   * Create a execution.
   * <p>If the execution needs to be compiled, the compilation will be launched asynchronously by
   * this webservice.
   * @param body The body of the request should contain the source code to compile
   * @return A unique ID representing the execution in the system. The id will be used for all
   *     further interactions with the API
  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/programs")
  public PostProgramResponse postProgram(@RequestBody String body) {

    Program p = new Program();
    PostProgramResponse response = new PostProgramResponse();

    try {
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      response.status = RequestStatus.KO;
      response.programId = null;
      return response;


    response.status = RequestStatus.OK;
    response.programId = p.getTid();

    return response;