   * Searches for the ActionCallback represented by the id string.
   * @param id
  public static ActionCallback find(String id) {

    if (id == null) return null;

    Scene s = World.getInstance().getCurrentScene();

    String[] split = id.split(SEPARATION_SYMBOL);

    if (split.length < 2) return null;

    String actorId = split[0];
    String verbId = split[1];
    int actionPos = -1;

    if (split.length > 2) actionPos = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);

    Verb v = null;

    if (actorId.equals("DEFAULT_VERB")) {
      v = World.getInstance().getVerbManager().getVerb(verbId, null, null);
    } else {

      InteractiveActor a;

      if (actorId.equals(s.getId())) {
        v = s.getVerbManager().getVerbs().get(verbId);
      } else {
        a = (InteractiveActor) s.getActor(actorId, true);

        if (a == null) return null;

        v = a.getVerbManager().getVerbs().get(verbId);

    if (v == null) return null;

    if (split.length == 2) return v;

    Action action = v.getActions().get(actionPos);

    if (action instanceof ActionCallback) return (ActionCallback) action;

    return null;