public FinalDialogueScreen(final ButtonGame game) { = game; stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport()); dialogueLabel = new Label("", Resources.Skin()); dialogueLabel.setWrap(true); dialogueLabel.setColor(Color.CYAN); leftPerson = new Image(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("graphics/CaptainCalamari.png"))); leftPerson.setVisible(false); rightPerson = new Image(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("graphics/JimmyTwoButton.png"))); leftPerson.setScaling(Scaling.none); rightPerson.setScaling(Scaling.none); stage.addListener( new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown( InputEvent event, float screenX, float screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (count < maxCount) { count = advanceDialogue(count); } else { game.startLevel(Level.get(game, 10)); } return true; } }); Table table = new Table(); table.setFillParent(true); table.align(; table.add().height(50).colspan(3).center(); table.row(); table.add(leftPerson); table.add(); // .width(20); table.add(rightPerson); table.row(); table.add().colspan(3).height(50); table.row(); table.add(dialogueLabel).width(600).colspan(3).center(); if (Resources.DEBUG) { table.setDebug(true); } stage.addActor(table); }
@Override public void show() { skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("uiskin.json")); stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport()); batch = new SpriteBatch(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); // Adding the game title to the screen Sprite spriteTitle = new Sprite(Assets.zombieShooterTitle); Assets.spriteDefaultColorSolid(spriteTitle); SpriteDrawable spriteDrawableTitle = new SpriteDrawable(spriteTitle); imageTitle = new Image(spriteDrawableTitle); // Creating all the containers for the positioning and arranging of our stuff container = new Table(); container.setWidth(stage.getWidth()); container.align( |; container.setPosition(0, Constant.HEIGHT_SCREEN); containerFirstRow = new Table(); containerFirstRow.setWidth(stage.getWidth()); containerFirstRow.align( |; containerFirstRow.setPosition(0, Constant.HEIGHT_SCREEN); containerSecondRow = new Table(); containerSecondRow.setWidth(stage.getWidth()); containerSecondRow.align( |; containerSecondRow.setPosition(0, Constant.HEIGHT_SCREEN); creatingRegisterButton(); creatingTheTextFields(); // Setting the text field text to be on the center settingTextFieldsTextToCenter(); // Remove any text in hte text fields on click so that user can write his information cleaningTextFieldsToBlank(); // Adding all the object into the stage. First of all we add to the container // for the row then to the main container , finally into the main stage arrangingTheScreen(); // Creating the background backGroundSprite = new Sprite(Assets.backgroundMenu); backGroundSprite.setSize(Constant.WIDTH_SCREEN, Constant.HEIGHT_SCREEN); // Setting the back key on android to true, so it can accept interaction Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); inizializiraneWarningMessage(); // When clicking on the register button we start the validation process. // It calls all the methods which are checking the user input registerButton.addListener( new ClickListener() { public void clicked(InputEvent e, float x, float y) {; if ((checkUserField(userField.getText().toString())) && (checkPasswordField(passwordField.getText().toString())) && (checkPasswordAndRePassword( passwordField.getText().toString(), passwordCheckField.getText().toString())) && (checkEmailField(emailField.getText().toString()))) { registerJson(); } } }); }