Example #1
  * Adjusts the parent and child bone rotations so the tip of the child is as close to the target
  * position as possible. The target is specified in the world coordinate system.
  * @param child Any descendant bone of the parent.
 public static void apply(
     Bone parent, Bone child, float targetX, float targetY, int bendDirection, float alpha) {
   float childRotation = child.rotation, parentRotation = parent.rotation;
   if (alpha == 0) {
     child.rotationIK = childRotation;
     parent.rotationIK = parentRotation;
   Vector2 position = temp;
   Bone parentParent = parent.parent;
   if (parentParent != null) {
     parentParent.worldToLocal(position.set(targetX, targetY));
     targetX = (position.x - parent.x) * parentParent.worldScaleX;
     targetY = (position.y - parent.y) * parentParent.worldScaleY;
   } else {
     targetX -= parent.x;
     targetY -= parent.y;
   if (child.parent == parent) position.set(child.x, child.y);
   else parent.worldToLocal(child.parent.localToWorld(position.set(child.x, child.y)));
   float childX = position.x * parent.worldScaleX, childY = position.y * parent.worldScaleY;
   float offset = (float) Math.atan2(childY, childX);
   float len1 = (float) Math.sqrt(childX * childX + childY * childY),
       len2 = child.data.length * child.worldScaleX;
   // Based on code by Ryan Juckett with permission: Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Ryan Juckett,
   // http://www.ryanjuckett.com/
   float cosDenom = 2 * len1 * len2;
   if (cosDenom < 0.0001f) {
     child.rotationIK =
             + ((float) Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) * radDeg - parentRotation - childRotation)
                 * alpha;
   float cos =
           (targetX * targetX + targetY * targetY - len1 * len1 - len2 * len2) / cosDenom, -1, 1);
   float childAngle = (float) Math.acos(cos) * bendDirection;
   float adjacent = len1 + len2 * cos, opposite = len2 * sin(childAngle);
   float parentAngle =
               targetY * adjacent - targetX * opposite, targetX * adjacent + targetY * opposite);
   float rotation = (parentAngle - offset) * radDeg - parentRotation;
   if (rotation > 180) rotation -= 360;
   else if (rotation < -180) //
   rotation += 360;
   parent.rotationIK = parentRotation + rotation * alpha;
   rotation = (childAngle + offset) * radDeg - childRotation;
   if (rotation > 180) rotation -= 360;
   else if (rotation < -180) //
   rotation += 360;
   child.rotationIK =
       childRotation + (rotation + parent.worldRotation - child.parent.worldRotation) * alpha;
Example #2
  * Adjusts the bone rotation so the tip is as close to the target position as possible. The target
  * is specified in the world coordinate system.
 public static void apply(Bone bone, float targetX, float targetY, float alpha) {
   float parentRotation =
       (!bone.data.inheritRotation || bone.parent == null) ? 0 : bone.parent.worldRotation;
   float rotation = bone.rotation;
   float rotationIK =
       (float) Math.atan2(targetY - bone.worldY, targetX - bone.worldX) * radDeg - parentRotation;
   bone.rotationIK = rotation + (rotationIK - rotation) * alpha;