int obtainSource(boolean isMusic) { if (noDevice) return 0; for (int i = 0, n = idleSources.size; i < n; i++) { int sourceId = idleSources.get(i); int state = alGetSourcei(sourceId, AL_SOURCE_STATE); if (state != AL_PLAYING && state != AL_PAUSED) { if (isMusic) { idleSources.removeIndex(i); } else { if (sourceToSoundId.containsKey(sourceId)) { long soundId = sourceToSoundId.get(sourceId); sourceToSoundId.remove(sourceId); soundIdToSource.remove(soundId); } long soundId = nextSoundId++; sourceToSoundId.put(sourceId, soundId); soundIdToSource.put(soundId, sourceId); } alSourceStop(sourceId); alSourcei(sourceId, AL_BUFFER, 0); AL10.alSourcef(sourceId, AL10.AL_GAIN, 1); AL10.alSourcef(sourceId, AL10.AL_PITCH, 1); AL10.alSource3f(sourceId, AL10.AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 1f); return sourceId; } } return -1; }
public void init(float posX, float posY, int type, float angle) { this.type = type; float width = widths.get(type, 0.1f); float height = heights.get(type, 0.1f); bounds.set(posX - width / 2F, posY, width, height); position.set(posX - width / 2F, posY); velocity.set(0, speeds.get(type, 4f)); velocity.setAngle(90f + angle); this.damage = damages.get(type, 2); alive = true; upgradeable = upgradeables.get(type); }
@Override public void onGamepadUpdated(int index) { Gamepad gamepad = Gamepad.getGamepad(index); GwtController controller = controllerMap.get(index); if (gamepad != null && controller != null) { // Determine what changed JsArrayNumber axes = gamepad.getAxes(); JsArrayNumber buttons = gamepad.getButtons(); synchronized (eventQueue) { for (int i = 0, j = axes.length(); i < j; i++) { float oldAxis = controller.getAxis(i); float newAxis = (float) axes.get(i); if (oldAxis != newAxis) { GwtControllerEvent event = eventPool.obtain(); event.type = GwtControllerEvent.AXIS; event.controller = controller; event.code = i; event.amount = newAxis; eventQueue.add(event); } } for (int i = 0, j = buttons.length(); i < j; i++) { float oldButton = controller.getButtonAmount(i); float newButton = (float) buttons.get(i); if (oldButton != newButton) { if ((oldButton < 0.5f && newButton < 0.5f) || (oldButton >= 0.5f && newButton >= 0.5f)) { controller.buttons.put(i, newButton); continue; } GwtControllerEvent event = eventPool.obtain(); event.type = newButton >= 0.5f ? GwtControllerEvent.BUTTON_DOWN : GwtControllerEvent.BUTTON_UP; event.controller = controller; event.code = i; event.amount = newButton; eventQueue.add(event); } } } } }
public void addSquad(final Entity squad, final int index) { final SquadCommandCard squadCard = new SquadCommandCard(squad, index, skin); Source source = new Source(squadCard) { @Override public Payload dragStart(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) { Payload payload = new Payload(); // payload.setDragActor(new Label("Test", skin)); SquadCommandCard card = new SquadCommandCard(squad, index, skin); payload.setDragActor(card); // payload.setDragActor(squadTable); return payload; } }; dragAndDrop.addSource(source); cardSlots.get(index).setCard(squadCard); }
/** * Gets the {@link TiledMapTile} that has the given id. * * @param id the id of the {@link TiledMapTile} to retrieve. * @return tile matching id, null if it doesn't exist */ public TiledMapTile getTile(int id) { return tiles.get(id); }
public long getSoundId(int sourceId) { if (!sourceToSoundId.containsKey(sourceId)) return -1; return sourceToSoundId.get(sourceId); }
public void updateFormationPattern(int index, FormationPatternType pattern) { SquadCommandCard card = (SquadCommandCard) cardSlots.get(index).getCard(); card.updateFormationPattern(pattern); }
public void removeSquad(Entity squad, int index) { SquadCommandCard card = (SquadCommandCard) cardSlots.get(index).getCard(); card.setSquad(null); card.setSelected(false); }
public Entity setSelected(int index, boolean selected) { SquadCommandCard card = (SquadCommandCard) cardSlots.get(index).getCard(); card.setSelected(selected); return card.getSquad(); }
public void updateSquadTable(int index) { SquadCommandCard card = (SquadCommandCard) cardSlots.get(index).getCard(); }