file; } public static List<FileModel> findNotUploadFiles(Integer num, Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); return dao.findNotUploadFiles(num, context); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } } public static FileModel findLastFile(Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); return dao.findLastFile(context); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } } public static List<FileModel> findFilesToBeModeled(Integer index, Context context) { FileDAO dao = null; try { dao = daoFactory.getFileDAO(context); return dao.findFilesToBeModeled(index, context); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } } public Long getId() { return m_id; } public Date getCreateTime() { return m_createTime; } public String getFileName() { return m_fileName; } public PhotoStats getPhotoStats() { return m_photoStats; } public Integer getTag() { return m_tag; } public String getCreateTimeString() { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); return new String(sdf.format(m_createTime)); } }