   * Example of clicking a button where the 1st first click does not work (possibly due to the page
   * not blocking correct) and you want to attempt additional tries. Also, example of how to use the
   * GenericFields class.
   * @return some page object
  public SampleDateWidget clickForgotPassword() {
    int poll = getPollInterval();
    int flakyTimeout = poll * getRetries();
    FlakinessChecks flaky = new FlakinessChecks(driver, flakyTimeout, poll);

    int retries = 1; // This could be set to any value. Also, it could be page specific.
    int count = 0;
    while (count <= retries) {
      if (count > 0) Logs.log.warn("Retry (#" + count + ") ...");

      boolean result = flaky.isElementRemoved(sLoc_ForgotPassword);
      if (result) return new SampleDateWidget(driver);


        "Clicking "
            + sLog_ForgotPassword
            + " was not successful after "
            + retries
            + " retries as the element was not removed");
    return null;
 public void executeRequest() {
   String response = WS_Util.toString(sendAndReceivePOST());
   if (isSuccessful(response)) {
     Logs.log.info("Request was successful");
     Logs.log.info("Tempature for ZIP (" + _ZIP + ") is " + _Temperature);
   } else Logs.logError("Request failed.  Response was following:  " + response);