Example #1
  public ActionForward getPersonInfo(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {

    // If user pressed 'Cancel' button,
    // return to home page

    ActionForward forward = null;

    CommonLogger.logDebug(log, "In PersonAction:getPersonInfo() ");

    if (isCancelled(request)) {
      return mapping.findForward("home");

    String personId = request.getParameter(BSIConstants.PERSON_ID);
    User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(BSIConstants.USER);
    // String personId = user.getPerson().getId().toString();

    CommonLogger.logInfo(log, "Executing the view action for the person id:" + personId);

    try {
      PersonManager clientHandler = new PersonManager();
      Person personObj = clientHandler.getPerson(personId);

      CommonLogger.logDebug(log, "Populating the person form");
      PersonForm personForm = (PersonForm) form;
      PropertyUtils.copyProperties(personForm, personObj);
          log, "After Populating the person form, the name is " + personForm.getName());
      String personType = personForm.getPersonType();
      if (personType != null && personType.equalsIgnoreCase(BSIConstants.BUYER)) {
        forward = mapping.findForward("Buyer");
      } else if (personType != null && personType.equalsIgnoreCase(BSIConstants.SUPPLIER)) {
        forward = mapping.findForward("Supplier");
    } catch (BSIException ex1) {
      ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
          "In BuyerAction:editPersonalInfo() \n exception occured. Exception message is "
              + ex1.getMessage());
          ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(ex1.getErrorCode(), ex1.getMessage()));
      saveErrors(request, errors);
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      throw ex2;
    } finally {
      request.setAttribute(BSIConstants.ACTION_TYPE, BSIConstants.EDIT);
    return forward;
Example #2
  public ActionForward updatePersonInfo(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {

    CommonLogger.logDebug(log, "In PersonAction:updatePersonInfo() ");

    // If user pressed 'Cancel' button,
    // return to home page

    if (isCancelled(request)) {
      return mapping.findForward("home");

    // Person personObj = new Person();

    // PropertyUtils.copyProperties(personObj, (PersonForm)form);

    try {
      PersonManager clientHandler = new PersonManager();

      Person oldPersonObj = clientHandler.getPerson(((PersonForm) form).getId().toString());
      CommonLogger.logDebug(log, "the retrieved person id is " + oldPersonObj.getId());
      PropertyUtils.copyProperties(oldPersonObj, (PersonForm) form);
      ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages();
      msgs.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("common.update.succesfull"));
      saveMessages(request, msgs);
    } catch (BSIException ex1) {
      ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
          "In PersonAction:updatePersonInfo() \n exception occured. Exception message is "
              + ex1.getMessage());
          ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(ex1.getErrorCode(), ex1.getMessage()));
      saveErrors(request, errors);
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      throw ex2;
    } finally {
      request.setAttribute(BSIConstants.ACTION_TYPE, BSIConstants.EDIT);

    return mapping.findForward("success");
Example #3
  public ActionForward listSubscribedServices(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {

    CommonLogger.logDebug(log, "In PersonAction:listSubscribedServices() ");

    ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages();
    Set srvs = null;

    try {

      // String personId = request.getParameter(BSIConstants.PERSON_ID);
      User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(BSIConstants.USER);
      // String personId = user.getPerson().getId().toString();
      String personId = null;
      if (request.getParameter(BSIConstants.PERSON_ID) != null) {
        personId = request.getParameter(BSIConstants.PERSON_ID);
      } else {
        personId = user.getPerson().getId().toString();
      String personType = request.getParameter(BSIConstants.PERSON_TYPE);

      CommonLogger.logDebug(log, "The person id is " + personId);

      PersonManager clientHandler = new PersonManager();
      Person personObj = clientHandler.getPerson(personId);

      // Get the service region for the person
      // TODO should support multiple service region, each for a service.
      Long serviceId = null;
      if (personType != null && personType.equalsIgnoreCase(BSIConstants.BUYER)) {
        srvs = personObj.getRequestedSevices();
      } else if (personType != null && personType.equalsIgnoreCase(BSIConstants.SUPPLIER)) {
        srvs = personObj.getOfferedServices();

      // srvs = personObj.getServices();
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (srvs != null) {
          Object[] services = srvs.toArray();
          if (services.length > 0) serviceId = ((Service) services[0]).getNodeId();
          CommonLogger.logDebug(log, "The service id is " + serviceId);

    } catch (BSIException ex1) {
      ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
          "In SupplierAction:subscribeService()  \n exception occured. Exception message is "
              + ex1.getMessage());
          ActionErrors.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage(ex1.getErrorCode(), ex1.getMessage()));
      saveErrors(request, errors);
    } finally {
      request.setAttribute(BSIConstants.SUBSCRIBED_SERVICES_LIST, srvs);
    return mapping.findForward("success");